HomeMy WebLinkAbout915917 j¡t::M:~::::::::~::~ ¡;:~;;;:;:;:;:;:!:;m¡:: . .. . . ~:·'-'c.ì.!..1'!~~J!,!i! !I~~~"t.~; ·· . ':,'~.,,:,:; ·':.;-·;;'i" :! "~~'..;: .... ";d:V" . ;.' 'i'·:';~:";:';;.·' ':';I,·,'~.'i~.!.~¿·,·.'.·;'!· ·"";..-.;r;~I;'~~{~", -:,'!;~·:.<.:'~:;tl'-y:~:t_~),_¡ ':",'; '," ,'\'.. ',: ,', i,:' :,~':¡:Ó~I:(i'I:':':~¡li": ; _ie-, '~""~"";::'~;~Ú:.;.:.¡.>·' ,';', C00113 BLOCK RECEIVED 2/10/2006 at 10:34 AM RECEIVING # 915917 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 113 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER. WY CODE CHECKED ENTERED EDITED "..../' , QUIT CLAIM DEED ~ . J Grantor, for good and valuable consideration, recei of which is hereby acknowledged, conveys tQ~~ß)0h~Pl>4)h(, 1-C~Cl/JU!ß ~~,.Þ4usband and wife, jointly with right f survivorship, and ot as tenants III co~on, as Grantees the ( following described real estate located in ~~4.) ~$ xfft/ ~ ~ -.I Executed this _day of , Grantor l1J¡LfJt1J B, &~ ~ By; Wayne B. Erickson, Trustee STATE OF WYOMING ) )SS. COUNTY OF WESTON ) .,;Ø,-:-:ít~¡¡;o~ng Quit Claim Deed was a, ckno~ledged before me on the ;)3 r& .;~~~~~ay·or¡.l~[W.áÅ}-J_200~by Wayne B, Enckson, Trustee of Shale Hill , l.j\,,;.·~~i1y,!,~~:, as Grantor, :~e..r.i2'~J :({ '~í)~~~~ «~'f) .' i. t11JwctR Notary Public '. /'0 '.... ,,'~, , /~/J N co :_~'Ì " ~",.- Etp 4-1 ¿P·Öf{ :; ~: ¡:;: ~::~:;::::: ' . :::::~r," .;:~. ;', .'.'I~' ,;'~ ,I 60 0315317 j- 00114 EXHIBIT "A" .Beginning at a point that is North 89D56' E" 987.0 £eet£rom the North\vest Corner of the SW~SW~ of Section 25, T .32 JL, R. ll9 H. i 6th P. H., Vvyoming, and running thence l'J,. 89D56' .E., 335.l £eet, more or less to a Northwest COIner ûf the Richard Edw.::.u;'C1 Skapple Tract (as described ' in .a certain 1~ea1 Est,ate Córrt.ract dated ..Hay 29, ~981, .and recorded Jl1ne 26,1981, in Book l77 of P.R., Page 752, Re.cording No. 560463) ,thence SOLl'th along a v.lest boundary line o£ said Skapple Tract, 160 feet toa corner,O£ ,the 5ka.pple Tract, thence S.. f: 9 D 5 6" IV... along a j\Jorth boundary line of the Skapple 1'Tact, J35.J feet to a Northwest Corner of said tract, thence North 160 feet more or less¡ to the point of beqinning, consisting of l.23 acres, more or less I togeth'2r with improvements located thereon .and water rights associated therewi l:h, irlcludillg grantor..s I share .i11 the underqround pipe and spinkler ..system .installed thereon, and also together with the grantors' interest in a right of way for ingress and egress over, across, and along a thirty :foot (30 I) wide strip of land adjacent to the South boundary line of the above-described tract, to be shared Witll the 5kappl.es, and their heirs, successors, and assigns, and subject to a similar 30 foot wide right--of-way ..easement along the South 30 :feet o:f the described property, to also be .shared with the Skappl.es, and tlleir heirs, successors, and assigns (as set fort11 in said Real Estate COl1tract dated May 29, 19B1, and recorded June 26, 19 8l, in Book 177 of P.R." Page 752,Recording No. 560463), it being understood that said tvolO (2) thirt.,y foot wide strips o:f land :fonn a sixty (60) :foot wide .right of way whose centerline extends .Eastward (N89.o5 6 I.E) along the South boundary li11e of the property being conveyed hereby :for the intended purpose of said 60 foot "Jide right of way eventually becoTIilllg a part ,of a county road as further ..set fúrth in tile a£orerneIltioned Real Estate Contract dated May 29, 1981, and recorded June 26, '1981) . Together with all hereditaments and appurtenances thereto, subject to all easements, restrictions and r.ights-of-way of 'record and visible on t11e ground. This Exhibit is attached to ~d made a part o£ Nortgag.,e Deed dated the ,¡ _ Jay of between Wayne B. Erickson and Suzanne Erickson, antors, and l'tiltonEdward Erickson and Melba Jean l~. Erickson, Grant.ees.