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J.q'-3-2ilE5 -13:~~ -Rt1THi D!.JHL]ï'r' 'REAl.T¡, 1 3Ø7 1377 m('llJ r1"'\eæS53 :... -:....: '. ,~' }.... .\.... CORPORATJON WARRANTY DEED THIS JNDENTURE .is made 1he ,:j¡:>T .day ofJAJ . 2DD6, by Bnd between KHF B1dJdeæt Inc.t Ji Wyomin,g t:otporatíon, the Gæntor, Bnd Michael W. Hutçhison Jlnd Melh5sa D. Hutchison, husband and wife. 41S:to 3n uruUvmrllh interast,4nd K1rthAñæ Ann RnbbJns, as to an undivided % intarut, whaseBddreBs is: PDBDx3376, Atplœ, V'JY £3128 ,-me Gæmae; Thai -the yœntor. for End in amsidemtion Df the sum Df TEN ($1D..DD) DOLLARS .and ntber good Bnd valuable t:onsldeJ'2tion in hand :paid, ihs œœipt wher-eof is hereby acknowJedgerl,.dœs, by these præents, f]rant, ba~, sell, CONVEY AND WARRANT 1JT1!O 1he Aaid 9~, .all ~1 œrtail1 iract. Jet piece, Bnd parœl Df land siíuaíed jn 1he C.cun1y Df Lincoln. Btare of Wyoming, BOO moœparticularly rlesailiedB.S: LDt 112 in Emf Valley Ranch P1Bt21 , .Lincoln County, Wyornina BS Described Dr! me Dfficiitl ptat "thereof. togefuer with £III buildings, improvements J:md ~tíenanœs thereon situate or in .anywiss EppsrtaininI; 1heœto SUBJECT, HOWEVER, 10 ;all rseTVations, r£!síridions, 1!xœpfions, -æsements .Bnd rightsDf WBY Df æccr!1, Df 5ight Dr inJ.JSB. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1tæ Grmrtor tms ::a.usm! ihese presents 10 be .signed by tts DlJly mrthoriz.ed Dffiœr,1he day Bnd yeariirst BboV€ written. ~ KHF BJJIJders, inc. a WyomiflÐ ~r.ation -~~~ - - Y: 1'r.iDk Krachik President ~. Etate 1)f !ú 'J (') /h ¡' 11 j LDunty D1 I- I /J &'J/¿-L ) ) $. } RECEIVED 2I3L2DD6.Bt4:31 PM RECEIVJNG:# 915769 .BOOK: ß11 PAGE: 553 ~NNE WAGNER .LINCOLN COUNTY .c.ŒRK, KEMMERER, WY On mis 3/ !Jay Df"Jó ¡1aCt rj ,.2006..befuœms ~~naily B~raj Fænk Kmchik, who, beingi>y rœ rllJly sworn, did say1tlBt he 15 the PmBirlsTTt Df KHf ÐuiJdeæ, Inc.,13 Wyamin1J mtpDIBiÏrm. iind 1hat.5akJ instrument WBS signed Dr¡ behalf Df .said .corpomtJon 1Jnd is íh€iræ act.1;lnd Demj Dfsaid I:Dr.pmstion Witness my hand Bnd Dffiz:iBl seal. /'lL2Lt d4:i ¿;'H¿Ú-iA /;A- NDtary Fublic My .commission Expires: .5 -,- ~ - a? CLAUDIA ANDERSON - NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTY OF &\ STAll OF LINCOLN .. WYOMING f,;y COMMISSIONIXPJRES MAY 25.20D6 IN-HL.. -P. 132 ~imf¡;m~!¡!~~~::I