HomeMy WebLinkAbout915748 {'\!ìL193 \} t: :.: KNOW ALL MEN .ÐYTHESEPRESENTS, That J?IRST NATIo.NAL :BANK - llliST a corporation, ol the County 01 ì.;-nr-ol-n , .and State 01 1'O'mn;-ng .MAY , does hereby A.D. 2o.~, m.ade and executed by certify th.at a certain mortgage, bearing rlate the 29TH day nf JOSH BIELD & DAN ]I. BIELD as mortgagOf-. to li'-ÍTF:t "Nan anal "Bank-1ò1est as mortgagee. conveying certain rül i!atate therein mentioned as tlecurity lor the payment of S 32,146.74 , .as therm 1Itated, which mortgage was recorded in the Dffice ol the County Clerk J1J1d Ex-Officio Register Df Deeds of LINCo.LN County. Btate of Wyoming, on the 18TH day of JIINE ~o. 0.3. in Book :Z;? 1J. of Mortgages,.at page 40.0. . .and mortgaging the loll owing Describerl real estate in üid County . to-wit: '\' i~ l -ALL LANDS :DESr.RTlnm :IN .ABo.VE .sAID JID1ITGAGE. ¡ RECEIVED 2/3/2006 .at2:17 PM RECEIVING # 91574B BOOK: 611 PAGE: 493 JEANNE WAGNER ~ NC~~N ,COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY is. with a note Becur-erl thereby,.and the .aforementioned debt,lully~, utisIierl, released, .andilischarged.and in consider.ation thereof the Baid mortgagee does hereby release.and quitclaim unto the.uirl mortgagor the premises thereby conveyerl.and mortgagerl. lNWITNESSWHEREOF,the "li'-i.,..C::1"' -W:.nnn:.l 1\::n'''''' =1iTPc::1"' has CB.U5ed these Presents tODe signed by.its l\T:<I-n r-n -President: and its corporate seal to be .affixed, this 31ST day of JMmARY ,A.D. 20. 0.6. Signed, Sealed and Delivererl in ihe presence of :First :NaM nTÅ’ 1 Jmnk: ~es1: -:Jj~d;P'fY)fk(ld r.A~ ]3)' £r~/ X~,,~~ lts "Br:<lTlrn 1>residei1.1: Note: lf it ls110t desired to describe landa in space thereIor, insert the lolloWing: "All lands deacriberlin uid mortgage." On this 31ST :Ron Thmn:'F: I 115. THE 5TATE OF WYOMING, County of Lincoln dRY of JA1illARY , 2,0 0.6 ,befori! me personally appeared to me personally known, who. being by me.duly aworn,.did uy thatheis the 'First }la1"'; OTl:.l :Bank: ~es1: l\T:'Tlr-n Eresiden:t of ,md tho I the seal .affixed to uid illBtrumentia the corporate seal 01 said corporatiou, and thahaid .instrumen twas signerland sealed on behalf of said corporation Cashier .. by Jluthority ol its Board of Directors and.sairl Jlcknowledged .said instrument to be the lree act.and deerl of .said corporation. Given lÙuier my hand .and Dotarial5eal this :: /: '~'31ST Lincoln dRY of JANUARY , A.D2o.~. My commission ~~ on th Notary Public. , A. D. ..2o.,..Qj, THE STATE OF WYOMING, County of This instrument was liled lor Ti!cord at ¡ fi. o·clo~., on the day of A. D. 19_..and duly recorded in .Ðook on Page County Clerk.and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds II N, ]3y }'i!es, S Deputy Clerk [::.::::,;.~~.:.;:] ';' J1.~I¡~! .1 '::, <:, ''', '~.' l¡'~<¡: _~.;~;"...;. ~:j::~:::t::::::::::¡ 1¡·,·11.116.....'.,.;¡ 1~~Ò~t f~j;:~~~}~m:miilmf~