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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Jenkins Building Supply. Claimant herein, at the request of
Aspen View Contractors, Mr. Steve Pierson, Brett C. and Teresa Anderson
did on the 10th day of December, 2004, begin to sell, furnish and deliver building materials to them and
at their request did continue to sell, furnish and deliver building materials to them until the 9th day of
January, 2006, which was the last day on which said materials were so sold, furnished, and
delivered, to be used for the construction of a new house, upon the following described lands, to wit:
A tract of land lying in and being a portion oflhe SW1/4SE1/4 of Section4,T36N R119W of the 6th P.M., UncoIn County, Wyoming and being more
particularty described as follows: Beginning at a poinI1945.10 ft. N 8!r 42"16'" W and 980.87 ft. NOOh from the Southeast comer of said Seclion 4 and
running thence North 343.2 ft. to a point in the norlh line of said SWt/4SE1/4; thence S 8!r 54'Or E, along said North line, 330.0 ft.; thence south 343.2
ft.; thence N 89' 54'Or W, 330.0 II. to the point of beginnifIg. TOG£THER WITH the right of access as provided mlnstrument recoreded Oct. 24, 1995
in Book 375PR on page 148 of the records of the UncoInCounty CIeI1t. TOGETHER WITH the right of access as provided in Instrument recorded
Oct. 18, 1996 in Book 389PR on page 499 of the records of the Lincoln CounIy CIeI1t. SUBJECT.~. to aD reservations, restñctions, protective
covenants, exceptions, easements and ñghts-of-way of record. in sight. or in use.
in the County of Lincoln State of Wyoming.
The building materials so sold, furnished and delivered were used in the construction and/or alteration
ana repair OT me DUllalng{s) ana Improvement{s) aoove mentJonea.
The name(s) of the owner(s) of the lands. building(s) and improvement(s) to be charged with the lien
is/are: Aspen View Contractors. Mr. Steve Pierson, Brett C. & Teresa Anderson.
The building materials so sold, furnished and delivered amounted in value to the sum of fifty eight
thousand two hundred ninety six & .60 dollarS ($ 58,296.60), and no part of this amount has been
paid and there are no just credits or offsets except fifty thousand fifty one and .41 dollars
($50,051.41 ).
There is a balance due and unpaid for such materials to this claimant over and above all just credits
and offsets of eight thousand two hundred forty five and .1,9 dollars ($8245.19), for
which last named sum JENKINS BUILDING SUPPLY claims a lien upon the said newly constructed
house and the lands above descñbed.
State of yoming - County of Uncoln
Berk Buttars - General Manager
ing, the 26th day of January, 2006.
Being first duly S1NOm upon oath deposes and says: lhat he Is an agent of Jenkins Building Supply,
" d make this veñfication for and on its behalf; that he has read Ihe foregoing
th ntents thereof and believes the same 10 be Irue and just.
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Notary Pub' Residing at:
State of Wyoming and County of UncoIn.
On this the 26th day of January, 2006, before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for the said
State, appeared Mr. Berk Buttars, known to me to be the General Manager of the business that
executed the instrument, or the person who executed the instrument on behalf of said business;
and a busi ess
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My Com"'" ExpIree March 13, 2008