HomeMy WebLinkAbout915734 .. Bli31/2ßÐ& 19: 45 3ß7BB3Ba4B PAGE D4 ¡V L--""" "n0451 File No.: 5 1414 (01) NAWe: Adåreu: Jon J. SUB.SblJI'g PO Box 874 'Wilson, WY 83014 RECEIVED .213/2006 at 10:20 AM RECEIVING# 915734 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 451 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WHEN RECORDED RETUR."l TO: WARRANTY DEED (lDdivldual Form) Stephen P.l.eollal'd, Juíngle man GRANTOR(S) ofLiDcoln COWlty, State ofWyominB. CONVEY(S) AND WARRANT(S) to Jon J. Strasburg and Jennifer A. Strasburg,nusband and wife, lIS 1CruU1ts by the entireties GRAN'IEE(S), w.hose.address is POBox 874. Wilson. W!).' 83014 for tTh: SlIJU ofTen Dollilrs and oilier Bood JUld vß.1uable consideration, the follo'\'ring described real estati:, situate in Lincoln County, State of VI:yoming, hereby releasing find waivin.g aU rights under JU1d by .irtue of the Homestea.d Exemption Laws of the State. to-wit: 1.01131 ofNordíc Rancl1esDivision No. 9,Lincoln County, Wyomin~, ilccording teo that plAt:filed October4.2000æ Plat No. 312-B. Subject to n:SCTVJl1Ìons JU1d ~striction5 contained in the United Swes P.uent j¡ßd to easements and tights-of-'WlIY of record or in U~. Together wiÙl.alllmprovementsJlnd;appurte1Uiß".e-.s thereon. WITNESS, the hand of said gramor(S)1hi5~ 'ofFebn.taI)',2006, ~/1 0'-/4 I /:Lo~ & r:fi' STATE OF COUNTY OF ~ The foregoing mstrwT1ent was .admowle-dged before me ihis ./ J. T day of Fer-mal)', 2006, by Sæphen Pl.wnard the .signer of the within inmument. who duly .acknowledged to me that he: ~xecuted the same. W . SS !\'1Y HAND AND OmCIAL SEAL. r- Jr------- -- -- ------- ---- "H, } ~. .-.: +, OFFICIAL SEAL ..-' :' -;. ìHOMASJ.BURNS = ~ ..: . NOTARY PUBUC.CALIFORNIA~ ~ . COMM. NO. 1495413 _ SAN DIEGO COUNTY MY COMM.EXP. JUNE 18.2008 l'ïk Nu....." S \4 \4 ¡'./ldìitlc Compony w~' DcuI- (lndivi<Woll 9.... of I ¡¡¡::r&;~~~:·:;:1 ~~~!~:~ \.