HomeMy WebLinkAbout915975 F: ::~::!i~~~m;;;~~;1 ..,............-.... .....-~','~, ,- . ... ~ . ... ........ ,~"" . ' ~. ron :)41. ... ./...1.... Çouritrywidêaarik, N.A:·;,. ........ ...' isoo Tapo Canyon Road SV2-1'16 Simi Valley,CA 93063 .. ..'. Attn: ALICIAMBRYANT CLD Deficìency Department ....., POCo ID#: 000996357162005N RECEIVED 2/14/2006 at 10:25 AM RECEIVING # 915975 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 241 JEANNE WAGNER ~!NCOLN C~~~~_~LERK, KEMMERER, WY .. .. , . >'" .. ...' ..,. . . . . .... .MIN#: 100133700006111069 This Loan ModificationAgr~ement (the "Agreement"), made this 3rd day of November ,2005 between MICHAEL TUltNER 8l KATHLEEN TURNER, (the "Borrowers") and Countrywide Bank, N.A., ("Lender") and.,~. .or...:t. a.. e.E.lec.·.trtmiC. . J1egistration S. ys.tems, Inc. C'.Mortgageell). amends and supplements that certain MORTGAGE (PNE OF CREDIT) dated April 09, 2005 and granted or assigned to Mortgage )j:lectronic Registration Systems, Inc., as mortgagee of record (solely as nominee for Lender and I!.mder~s succes~~r~ and assigns, P.O. BpxZ026, Flint, Michigan 48501-2026) and recorded on IyIay 02,2005 a~ InstrumentNumber 908065, Book Number ~age Number 268 in the Official Recprds oftheLINCQLN County, State of WYOMING (the "Security Instrument"), and covering the real pI'opertyspecifi~all)' described as follows: 605TOl»AZST . .. .. ..., , KEMMERER, Wv 83101 .,.,.... :'. ·":",.,r'·· '.;!. ',:i ,__.' .:,,"""~"':,< .'_>:/::..'.'''.:'·c:, :,','.,'-"~,,"'-"',,--_',"".',"'\':':""""', ..:,".,._.~.-._..:, '-'" _,..'. ,.,..., ,," , in cq#siderationç>f thbµutualpromises'aÌ1d aweeine~ts exchanged, théparties hereto agree to modify the Securty In~t~ment as fo11o\\,s:.· . , ,,;: - \ ,-, ~.' " .: -', . , - .. ,TOCPMPLi:TE'THE NOTARVäECTiON OF THE MORTGAGE ON PAGE 5 OF 5.' ·Th~Borro\V~rs sh~1Ì¿~~ply~'¡th. allothercovenants, agreements' and requirements of the Security· .,,}nstrument. Nothing inthisAgreement shall be understood or construedto be a satisfaction or release in ·.:yyhole or in p¡t.rt of the S~curity Im¡trument. ",T" . .-, '. ~ ' " , ExÚpt ås otI1Ú\\'ise~Í>ècific~lly' pr9\lided in'this Agreement, tbe Security ID$trumentsl1aU remain unchanged, and the Borrowers and Countrywide Bank,N.A.shall be bound by, and comp1ywith all of the ... terms and provisioIlsthereof, as amt=nded by this Agreement, and the Security Instrument shall remain in , . full force and ~ffect shall çontinue to bea secóndlien ()n the above-described property. All capitalized ,terms not sballbave the same meanings as set forth in the Security InstÌ"Ument _.n _.... . .__ __ . '091.5575 C00242 ColUltlywide Bank, N.A. Í-~ .By: Âl8.Il SjnlanrJf'T 115: Å5ÛStaDt Vice President Mortgage Eledronic:Registnú.Ïon SYB~1nc. ~ .By: .AIan Sjnlandf'T lts: Å5ÛStaDt Vice .Pmïdent 'rn:,~", R +¿, MIn:lA1U , TURNER ~~~,; g~fY\ ~ KATHLEEN TURNER (ALl SIGNATURES MUST BE ACKNOWlEDGED) ilifm1~!m;!1~m~~~ . ¡i¡:Ili~~~iliÎ;¡:;: ;]i'j~¡;¡;~!¡r:m~m~; ~".":",,-,,_.., ">___ _-','L-'----'-_"'- "..",..:......._.,,'..'. >,.".,.._~,....-~...",-.,....",.-...., -,~,.",,".,. .,...~.,"~---: -"'.. ~" .f';.U"~ r:-S75 v ,J LJ n lì ~)4· 3 " .; v_ STAIE OF u...JYolJt' tJó- COUNTY OFL-\ tJCOLJ\J . ) ) SS. ) On this (1...3 .. Dayof AJO\/£Mf3S12- 2005, BEFORE ME, Arr\l· ~L (Notary Public) Couï.0' cf Unco!n April Bruns\Ü - Notary Public Stateo! Wyomin~ r Q;O'1 ~ personally.appeared, MICHAEL TURNER &KATHT;'KF.N TI1RNER. personally.known to me OR . proved to:me on the basis of .satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose 1laIIle(.s) .is/Me .subscribed to the·foregoing.instrument, 1U1d .acknow~ed to me that.he/.she/they aecuted the.same .in.hislher/their lWthorized .capacity(ies ),1U1d that by hislher/their .si~e(s) on the:instrument the ])erson(s), or the entity npon behalf of wlrich the person(s) acted, executed the.instrument. WITNESS MYHAND AND OFF1ClAL SEAL No Commi!:!:ionExpires: :5 ~ 14- 0 '7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) :SS. ) , COUNTY OF VENTURA Onthis {~1Ùlyof .Dz~005, beforeme,ChannaineF. Gobo,NotaIyPublic,])ersonally .appeared Alan BjnhmdeT,A.ssistantVice.P.residentfor Coun1rywideJ3.ank, N.A. ,])ersonally .known to .me 10 be the person Wl1o£e1laIIlels .signed to thewitlrininstrument.and.acknow1edged tome that.he/.she 1:xecuted the.same .in hislher lWthorized .capacity,..and that·by.hislher sÏ£11~tJITe on the lnstnlT11ffllt the person,Or-entityupon behalf ofw.hich the personlicted, executed the instrument. CHf\RW::NE FGOilO Commission. 13f¡2995 ~ Notary PUblic 4 California .~ VentlJla;County I MyComm.~Jun29,2006 _____~_________:'W" WTINESS MYJIAND AND OFFlClAL SEAL. Commission Expires: . {¡ Þ¡/orp (SEAL) ~:Jmw 29, .2006 ,...-.-.,...........,.-. ,,-,,-., ." ....'.-, "'. ,:..,....,_..."';.~-,,,.,. ';''',,'' . .-.,., .-:.....:'-"'....." -. ,," :. .'.......-.-..-..,., ._..,"'":o....~..'....""~,-...,_...'__"....."",......,'.,_._....,. '031.5975 BTATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF VENTURA '-""""'. ·'''C·'',··':'. ~ ('\ n :":;44 '-, ,) \.:k On this I d-~ Day of Dr ~005, before.me, Charmaine F.Gobo, Notary Public, personally .appearedAJan Sjolander ,Assistant ViceP.residentfor MortgageEectronic Rezjdnltìcm Sy.stems.Inc., personally lmown 10 me 10 be the person who.se name.i.s.signed to !be within :instnrmP.T1t .and.acknowledged 10.me :that .he/..she executed !be .same in hisl.her mthori7.f~d L:apacity. .and :that by hislher ~iJVI~tl1Te on the in.strument the per.son, or entity upon behalf of w.hich "the person .acted. executed the :in.strumen:t. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. AI¿-- .~ . '.. . CH!\ílMt.:NE. F.GOBO i fiI--:¡¡:¡;.,·, ::~1=~= j i ' . VenhaOu1tY 1 __ ~ _ ~~~~2:'~ Cornrni~~ion.Expire.s: ft !/!¡/o(P .June 29. 2006 (SEAL)