HomeMy WebLinkAbout915930 .; -:~¡~i·j·;·j'; ;',' !¡;Il "~'Î'¡'\ '';; '.' 1..··' ,....... . ....,...',iltl'i. ro,.", ,,~ ,.. 8 ' ~ - . . o ~'\J..t ù ff- RECEIVED 2/13/2006 1It 10:15 AM RECEIVING #- 915930 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 138 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY -'2, 9. ..J ..J '7 !Zr , JIVJ ",,{f 'J SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE Loanif. 654654534287.21998 Today'.s Date: 02/0312006 THIS CERTIFIES THAT.a œrtain mortgage owned by1hennder.signed,.an .association under1he laws of:the United States of America,.dated 12-.26-.2002, :executed by THAYNE EDWARD VARGASON A MARRIED PERSON AND AMY ANNE VARGASON, A MARRIED PERSON,.as Mortgagor, 10 Wells Fugo Bank, N~A.,.as Mortgagee, aIling for $100,000.00,.and ñled for recor.d on 1-10-.2003, .as Document No. 886813, Cert No. N/A in :Book 509 of Mortgages, P.age.287, in the Office of 1he County hcorder or the Register of Deeds of Lincoln County, Wyoming, Æ, w.ith the illdebtedness thereby .secured, Wlly pID.d .and .satisfied .and the .same Æ hereby released.. Ifrequire.d, the legal.descrip1ionÆ.as follows: N/A By: Kathleen A ei.d, Collater.al r N/A by reason of name cl1ange, mnendment of charter .and mergers. .sTATE OF MONTANA/COUNTY OF YELLOW.STONE } 1)S. The forego:ÏDg .ins1rument w.as .aclmowledged before me on 02/0312006, by.Kathleen AZigwei.d, Collateral Officer of Wells Fugo Bank, N.A.,.an .association nnder1he laws of the United States of America, on behalf of the .association. Witness my hand.and official seal. 0 TIllS lNSTRUMENT WAS DRAFIED BY: Wells·F.argo Bank, N.A. POBox31557,2324 Overland Ave J3ilJ.ings, MT 59102 866-255-9102 J.an t Brown No ublic for:the State of Montana Residing at Billings, Montana My Commission Expires: 11/0112008