HomeMy WebLinkAbout915519 ~¿ r n f'5?·3 \..r \..1' , State of Wyoming, County of Lincoln Prepared by: Dawn Trippe :BBDk of America 4161 Piedmont Pkwy., Greensboro, NC2741 0 Loan Number: 28249258 133 o When recorned:mail to: George M Nishi Jr RECEIVED 1/Zl/20D6 Bt 3:48 PM RECEIVING~ 915519 BOOK: 610 PAGE: S73 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 1791 Del Rio Dr 1(~mf'!1"er, VVY 831014205 Property Address: 1791 Del Rio Dr 1(~mM"er, WY 831014205 Satisfaction of Mortgage (( KNOW ALL MEN BY THF.~ PRESENTS, that NationsBa.nc Mortgage CorporationBBDk of America, N.A., .a èorporation fonne.d under the laws of the Thrite.d States of America .and doing business .at 4161 Pi~nmnnt Pkwy., Greensboro, NC 27410, the owner BD.d .holder of.a certain :mortgage ..deed :executed by George M Nishi Jr .and Marilyn X Nishi, lmsbImd.and wife to NATIONSBANC MORTGAGE CORP. 1 \ L\ ( ,# ~, ~ \ -" bearing the..dare of 06/01/1999, recorned:in Official Records on 06/08/1999 :in BooklVolume431 BD.d262 - BD.d 859138 ,m the Office of the Recorder ofL1ncoln COlDlty, State of Wyoming, securing certain.note:in the principal sum of $55;250.00 Dollars,.and certain promises .and obligations set forth m said :mortgage ..deed, upon the property situated :in said State .and County, .hereby acknowledges :full payment.and .satisfaction of said .note .and :mortgage ..deed, BD.d surrenders the same .as cancelled .and l1ereby .directs the County Recorder to .cancel, release.and .discharge the same of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said corpomtion .has L:aUSed these presents to executed m its :name by its proper officers thereunto Duly.authorized on 01112L2006, .BBDk of Am,.,ncâ, N..A. sucœssor by merger to BA Mortgage, TIC.as sucœssor:in .iDteTest by merger of ~M_ Cmpœ>rion By. ~/1 J~ /1 ~ Vice President STATE OF North Carolina COUNTY OF Guilford The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by Stephanie Moser, Vice President on 01/12L2006. WITNESS my.hand.and official seal m the County .and State last .aforesaid. S :my .and official seal. Notary Public , Commission Expires: "..n......._ I' -.. ~~~~:\\ Þ. DO1\! ~~ ..... ~~ ....... 1Jr.A ~#. ~.~ . ~M '. -7 .., $Q~ ..-ë,o . ê..¡-,.;.. (;) '\ .. . OT ... i 0:: : ~ A, Iy)- .~~ i -æ : ~.~ :~æ - . . - - .,l:) .. \~..~. UBLlC .. I .. 0 . v+. ~... "" ~n··..'£ 23, 'It)~..'~ A~ 1IJ.~u~ .......~~ '\ "t¡' ~##. Ii COUN \:~.... ...··..II.......~ f:m;~:::i:::~~::¡:¡:~ tiillill~i~:!:~¡