HomeMy WebLinkAbout915583 '" :.·00851 " ">d.' RECEIVED 1/3012006 at 1:02 PM RECEIVING # 915583 BOOK: 610 PAGE: 851 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ------- - ~- Document Prepared by: Elizabeth Brooks When recorded return to: US Bank Home Mortgage P.O. Box 20005 . -Öwensborò, Iff 42304 Release Department This space for Recorder's use only Loan #: 8250140377 Investor Loan #: 8250140377 Pool #: PINrrax ill #: Property Address: 66 4TH ST· GROVER, WY 83122- WYMRSD3-4 04/18/03 .....-..--,..---., ----~,--- MORTGAGE RELEASE, SATISFACTION, AND DISCHARGE IN CONSIDERATION of the payment and full satisfaction of all indebtedness secured by that certain Mortgage described below. US BANK, NA, NDwhose address is 4801 FREDERICA STREET, OWENSBORO, KY 42301eingthe present legal owner of said indebtedness and thereby entitled and authorized to receive said payment, does hereby release. satisfY, and discharge said Mortgage in full and does hereby consentthat'the .same be. canceled and discharged of record. Original Mortgagor(s): JEFFREY J SIMS AND MARTHA D SIMS, HUSBAND AND WIFE , . Original MortgJge~: US BANJ{, NA. ND ;, .." : . , L~!m ~~unt: "$51.600.(iO' - ", ... DateofMoitga~e: '07í3U/2Ó04·' Date Recorded: 08/02/2004 ,,yolµme:l.563;, Page: 630 Instrument Number: 901584 Legal Description: LOT 6 OF GROVER TOWNSITE BLOCK 8 SECOND FILING, LINCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING AS DESCRIBED PLAT FILED JUNE 18,2003 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 890923 OF OF THE RECORDS OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. . " :' .' ~l and recorded in the records of LINCOLN County, State of WyomIng affecting Real Property and more particularly described on said Mortgage referred to herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the undersigned has caused these presents to be execut ¡Jd~~ Witness: Carla McPherson Pamela L. Johnson Vice President R.b.¡{µ2 k44 AssIstant Vice President ,. :t'. State ofKY;,; .' . " ¡'·;¡....f. '.:P; ~ .¡.~. , ~',' : .' .; ,~ "I. . ,; .. . ~ '. ..... '''\i. '~,' ',; ',':.' ,: . . County qfDA VIESS <- . ~'!,,' ,~. ".-' -:f ..- . .,', f '011. tJ¡is 49,te of ìhsi2006, before me, the undersigned authority.· a Notary.Public dulytÓmÎi1issioned, qualified and acting within and forthe'afò,..emeptioned State. personally appeared the within named Pamela L. Johnson and Robert Mueller, known to me (or identified to me OIi ihebasisof satisfactory evi~ence) that they are the Vice President and Assistant Vice President respectively of US BANK, NÁ; ND: and w~re duly a~thorized in their respective capacities to execute the foregoing instrument for and in the name and on behalf ot'sàid corporation, and that said corporation executed the same, and further stated and acknowledged that they had so signed, executed .and delivered said instrument for the consideration. uses and purposes therein mentioned and set forth. '....... -.-' Notary Public: Cr ig Fort . _ . _MyCommissiûn Expires'"t 05/05/2007 ---~._-- ~m¡M¡ffim1!¡¡j+t.r"