HomeMy WebLinkAbout915746 COC484 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT 'i6929605 Prepared By: Diligenz, Inc. 6500 Harbour Heights Pkwy, Suite 400 Mukilteo. WA 98275 I RECEIVED 2/3/2006 at 1 :50 PM RECEIVING # 915746 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 484 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY L Filed In: Wyoming Lincol~ 1 a. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FilE II 879820, Book 485, Page 756 THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FILING OFFICE USE ONLY 1b. Thi. FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT i. v to ba filad [for racord) (or recordad) in tha ,. REAL ESTATE RECORDS. TERMINATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above is telminated with respect to security interest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Termination Statement 3/21/2002 2. 3. CONTINUATION: Effectiveness of the Financing Statement identified above with respect to security ¡ntorest(s) of the Secured Party authorizing this Continuation Statement is continued for tha additional period provided by applicable law. 4. ASSIGNMENT (full or partial): Give name of a..ignee in item 7e or 7b and addre.. of a..ignee in item 7c: and also give name of a..ignor in item 9. 5. AMENDMENT (PARTY INFORMA nON): This Amendment affects Debtor Q1 Secured Party of record. Check only A of the.e two boxe.. Also check .QDC of the fOllowing three boxes I.wI provide appropriate information in items. 6 and/or 7. CHANGE name andloraddress: Please refertothe detailed instructions DELËTE name: Give record name ADD name: Complete item 7,. or 7b, and also item 7c; inre ardstochan in thename/addressota a , to be deleted in item 6a or 6b. alsocom leteitems7e.7 ifa licabre, 6. CURRENT RECORD INFORMATION: . 6a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME Northern Food and Dairy, Inc. OR 6b. INDIVIDUAL'S lAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7. CHANGED (NEW) OR ADDED INFORMATION: 7a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME SunOpta Ingredients Inc. OR 7b. INDIVIDUAL'S lAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 7c. MAILING ADDRESS 25 Wiggins Avenue CITY Bedford STATE MA POSTAL CODE 01730 COUNTRY USA 7d. SEE INSTRUCTIONS 78. TYPE OF ORGANIZATION Corporation 1f. JURISDICTION OF ORGANIZATION Delaware 7g. ORGANIZATIONAL 10 II, if any DE2260992 NONE 8. AMENDMENT (COLLATERAL CHANGE): check only ~ box. Describe collateral 0 deleted or 0 added, or give entire o restated collateral description, or describe collateral 0 assigned, '? / ) V \J ~ (11 . r /,"P ,') L./' 9. NAME OF SECURED PARTY OF RECORD AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT (name of a.signor, Wthis i. an As.ignment). If this isan Amendment authorized by a Dablor which add. collateral or adds the authorizing Debtor, or if thl. is a Termination authorized by a Debtor, check here and enler name of DEBTOR authorizing thl. Amendment 9a. ORGANIZATION'S NAME HARRIS NA OR 9b. INDIVIDUAL'S lAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SUFFIX 10.0PTIONAl FilER REFERENCE DATA 1550193 ADDT'L PAGES: 1 16929605 FILING OFFICE COPY - UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT (FORM UCC3) (REV. 05122/02) 091.5746 00('485 UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM FOllOW INSTRUCTIONS fronl and back CAREFUllY 11. INITIAL FINANCING STATEMENT FilE # (..me.. l\em 1e on Amendment fonn) 879820, Book 485, Page 756 3/21/2002 12. NAME OF PARTY AUTHORIZING THIS AMENDMENT lame ..I\em 9 on Amendment fonn 1:ão. ORGANIZATION'S NAME HARRIS N.A. OR 12b.INDIVIDUAl'S lAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME.5UFFI 13. Use this space for additional Information THE ABOVE SPACE IS FOR FiliNG OFFICE USE ONLY Debtor: SunOpta Ingredients Inc. Legal Description: Part of Section 25, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point which is 1475 feet West and 200 feet North of the E1/4 comer of said Section 25, and running thence N 90 degrees W, 483.35 feet: thence N 0 degrees W, 250 feet; thence N 90 degrees E, 483.35 feet, thence S 0 degrees E, 250 feet to the point of beginning. Record Owner: Debtor. FiliNG OFFICE COPY - NATIONAL UCC FINANCING STATEMENT AMENDMENT ADDENDUM (FORM UCC3Ad) (REV. 07/29198)