HomeMy WebLinkAbout915919 ':';I;,;..,;!;~I;I.';';··'··""i·,"·' ,e.."..,,·', ..... ~·.,·ì''','.·_·..'.....,.., ..:".,..~;..:'~...>:. ,. ._ ,.,~:. ·:·:,~Iæt.·c.t:.'.:'·j,., ,:'.. ." . . :~..Lõ~f;·IM'·'\·:::1'::·,' : '., :. ' .:' . 4" ""j','¡·'1'~\·' :-: f, ',~.', .',;. \: ".. "''',;:: :~;. ;"·,'.¡~i 'iii',>; ,.' I.! '~I:" ~': ";' ,~. . ;,'. '.:.;. :'~':';'¡';'.'.' 000116 When Recorded, Mail to: nankofStar Valley PO Box 8007 Afton, WY 83110 Attn.: SHIPPING DEPT,/DOC, CONTROL Order No,: RECEIVED 2/10/2006 at 11 :08 AM RECEIVING # 915919 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 116 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, nANK OF STAR VALLEY, hereby assigns to ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION that certain Mortgage, together with the indebtedness secured thereby, which Mortgàge is dated February 3.2006 . was executed by Randall K, Heiner and Nicki J, Heiner. husband and wife as mortgagors, to The Bank of Star Valley as mortgagee, was recorded on February 9. 2006 . in Book, 612 at Page ~ Instrument Number 915895 situated in said county described as follows: SEE "EXHIBIT A" A TT ACHED HERETO STATE OF WYOMING VICE PRESIDENT '../ ..; Dated February 9. 2006 . COUNTY OF LINCOLN On 9th day of February 2006 personally appeared before me Lance p, Robinson who being by me duly sworn, did say that _he_ is the Vice President of THE BANK OF STAR VALLEY, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of a resolution of its Board of D ¡rectors, and said Vice President acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the s e. My Commission Expires: Residing at: c?-I- ~OD7 , ~-ÞtvVl. , W,' ~ ./ MINDY LYMAN INotary Public County ot LinCOln Stale ,or WyomIng My Commission Expire ...-, usaassn ~¡:::::~:: :::r.~:::¡~ ~~~~&;, Œ]m~§l~i~!t~ . ·.··:;~.:m:.~·í;~:··,·,'·..,".· , ' '~'."., .,,... -*\'1' "~W:;i!e'i':i·:,·.t"".' .;:;:,~..,',~ ...'.'.: :.'·J:t'¡).·~ri·"' . ....:.:.:.~:J:¡;.:. ·'~".',"1'''-·.'I:!:Þ"~':"'';'':'··'-'''''.l'':.·..i'.'''-''·'·''''''''·''.' EXHIBIT "A" OS1.5919 Description: Nicki Heiner and Randatll:ielner , , ¡ . ! A PQrtloil of f~e Js'Cin Dranå,)t property, as referred" t9 In the Deèd recorded in SQok 6.84P~, on PáSE¡! 3, 'With the Office of the Clerk of ~inbPln County, ' ¡ Wyoming, wit ¡¡in th$l'NËt/4:SW114 of S'ection 3'5, T33N"R119W, pfthe 6th þ,M., I fhè metes and -bounds beJng more particularly described as follows: ¡ " . . J . BIiG/NNfN(3 at1h& Southeast cprner of the Hepworth property, as referred to in : the Dèad recOl'dedfn Saok 3HPR, on Pase 364,'with $~Îd Office, said PoInt of : Be,ginrling, beifi9 ~Ò.94 feert'SOo28'~8"W, aJon~ t~e West !if1~ afthe SE114:of ¡ . said· Séçti.o:rt 3:5, fram the' Pa~ut N'. ScheIbel R:lS 1"6'4" 1;98,6· location for the ~ . N~rthwesfComer of $aJd S'E1/4; :!. . . i:. . th~~~eSO·28·5,a"w, ~~tjf1!Ji09 a'o~9 ~~id West line, 19:3.'33 fe~'t; : ij')~nQ~:~$.~,p.~~!fifb!\~ :P.~m'IJe,"~b,~hèi,NQdh.nii'~ oNhè$.<W1!4,Qf sal~:Sec;ttcln 3p, : '~~~:~!~~~~':>',~ <."~":-:'::':'::,:' ::::':,,:":::<,,:' )'f ',', >,' :,' ,';':';:::.'::'><'::'"'~:::":<':,"..,':',, -: ";': I" ttiè'ri~ Nð:iY2gi5BkE, þara ~f with $;aId West line, 193.33 feét.to ~' Point In the" SOÎ.Jth~lnë of said Hépworth propèrty; " , . 1hence $ae025'OÒ·E, along salçfSouth line, par~lte' with $aid Noiih Une, 225.77 feet, to the ,Point ()f Beglimin9, , , ' l' ~ '. ¡ .f __._...w__· _. --:.----- nnn<lol17 v\. ....JJ..l .... ,.....