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I, Lori McReynolds, being first duly sworn upon my oath depose and state as follows:
1. That I am a joint Trustee named in the Harry and Lori McReynolds Living
Trust dated December 7, 1995.
2. That on December 14, 7999 in Book 439PR on page 401 of records of Lincoln
County Clerk was recorded a Warranty Deed from Harry N. McReynolds to The Harry &
Lori McReynolds Irrevocable Truse Harry N. & Lori H. McReynolds Trustees conveying the
foJ/owing described land:
A portion of the NE~NEv.. of Section 24, T32N R119W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln
County, Wyoming, more specifically described as follows: .
Beginning at a point which lies S 0°06' E, 469.52 feet and S 87° 27' W, 50.05 feet
from the northeast corner of said Section, said point located on the west right of way
line of U.S. Highway 89 North, running 5 0°06' E, 427.43 feet, along said right of
w~y line;
thence 5 89 ° 54' W, 477.80 feet;
thence N2°18' ~ 399.76 feet;
thence N 87°21' E, 493.63 feet to the point of beginning.
3. The Warranty Deed conveying the property to the trust was not properly
defined as required by W.S. 34-2-722 (1977) in that the date of the Trust was not shown.
The date of the Trust is December 7, 7995.
Dated this . /rf/¡ day of January, 2006.
'i¡J1A" rnef(~
Lori McReynolds
. State of Wyoming )
County of Lincoln )
I, Lori McReynolds, do solemnly swear that I have read the foregoing Affidavit
subscribed by me; that I know the contents thereof and verily believe the statements therein
contained are true.
;j~' meR~
Lori McReynolds
The foregoing Instrument was subscribed and SWorn before me by Lori McReynolds
this 11M day of January, 2006. '
Witness my hand and official seal.
County of State of
Lincol~. . ", W~~ins 1
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. . oeary Public
RECEIVED 2/3/2006 at 4:21 PM
RECEIVING # 915754
BOOK: 611 PAGE: 524
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