HomeMy WebLinkAbout915940 ;'¡:;:.:&:t~t:¡:~:;:;~Ù~;~<:~'j:'~:· ,:!,"', ::" ::":~':;:.::.:.:_~.:.:~;;::r; .":~_.:: ':..:...:...;..c..:..~.~~-, '. .....'. ,'~ _ ,'·_·~'iliW.LLt...·....!L·. ::"'..·,I,L';:.:.1;:.::.~..:"...-...._" "......,;,--"~,'!.:J..~.:::'.;::. 'fìf'\'"*48 ',' ',}UJ. RECEIVED 2/1312006 at 11 :1 B AM RECEIVING# 915940 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 148 JEANNE WAGNER 1.INCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY --....- -_.~ Move line for Recorder .use CORRECTION to theAFFIDA VIT OF NON CORPORATE STATUS wJrichwas íiled January 19,2006 by Lincoln County Clerk, Kemmerer, Wyoming, lkceivillg:#915336 recorded in Book 610 page 123 to page 141. This CORRECT10N is to be filed by the Lincoln County lkcorder as .an HttH~hm~nt 10 the .above referenced document, to be attacbed to the face of it, identifying it.as 11 V OID Instrument. The .filing of this CORRECTION renders the above AFFIDAVIT null and void. The 11bove referenced AFFIDAVIT OF NON-CORPORATE STATUS.has -errors in it,1:herefore it is bereby REPLACED BY AFFIDAVIT OF NON CORPORATE STATUS Filed2ß12006 Jlt 1 0:40 ~ Receiving:# 915742, fIled in Book 611, page 46310 page 481. For all future purposes of the AFFIDAVIT OF NON CORPORATE STATUS refer to the most recent document, the one ñled 2/3/2006 in Book 611, P.ages 463-481. '"w~ ~ _ ~~ Mauri W J ?Y /' ce 11yne ones / c/oBox 117, Grover, Wyo.n:ring 183122] ~ /~/ 2-t:lo{ date Stare of Wyoming County of Lincoln ) ) Affirm ) JURAT Onthis,tht: 10 day of f~ \~ ,2006 AD,Beforeme, 11 Notary Public, the Bignatory MauriceW11yne Jones personal y 11ppeared, M known tome; or [] sHti~actorily proven to be the Natural Hnman Being whose name is BubBcribed to this instrument, Sworn and llCknowledged that be/.she executed the .same for the stated purpose therein. 1n Witness \Vhereof, I have hereunto set my hand .and Notarial Seal. My commÜ:sion expires (0 ( f ]"Dó'r ~h_JL N Public JAREDB.GLElJE- NOTARYf>UBLIC COUNTYOF &\ STAlEDF UNCDlN _ WYOMING MY COMMISSIONECPIRES OCT. 24,2008 '''j· · ·~·'·.·I' ·Ó''l ~':':':I:"III,.¡~.tl!;' :.:':i:·:~t;:~:~:~: