HomeMy WebLinkAbout915785 ~ '~:~:mm~mmI}[j ~ C591 Recording Requested By: CenlarFSB When Recorded Return TO': RECEIVED 2/6/2006 at 11:20 AM RECEIVING# 915785 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 591 , JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY DOUGLAS SAULS P o BOX 341 THAYNE, WY 83127 IWlmlmJllmllJUlmml1 mJllOO JlJIllmJll1 Certificate of Discharae CenlarFSB1I:DD15141393 "SAULS" Lender JD:B52/1105106794 Lincoln, Wyoming MERS1I: 100135811051067946 VRU1I: 1-B88-679-6377 KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS 1hat MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC 'REGISTRATION SYSlEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR HOMESTAR MORTGAGE SERVICES, liC whase .address is 425 PHILLIPS BLVD, TRENTON, NJ D8628 halder of.a certain Martgage, whase parties, dates .and recarding informatian .are belaw, .does hereby .acknowledge that it has received full payment .and satisfactian of the same,.and in cansideration 1hereta, does hereby cancel.and discharge said Martgage. Original Martgagor: DOUGlAS KEITH SAULS Original Martgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSlEMS INC AS NOMINEE FOR tiOMESTAR MORTGAGE SERVICES, liC Dated: 11/0912004 Recarded: ,11/1212004 in BaakIReel/Liber: 572 P.agelFolia: 426.as Instrument Na.: 904547 in the Recards af the County Recorder of l.incaln Caunty, S1ate af Wyaming Property Address: 325 CEDAR DRIVE, THAYNE, WY B3127 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1he undersigned, by1he officer duly autharized, has duly executed 1hefaregaing instrument. q \, " ¿ y MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR tiOMESTAR MORTGAGE .SERVICES.liC On Februarv 2nd. 2006 STATE OF New Jersey COUNTY OF Mercer On February 2nd, 2006, befare me, SHERRYL A. KlEVENCE, .a Na1ary Public in and far Mercer in 1he S1ate af New Jersey, persanally appeared JOANNE MCGRATH, Second Vice President, persanally knawn 10 me (ar praved to' me on the basis of satisfactary evidence) to' be 1he persan(s) whase name(s) is/are subscribed 10 1he wi1hin instrument Bnd Bcknawledged to' me that he/sheltheyexeCLIted the same in his/herltheir Butharized capacity, Bnd 1hat by his/herltheir signature an 1he instrument the persan(s), or1he entity upan behalf af which the persan(s) .acted, exeCLlted the instrument. ~\\\\\\\\II"'l1llll #' :{\. A. kl J'/~ ~ h~ ........ 1:1/. ~ ~ /~""'(.... ..- -.. (C) ~ i§ ~... 0 T 1\ r-. .. 1.. ~ ~ """"'-. ""1 ry .. (i ~ :::C/;):~J-~f';''S ==*. . - :: : -0- : ~ § ~ ~ -0 .: ~ ~ \. ú 8 l- \ v.... ~hjs area iar na1arial seal) ~ 'V. . .. § ~ ~/A~Ø........ ~~ ~ ~/'v JERSv~\\~ ¡'111111II1II\\\\\\'\ 'SCP'SCPCENJ'JJ2JJJ2l2Q06 08:38:28 AM' CENJ01 CENJOOO00000000000000074' WYLINCO' 0015141393 WYST AìE_MORT_REl'SCP'SCPCENJ'