HomeMy WebLinkAbout915777 7~ .'i' '/ "" --'J j . ".:¡~~ :~7r:r..:... ,.......,"'.c.~i;:~;. ·.;.~.:.·I~·..~·.".C.~~:,¡: Î..: ' ",~..!!!::'*",....:1.'!W,;·'I: ~ :.':.F_,¡,.Ä;.."" ."!." ":'; ..~ ~;... . ¡-r" .;, ".;. .t·...;. or,'. ·i·I~.~:~';·:': 'J':I~';' ;";,:; '-"''IJ'i'''ó''.~i., __ UAR-3~-·Whe~· ~~~~rd':Jrrteturn to: Richmond M!woeGroup PO Box 458' Decision 1 Kimberling City, MO 65686 i ¡~ "" ¡, Reêording Requested By: ~jchm.ond ~ónr~e Ero~p_:__ _ _._ Loan Number 2200050262430 : RECEIVED 2/6/2006 at 10·:50-ÁM '" - ... ,... ~ 6 RECEIVING # 915777 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 576 JEANNE WAGNER . LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, wy - - - - ------------...;.- -.. Space Above tor Recorder'S Ule CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR VALUE RECBNBD, the undersigned hereby &rant!ì, assigns, and transfers to: Morteage Electronic :Re stratton S stems Inc. its successors And sssl P.O. ~ 2026 Flint MI 48501-2026 all beneficial interest under that certain Mortgage Dated: FEBRUARY 22, 2005' Executed by: BOB A. HOKANSON, Mort¡:agor. to: FLEXPOINT FUNDING CORPORATION, Mort¡:agee, and recorded as Instrument No, 10/1'1/ íf ~ ,on 3 -4- ()~, , ,in Pock 5~ 0 ,Page ). :; ?- . of the official recorda of the Office, of the Q>w¡ty Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds in and for IJNCOLN County, WYOMING, describing the land therein as: SEE ATr4CHED SCHEDULE "All Together with the note therein described or referred to. the money due and to become due thereon with interest. and all ri~[S ac:crue~ or [0 accrue~er said Mongage. ~s (JrREOP. the under~~as executed thiS ASSignment on the ) day of r. .~ (SEAL) Attest: s.... of"""" ""'.... M""æ This.:3\) day ot \ ffi ' ',~ personally came before me, the underaigned Not Public.' ~19. who, being by me duly sworn, says thar. she knõws , -o-Of , CORPORATION, and is acquainted with . , who is the Vice Pre3ident of laid Limited Liability Q>mpany, and that she, , is the Asst. Secretary of the said Limited liability Company and saw the said -Vie egoing instrument, and saw the COmmon &ea1 of the said Linúted Liability Company affIXed to laid instrument by said Vice PresidClU and that she, the sail! Asst. Sc:crctaIy. signed her name in aucltation of the execution of laid instrUment in the presence of said Vice President of sai4 Limited Liability Company. Witness my band and official seal this daYOf~~ My commissIon c~ÏJes: 4- -\~ -lJo GMD 0550 (994) MIN: 100077910003476336 MERS Pbone: 1-888-679-6377 Ilmllllll 1111111[11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111/111/1111111 1IIIInl I ;¡,·é"rl:¡:¡oi¡~~'Î .I¡' l/.'. '¡\j',~ ¡I:~m~ ;t~l¡!~,~:mi¡¡m:ilišø ;:::,:~i:;:::::i~::~:;;; L~; )~.~;~~~~;;~ ¡~~T;~I;iililf~ '<-,'-'~', ; ,·:::.:2·,"·';·i.·¡li:oi'j..t¡.~'¡!,!l:!!!"':i!i~t:.~~~.ei'_I.nt¡.}\.io~r".:~",,'Ö;,: ;.l.'-,,;r';', !)::::~~~L_~:··;· ,,~;·;~~¡~.:,¿::·.:!:.'II;!;'~~æ;'.A~'.' . ", ···<;~;'.:.~~~J:'ir:~;~'£~¡:;.n~~1:':::-··:ì~·., '~'jd,:;::~~,;; ~Kr?~~~~1to.\.~~1..!f1i~:;;·~_::·¿¡~;j¿_i,""h .~, -:)!,!~.::~:,~,' f. . . r' ('\ ,..., r.: 1"1 7 '. .. ~ 0 t ,n't;'·"'1 C"....p-;7 'U.J4..~' ,. EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DISCRIPTION Thè land raerred to in this commitmént is situat~d in the Stare of Wyoming, County of Lincoln, and Is described as follows: Part of Se.ction 33, T32N R119W of the 6th P. M., Lincoln County I Wyoming, more particularly desc~ibed as follows: BEGINNING at the center of the West Side Road (Crow Creek Road) 463 feet South and 74 feet more or less West of the Northeast corner of SW~~ of aaict Sec~ion 33 and running thence West 254.13 feet; thence South 155 feet; thence East 280.13 feet, more or lese, to the Center of West Side Road; I thence Northwesterly along said center west Side Road ~5a feet, more or lass, to the porN'! OF BEGINNING. ALSO, part of S~ction 33, T32N.RU.9W of the 6th P.M., tíncoll1 County, Wyoming, 'more particu.larly desc:ribed a.s follows I BEGINNING 254.13 feet West of the center of the West Side Road (crow creek Ro~d), the said POINT OF BEGINN!NG also being 463 feet South and 328.13 feet West, mO:t"e or le.9s, from the Northeast corner of sWW'Œ~ of said Section 33 and running thence West 124.87 feet; thenoa North 60 feet; thence West 145 feet; thence south 215 feet; thðDce East 269.Ø7 feet; thence North 155 feet to the ~ÒI'NT OF BEGINNING.