HomeMy WebLinkAbout915662 ('(\""92 vvUl. WARRANTY DEED KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, that CHARLES E. WADE and BETTY G. WAGE, husband and wife, as tenants by the entireties, of P.O. Box 1363, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, GRANTORS, for and in consideration ofTEN DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, hereby CONVEY AND WARRANT to CHARLES EDWARD WADE and BETTY G. WADE, as TRUSTEES of the WADE LIVING TRUST dated the 10th of January, 2006, and any amendments thereto, c/o P.O. Box 1363, Thayne, Wyoming 83127, and their Successor Trustee(s) and assigns, GRANTEES, the following described real property, situate in the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming, hereby waiving and releasing all rights under and by virtue of the homestead exemption laws of the State of Wyoming, to wit: See "DESCRIPTION FOR STRAWBERRY HILLS, LLC PARCEL B", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. Including and together with all and singular tenements, hereditaments, appurtenances, and improvenients thereon or thereunto belonging. 7? '-o.J' (1 p Subject to all covenants, conditions, restrictions, reservations, rights-of-way, and easements of sight and/or of record. WITNESS our hands this 25th day of January, 2006. _J 77 £) j,) j" \L-f ~;)~&cæ C A -ES E. WADE !~.~tf~h- RECEIVED 2/1/2006 at 11 :33 AM RECEIVING # 915662 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 192 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY STATE OF WYOMING ) ) SS. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) - ._--_.~-_._- ACKNOWLEDGED before me by Charles E. Wade and Betty G. Wade this 25th day of January, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M. KEVIN VOYLES - NOTARY PUBLIC County of ttl\ State of Lincoln .. Wyoming My Commission Expires July 16, 2007 My Commission expires: 07 II, /07 I ' .,,~ ~:,.; . ".: : "....,.'" ,;,- '. . ~ -i"i;I;r.I:·~;:~~f~thl~I:;':';I;>,¡1l\1i~~~¡~:t..~:·:-.'j"¡¡h!qç.~,~·;~~¡"~';..~'. ;';~:".~ '.' '; ,~~! f '!-S;~~~':i S.r.-'·,';:;i-tL'';'~''.Ç~·:';.'.£I~';J: ~;.!~~I<.\: ì . ¡ .' -;~"':f1-';:..:'" ·-~li~~l!t!~1;!?-t}~. ~,"'¡ ;:'''!-¡¡'':'F :".¡: :;'~'}·;¡:"~'';~I~ -r; .;_.: '!:: ',.', ';: 00,·, ~-'~6'~ .::::i.I~-.JiU ~ rlQlllIIðn&I LIn¡f lurv,pIt Paul N. 1GNttI.t Wya, A'~'''d.. No. '" Id.n. ".øWt.b H9. 18.. ~ R. IOt.... No. '.7, NaI...Rophlloollo, _ 'PnA.a~ \'I¡'o.A.QIo_No.3D11 _"oiII.._No."lil VI.. "" lOt""'" No. '1Im w.doW. A. au...w ~. ".....don 1'11111. a:r" BIW.,.. _Ib'¡' LTD. ......~..... 1iIi,....·'.WrINllIng ~:=~=iI... Mbø....tltl. fi'll'lo .. ~ ';:~~.!~.:'.;~"I';'-. ;...\:Jt¡!; ··0.'.'...·. ·.··,·:·;·¡~'.';·:·;·:·¡,.'i_.'· O~b8625 Exhibit "A" r 3 ·'1 DESCRIPTION FOR .(')1"\ .. 9 3 l. U I.. 1. STRAWBERRY HILLS, LLC PARCEL B To-wit; - - All of Parcel B as shown on Plat No. 267-A fùed jn the Office of the Clerk of Lhicoln County titled, "PLAT TO ACCOMPANY PARCEL DIVISION APPLICATION FOR STRA \\t13ERR Y HILLS, LLC PARCELS A AND B WITHIN OLO LOTS 4, 5 AND 6 SECTION 6 T33N R118W AND PART OF NBV.SEY. SECTION 1, T33N R119W LlNCOLN COUNTY, WYOMING", dated August 2000 and revised 6 September 2000; ENCOMPASSING an area of20.00 acres, more or less; " RESERVING unto. the Grantors, their heirs, successors and assigns a right of ingress and egress and utilities over, under, and across that part of StrawbelTY HHls Drive as depicted on said plat, lying within the bounds of said Parcel B; TOGETIœR with a right of h1sress and egress and utilities oYer, under and across said Strawberry Hills Drive; AND, TOO ETHER with a rigbt of ingress and egress along that common access of record in said 0!11ce in Book 150 of Photostatic Record on page 694 and crossing part of Section 31, T34N, R118W; said common access being enlarged herewith [0 sixty (60) feet, thirty (30) feet each side of tho centerline and jncluding utilities for that part of said coinrnon accoss crossing OLO Lot 4 of said Section 6; AND, ' 1 'I :1 I ' I I - i ~"".~~~.I,~.;;~,:; I I ~':;¿~i:::; . ¡ '> ~"":l~'~'"()'1 ~Jì()J .JT'" I. ...l) c:: f7 qCHA;" h::1 °l.ll-4r E'd 8ES'ON