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RECEIVJNG =# 915630
BOOK: 611 PAGE: 107
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Warranty Deed
Redd Brothers, LC
A Utah Jimited JiabiJity company
Grantor, ior and in ~onsideration ofTEN ($10.00) DOLLARS and other Good and
Valuable Considerations in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged,
CKJAG Properties, liC
A FJorida Jimited JiabiJity company
Grantee, whose mailing address is 1703 SW Boatswain Place, Palm City, FL
34990, íhe following described real estate situate in Lincoln County and State of
Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of íhe
homestead -exemption Jaws of íhe State ie-wit:
A portion of íhe Redd Brothers property, as referred 10 in 1he Deed recorded in Book
579PR, on Page 703, with 1he Offic-e of 1he clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within
GLO l.ot 6, and 1he SW114SE114 of section 4, and 1he N1/2 of GLO l.ot 1, and1he N1/2
of 1he NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 9, all in T34N, R119W.of 1he 6th P.M., .Lincoln County,
Wyoming, 1he metes and bounds being mor-e particularly described as follows:
BEGINNING at.a Point in 1he East line of Section 27, T5S, R46E, of 1he Boise Meridian,
Caribou County, Idaho, being 1he Paul N. Scherbel RLS 164, 1980 location for 1he
Southwest Comer of said .Lot 6;
1hence NOD34'54''E, 1:1Iong said East line, 1.317.17 feet 10 1he .Lloyd B. Bak-er PElLS698,
2000 10cationfor1he Southwest Comer of GLO.Lot5, of said Section 4;
1hence S89D26'08''E, along 1he South line Df said GLO.Lot 5, Bnd 1he South line Df1he
NW114SE1/4 of said Section 4, 1,635.87 feet 10 1he Northwest comer of l.ot 1 of 1he
Freedom Ridge Subdivision, recorded with Instrument No. 883934, on Plat 7B-A, with
3aid Offic-e;
1henœ SOOD.34'54'W, Blong 1he West line of said .Lot 1, 1he West line Df 1he Blaine .L.
Redd property, BS Teferred 10 in 1he Deed recorded in Book 579PR, on Page 701, with
said Office, and 1he West line of l.ot 4 of said Subdivision 1.079.83 feet 10 a PDint in said
West Hne of saidl.ot4;
1henc-e S61 D41'D4"W, x:ontinuing along said West line, 227 .36 feet;
1hence SODE, x:ontinuing along said West line, 241.68 feet 10 a Point in 1he South line of
3aid Redd Brothers property;
1hence N89D23'54'W, Blong said South line, 1,440.00 feet 10 a Point in said East line of
said Section Z7;
1hence NOD57'D4''E, Blong said East line, 113.21 feet, 10 1he PDint Df Beginning,
x:ontaining 52.39± Acres of land.
GRANTING Bnd RESERVING THEREFROM: Freedom Ridge Road, as shown on said
Freedom Ridge Subdivision Plat.
TOGETHER WITH Bnd SUBJECT "TO: All Easements, Exc-eptions, Reservations,
Restrictions, Rights-of-Way and Improvements of sight and Dr record.
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WITNESS our hand fuis Way of (_JM .
Redd Brothers, LC
~ Frank RBdd, Member
State of Utah )
111nf/ý)(\ ) ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a notary public in and
for said County and State, by Redd Brothers, LC, a Utah limited liability
c0Çjffi.: by .Lance H. Redd and K. Frank Redd, Members,1his 81cJbdayof
\.. ,2006. .
Witness my hand and Dfficial seal.
My Commission Expires:~ 151 (){