HomeMy WebLinkAbout915773 ~:~ ;~;m~;~i~~~~~~¡~: r57~ Recording Requested By: KAìRlNA NAGEL When Recorded Return To: RECEIVED 2/S/2006 at 10:34 AM RECEIVING:# 915773 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 571 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY KAìRlNA NAGEL AURo.RALo.AN SERVICES INC. 6015T-H AVE SCo.TTSBWFF, NE 69361- CORPORATE ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE .l.IncoJn, Wyoming 5E.LI.ER·S SERVJCING#:0D31645708 "MAKI" JNVESTDR·Sl.DAN #: DOOOOOOOOO V /7, (!¡ j , I .MER5#: 100D25440002852579 VRU#: 1 (888) 679 6377 Date of Assignment: January 31st.2006 Assignor:l..E-HMAN BRo.THERS BANK, FSB at601 FIFT-H AVENUE, P.O. BOX4000, SCo.TTSBLUFF, NE 69361 Assignee: Mo.RTGAGEElECTRONIC REGISTRATIo.N SYSTEMS, INC A DELAWARE CORPORATION at 1595 SPRING -H1LL RD, SUIlE 310, VIENNA, VA 22182 Executed By: ALAN W MAKI AND ANN W MAKI ,-HUSBAND AND WIÆ To: BANK OF JACKSo.N -HOLE Date of Mortgage: 11/11/2005Recorded: 11/1712005 in BooklReel/lJber: 605PagelFolio: 95as Instrument No.: 913770 In .Lincoln, Wyoming Ú\ Property Address: 588 MCNEEL Ro.AD, ALPINE, WY 83128 KNo.W ALl MEN BYTtfESE PRESENTS that in consideration of the sum ofTEN and NO/1 OOths DOllARS and other good and valuable consideration, paid to the Bbove named Assignor, the n~c.eipt and sufficiency of which is heriiliy acknowledged, the said Assignor hereby BSsigns .unto the above-named Assignee, the said Mortgage 10gether with the Note or other evidence of indebtedness (the "Note"), said Note having an original principal sum of $1.,230,000.00 with interest, secured thereby, together with all moneys now owing or that may hereafter become due or owing in respect thereof, and the full benefit of all the powers and of BII the covenants Bnd provisos therein .contained, Bnd the said Assignor hereby grants and conveys .unto the said Assignee, the Assignor's beneficial in1er.est .under the Mortgage. 10 HAVE AND TO. -HOlD the said Mortgage Bnd Note, Bnd .also the said property .unto 1he said Assignee forever, subject 10 the terms contained in said Mortgage and Note. STATE OF Nebraska Co.UNTY OF ScottsBluff ON January 31st,2006, before me, KAìRlNA C. NAGEL, B Notary P.ublic in and forthe Co.unty of Scotts Bluff County, State of Nebraska, personally Bppeared Krista Gingrich, Assistant Vic~resident, personally known 10 me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are subscribed to the within instr.ument and Bcknowledged to me that he/shelthey executed the' same in his/herltheir authorized capacity. Bnd that by his erltheir signature on the instr.ument1he person(s), oríhe .entity .upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, execute t e instrument. GENERAL NOTÞ.RY - State 01 Nebraska KATRINA C. NAGEL My Comm, Ðq).Þ.ug. 10, 2007 (This aræ for notarial seal) ~KCN*KCNAlSI'011311200611:53:41 AM' ALSI04AlSIADOOOOOOOOOOO000252163' WYl.JNCO· 0031645706 WYSTAìE_MORT_ASSIGN_ASSN -KCNAlSI' -"