HomeMy WebLinkAbout915862 ,Œ~@i~f::~ 51346 (01) Lf\éJ r'onSr'7 ,~~ i' \) ,j AFFIDAVIT OF JUDY HENNESSY AND ARTHUR LEECH I', REGARDING WIND RIVER HERBS, INe. ",' STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) RECEIVED 2/8/2006 at 10:39 AM RECEIVING # 915863 BOOK: 611 PAGE: 837 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY WE, JUDY HENNESSY and ARTHUR LEECH, both being duly swomand under oath, hereby state as follows: 1, That on or about March 31,2000, we caused to be fonned within the State of Wyoming, pursuant to the laws of the State of Wyoming, a co¡poration known as "Wind River Herbs, Inc.", Said corporation was formed as a Wyoming Statutory Close Corporation. 2. That wind River Herbs, Inc.. became defunct as a Wyoming Statutory Close Corporation on April 27 , 2004, when the Wyoming Secretary of State declared said corporation to be administratively dissolved. 3. That during the period of time that Wind River Herbs, Inc. Existed as a Wyoming Statutory Close Corporation., we were the only persons to whom Wind River Herbs, Inc. Issued any Shares of stock in said corporation. Together, we owned 100% of the îssuedshares of stock of Wind River Herbs, Inc, 4. That since Wmd River Herbs, Inc. Was declared admini~atively disso\ved, we have not taken any action that has created in any other person any ownerslñp interest whatsoever in the assets of said corporation, including but not limited to the following described real property title in the name of Wind River Herbs, Inc. through a Warranty Deed that was recorded 668-~ vZO/vlO·d 89Z-l 9819-EEL-LOE ~UedWQJ 91~!l puel-~O~~ LZ:vl 90-IE-Nvr - .-." .-. .-, , .'~ . ,~ n n 8 r~ 8 . \.- \, .J (] <!....j.o;, .r-"'f."d.r- "'2. '-- ~ 4....~i \"J ~.9 on June 18 ,x<!X03n the land records of Lincoln County~ Wyoming, in Book 524 PR, at page 390 . as Instrument No- 89090L-, said property situate in the County of LjncoIn. State of WyomiDg) to-wit: Lot 2 Swú:nmíng Pool View Subdi'Vision, Lincoln County, Wyoming, according to that plat recorded November 19, 2003. as Plat No. 396F. Together with all and singular the improvements thereon or therunto appertaining. 5. That to the best of our knowledge, infunoatio}\ and belief: we, 'as the only sbareholder of Wind Rivet Herbs, Inc. Have the full and exclusive authority to convey good title to any and all of the assets of said corporation, including, but not limited to the real property described above in Paragraph 4. DATED this ~ day of )-~brv....r'1 >:~¿) ªiA..~ ;JMAU/144- J y, enn () Arthur Leech STA OF OHIO, Warren County ss. SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this \ 5-t- day of F~bY'VC-("~ 2006, by Judy Hennessy and Arthur Leech. . WITNESS my hand and official seal. /~ ¿;y. ~ NOTARYPUBUC My Commission Expires: I 0 / 1'3 /3 0 0 KEVIN 0, PRICE Notary Public, State of Ohio My commission expires October 18. 2010 !',\;;~~,¡:œ';;¡,\¡:.¡ 669- ·,·::t'¡"+:{':';1.¡,~l 0, d9S'-! ~ i ,-1"..-','-',';,',-" :'".,:".-.~ ,~ ~-'-"""-'",_.""~,,~ sel9-££l-lO£ ~ili~~~X::·ill ^uedWO~ el~!! puel-WO~= SO-l£-Nvr