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Affidavit Of Survivor Trustee
I, Leatha S. Curtis, being of lawful age and duly sworn according to law,
upon my oath, depose ~nd state:
That under the date June 7, 1991, R. Boyd Curtis and Leatha S. Curtis,
husband and wife, by deed of that date, which deed was duly filed of record in
the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk, on June 24, 1991, in Book 298 of
Photostatic Records on Page 2, conveyed to Rex Boyd Curtis and Leatha S.
Curtis as Trustees of the Rex Boyd Curtis and Leatha S. Curtis Joint Inter Vivos
Trust, the following described property situate in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to-
Lot 108 in Star Valley Ranch Plat 7, Lincoln County, Wyoming as described on
the official plat thereof
That by reason of said conveyance aforesaid, Rex Boyd Curtis and Leatha
S. Curtis as Trustees of the Rex Boyd Curtis and Leatha S. Curtis Joint Inter
Vivos Trust, became the owner of the above described land, and title thereto
vested continuously in the trustees from the date of conveyance described in
said deed to the date of death of Rex Boyd Curtis, on the 8th day of March, 1999.
That by reason of and upon the death of Rex Boyd Curtis and pursuant to terms
of the trust, title to the above described real property vested absolutely in Leatha
S. Curtis, as trustee.
RECEIVED 2/13/2006 at 4:26 PM
BOOK: 612 PAGE: 227
Affiant avers and certifies that Rex Boyd Curtis is the identical party
named in the aforementioned deed whose death terminated his interest, title and
estate in said real property; and Affiant attaches hereto and makes a part of this
affidavit, a copy of the Official Certificate of Death of said decedent, duly certified
by the public authority in which said death certificate is a matter of record.
Dated this c¡ day of ;:¡I~ , 2006.
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fr-- Leatha S. Curtis
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State of IA~ )
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Subscribed and sworn to before me, a nota, rr-9ublic in,and for said County
and State, by Leatha S. Curtis, this r~ day of ~ ' 2006. .
WITNESS my hand and official seal.
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My Commission Explles
V- Notary Public
My Commission Expires: .
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