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I~m~~mm~lf~: (' !ì m~W~r5t~l ... I...] t;.t.. V RECEIVED 2/1412006 at 2:28 PM RECEIVING# 915985 BOOK: 612 PAGE: .295 JEANNE WAGNER l.INCOLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, WY WARRANTY DEED w. CTlRTTS MlZNERÅND 1dRT ;Y~SA MIZNER, Buslwld 211d Wñe, .uamnrs ofT ;in~cùn ColIIlty, ..state of Wyoming, for ~nm:id~nn ofTen.and 001100'.s ($10.00) .and other zood .and v.a1uab1e .cnm:irleration in.hand, receipt whereof is .hereby Jiclmowledged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO BHAWNA McCALL-VINING fka BHAWNA L. McCALL, .as Bole Owner, .uantPP., wlIDse ~ilil1'P.!)s.is 762 E.lœsewood .Lane, Layton, TIT B4041 the follow.iIm ilf"~hed Iea.l t:Staæ, .situate.in Uncoln County JD1d Btare Df Wyoming, l1ereby .reJp-3!:ing.and w.aiving 411 rights J.IDdcr .and by virtue of the hnmf"!:ff"..ad ~ laws of1he.state to wit: Lot 77 Df .star V.a1ley :Ranch .Plat 17, Uncoln ColIIlty, Wyoming liS ðe~hed nn the nffida 1 :plat thereof. .B1JBJECT, .however, to.all reserv.ations,1'eStIictions, protective covenams,-exœptions, -eaSf"ment!: JD1d :rights-of-way· of record, .in .sight, or.in llSe. WITNESS our.l1ands :this ~fh llay ofFebmary, 2006. <7 ø~hÆfi1~ ~ ~\J)~~".Mizœr .state of Wyoming County of LincoJn ) )55. ) The forezoin.& instmmf'11t was ACknowledged beforeme by W. Curtis Mizner JD1dMclissa Mizner ibis g -rh .day of J:ebruary, 2006. Witness my.hand.and nffic1(:115eal. ~A-!~/ otary Public My Cnmmi!:!:ion.Expires: GlORIA K. BYERS- NOTARY PUBUC County of & State of JJncoln . Wyoming My Commission Expires Sept. 15, 2!X17 ,-i