HomeMy WebLinkAbout915789 ~J )\ (I J ;') \ ( ) " '¡",..~."~";~--'.i.:!'--' ¡) '.', .-..----'---,... -'¡:¡-'·ï.ë.:ù~:C.I:I·.·_;. ._ . I, ',~,""...'. '; '.' , .. ·~"':_·c~;:¡;·.i1::õ...;~:.:. ~..1,~~t';·.L,t.. :____',,-,.,c: RECEIVED 2/612006 at 11 :40 AM RECEIVING # 915789 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 598 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY rf1("'J':'98 t..... \..~;. ~ ------ ----' --~ - Release of Mortgage Wells F.argo Bank, NA, f/k/11 Star V1illey S1ate Bank, Mortgagee under 11 certain mortgage dated March 18, 1992 , executed by William F. V ogt, 11.single man, iiled on March 30,1992, .in the records ofl.åncoln County, State of Wyoming, Book No. 308 PR on page(s) 335 No. 746000, does hereby certify 1hat the indebtedness secured thereby lUld :mentioned 1here-.in lIas been ::fully paid lIIld .satisfied lUld does .hereby release .and discharge 1Ùl of íhe r.eal ~e .mentiOnt~d :in 1he Martgage from 1heJien·lUld oper1ltion there-of. Wells :F.argo B1111k, NA f/k/11 Star V 1illey State Bank By: ~~d /S.~ J#B. Gleue Community lbnldng P.residentIVice P.resident STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OFLINCOLN ~,. ~wJ!t::,«Ige;I, befuremeonj~ZJZooIo by .ì1JrJ'ti D. d of WELLS FARGO .BANK, NA, on behalf of the 1lSBO on. My cCommi!'i:sion expires: q/dO/;;)OOq- I ,I ~~~ NOTARY PUBLIC OF WYOMING DONNA BOOTH . NOTARY PUBLIC COUNTYOF &\ STATE OF LINCOLN _ WYOMING MY COMMISSION EXPIRES SEPT. 20, 2007' ~:j::::::r:::::::i:*:~ ~:~:':f:':~~':i:'~