HomeMy WebLinkAbout915991 5;:::::;::r:~:w.::¡:¡: .:.:':.:"':-:~~:!:~~, ^ (:t~;;~~'~i'~:::::::~:~~~::l /. ',."...N··.."·í"\5 ..; ~'~;,~",>:ri,,\~.~.-'~ \., t. t.J ;'" SATISFACTION OF MORTGAGE THIS IS TO CERTIFY, that the conditions of the mortgage between Home Builders Finance Inc., DBA Owner Builder Loan Services, of2035 Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor, MI, 48105 (Mortgagee) fro~ Rulon D. Horsley & Kathryn C. Horsley, his wife, Mortgagor, in the amount of $270,000.00 and recorded in Mortgagee Volume 580 on Page 801 or Instrument number 907069 on March 15 2005 with the Lincoln County, Wyoming Land Records, and fully described as follows: ' ------,-*--_. -" - ----.-- ---.'-. That part of the NWIANW~ of Section 33, T30N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract of record in the Office of the CI.erk of Lincoln County in Book 388PR on page 406, described as follows: BEGINNING at a spike on the South line of said NW~NW~, S 89045'47" W, 443.13 feet from the Southeast corner of said NWIANW~; thence N 02025'32" E, 733.45 feet to a point; thence S 89035'42" W, 453.24 feet to a point on the Easterly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway 89; thence 'èoursing said Easterly right-of-way line as follows: S 04042'08" E, 106.63 feet, to STA 1159+45.85 PCNLY = STA 888+ 52.24SL Y; S 04°55'23" E, 81.17 feet, to STA 887+70.78PT; Southwesterly, 516.86 feet, along the arc of a non-tangent circular curve to the right, through a central angle of 16°09'23" with a radius of 1832.95 feet and chord bearing S 03022'21" W, 515.14 feet, to a point on the North right-of-way line of McCoy County Road No. 12-155; continuing Southwesterly, 30.69 feet, along said curve through a central angle of 00°57'34", with a radius of 1832.95 feet and a chord bearing S 11 °55'49" W, 30.69 feet, to'a spike on the South line of said NW~NW~; thence N 89045'47" E, 443.14 feet, along said South line to the SPIKE OF BEGINNING. ALSO, that part of the NW~NW~ of Section 33, T30N R118W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 388PR on page 406, described as follows: BEGINNING at the southeast comer of the NW~NW~; thence N 00°08'05" W, 733.86 feet, along the east line of said NW~NW~ to a point; thence S 89°35'42" W, 410.38 feet to a point; thence S 02°25'32" W, 733.45 feet to a spike on the south line of said NW~NW~; thence N 89°45'47" E, 443.13 feet. along said south line to the CORNER OF BEGINNING. have been fully complied with and the same is hereby satisfied and discharged. Signed this 2/p day of January, 2006. Signed and Acknowledged in the Presence of: ~ ... Standard Federal Bank N~A__6_ ~W"eKS First Vice Presi ent STATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY OF OAKLAND SS: V· , RODNE!ëfWE~S a Notary Public in and for said state, personally appeared the above named . , First Vice President of Standard Federal Bank, KNA LaSalle Bank, NA, who acknowledged that he did sign the foregoing instrument and that the same is his free act and deed and the free act and deed of Standard Federal Bank, KNA LaSalle Ba his u,f"-.. q~1U~:~':~~6. , "nO:,)'" Notary Public, State ofMic..hig1in,~.:.:.,.\t --"'" My Comm. Expires ..... ii' i; ':':;it'}:, .' "';...~." This instrument was prepared by: Cathy Towner, Home Builders Finance N(Jœìy~~~~~:;$::, and is to be returned to 2035 Hogback Rd., Ann Arbor, Mich 48105 My~cnExp/re&ALJg.9,'~7'. : . ,- " :r· \ "'1 ~ .~, :,.. ,;. '·'''··\:Ì,t ú ,<" ..,' ~':~'ì' .,'(;;.' '~:i ;~;,~;;~,[) . RECEIVED 2/14/2006 at 2:34 PM RECEIVING # 915991 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 325 JEANNE WAGNER LlN~~_LN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY /1