HomeMy WebLinkAbout915992 , . ""~f·'!'~'~' 'I·" I:' :, . ,'..,'"-. ." .,,'..' .,.,',,:..'"~....,...,.'.' ,',' .,-: .,',;-,..',.'. 'p,,'I:.:aI'/'·.".' ¡·Ô ':;·.:U'; ·j,'....-.-,..·'." ,'. i .-;..',·,...~·¡·.~I·...:' . r' RECEIVED 2/14/2006 at 2:35 PM RECEIVING # 915992 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 326 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY 'k' .(' n r :) ....'¡ 6 ... ~J 0 oj .G· ... __u...._ _ ,_. _ ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGE KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS that the Small Business Administration for and in consideration of the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has sold, and by these presents does sell, transfer and assign to Teichert Brothers', LLC, P.O. Box 364, Cokeville, Wyoming 83114, that certain Mortgage dated May 10,2001, by and between Mike M. Richins and Nellie M. Richins, as mortgagor, and Frontier Certified Development Company, Inc., as mortgagee, which Mortgage covers the following described real property located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, to wit: See Exhibit "Au Attached Hereto The above Mortgagt! was recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming on the 10th day of May, 2001, as Instrument No. 873201. The Mortgage was assigned to the Small Business Administration on May 10, 2001 by an Assignment of Mortgage dated May 10,2001, which assignment was recorded on August 22, 2002 in Book 197-.P"ß Page 418 as Instrument No. 883422, in the Office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming. LI Assignment of the mortgage is without recourse and without any representations or warranties. ú ·::\0 Small Business Administration An agency of the United States Government I By: obert Auflick Deputy District Di ctor Wyoming District Office STATE OF WYOMING ) ) COUNTYOFNATRONA ) On this 8" rJ.-, day of J-~__ ,2006, personally appeared before me Robert Auflick, Deputy District Director of the ~tnct Office of the Small B usmess Administration, to me known to be the individual described herein and who on behalf of the Small Business Administration executed the within and foregoing Assignment of Mortgage, and acknowledged to me the same as the free and voluntary act and deed ofthe Small Business Administration, for the uses and purposes therein mentioned. written. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year first above ~À·d·~ NOT AR Y PUBLIC in and for the tate of Wyoming, My Commission Expires: ~:...:.:o:,,:.:,:;:.~ ·i·;'.·i·¡':;'.I~I;:';/~'¡'" '~i~~i::~':~;. t/:~~lili~~i~~~:' ::::m~~~oo~ . .:.- ~.!~!.!;:!~!;!'.!;!. ',". ·~r~,~~~,:'f, ~ .'.,.::'!t\".....;,. "....,'" ;."., , ..,'.' .'.·.'.·.t.!'·.!.·I~ I . . .":' ",:' I-~r'~'~..".,~ ,.. ';'~;~'''''';':i.l~~'':;'';': 1:- . " -:¡'':':I~.>~.¡.~ >:' " ,'~~.'.~··~~7.o:':;.'·:'. ?, r',C· ..:;, ~1(;92 ~J oJ <.-l....." -.Jr .'"'. n n :) ~'; 7 .. ',' '-. v.... EXHiBIT "A" Tn ACT 'I': "hal:. part of Tract.90 of T24N, RIUn',with:"n the inc~r- pornted limits of tho Town of Colcevillc>, Lincoln County, Wyolß1.ng being part of that tract of record in the of tic a of th~ Clark of Lincoln County in ßook 4 of Photosl:.ntic Records an pa~e 115, described as follows: Common'c!n&: at a corner on the lie at right-ot-Ilay lino or Stato lIigh"a)' :ION, N82·15.5'1~, 1655.11 teet 1'1'011\ Corner No,: 2 of said 1'r 0 C t 90 wile r 0 f 0 U n d Q 2" C III v 11 n i zed s tee 1 pip II 2:¡ 1 0 n It (ß L H ~)'pe) with br~ss cap inscribod "PAUL N. SCHER»eL RLS164 BIC PIN~Y WYOHINC T24N Rl19W T!t90 ., 1 Tlt74 rn91 1 ~1(j5" : G TIl76 identical with tho northenst corner or tha~ tract ot' land ot record in the slIid OUice in Dook 72 ot Pho~ost.atic Records on pnge Ja9; thence Nll"J5'H, 92.00 feet. along the sAid right-oC-way line to n corner; thenc.; contimling Hll'J5'II, 137,95 feet nlons the said right.-or- wny line to the Corner of ßcSinning; thenco continuinll N11'35'W, 206.5 teet f\lon¡: the said right-of'- ~AY line to ~ cornar; thence 57B'25'W, 206,68 feAt to a corner; thence SIO'H'E, 197.19 Ce'et to a cOt"ner: thence N80'4l'E, 211.49 toet to the Corner ot Beginning: ~ach corner being marked by a 2" glllvnnizcd steel p1pII 28" long (BLH type) with ·brAss CAp 1n$cribcd ·PAUL N. ~C~~nßßL RLSl64 ara PINEY WYOHING" nnd appropriate details; t.hebase bearing for this survey is the line b~tween corners Nos. 1 and 2 at TrAct No, 90 with a record of North: 1111 in ~ccordllnce with the map prepllred nnd filod in the said Office, TRACT U: Thnt part of Tract 90 of T24N, Rll9W, withi~ the incor- porated li~it~ of the To"n of Cokeville, Lincoln County, Wyom1ns beinR pnrt of thAt tract of record in the Orrice of ~he Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 4 of Photostntic nðcords on pnge 115, desa~ib~d ns follows: Commencing at ~ corner on the west right-ot-way li~e of StAte Hi¡:hl-ll\,Y 30N, N82-15,5'W, 1655,11 feet from COI'ner No; 2 of snid Tract 90 whe~e found a 2" ~alvanized steel pipe 2B' lon~ (BLH type) with bras~ enp inscribed "PAUL N, SCHERBEL RLSIQ1 BIG PINEY WYOMING T24N. Rl19W TI190 2 1 'fRH 'l'R91 ~ Ö 'j'1l76 1965" : " ~. :~i...-1't~ ~,:~~~;-:.!~.q~,-6"::~.' .', ,:,;·,':-;.¡v·F,:.!,¡j,I.,i~t:-'",¡·.- .. .. ,:'¿¡:~;'"._';"W.;,,':· : ;'~.=';':''t¡'S~!~·' ':~·';!I!MY"Y.l..l!\··';';" '¿'~.. ~,:J.,,<¡'<¡''']'£q~j~~''i''~:~~''<:1.if-1~~'';''~'~.. >t. ·'·~~"i'~!:.i~~!.L:::~:~~.' : ;.~":,:(; ',: ,I ;!!>I:';!i-'.'.i'.,' ..;..';,.', . ~ ,... ....c ... ~"8 .' !' II ¡ .'_; .. r" I,.~} ,j /. tn,C. ..:", it:" <to a "J> U'-'~"""...)J"" identical with the northenst corner of thA~ trnct or Innd reco-rd in the snid orrice in Uoole 72 or Pho:ostnti<, l1ecordc PQl:u 309; thence Nll'J:I'I~, 92.00 fuel: Qlonl: the slLid rit:ht-ot'-""y line to 11 or all cornel·: thence continuing Nll'J~'W, lJ7.9~ Ceel; l\lon{: said riSht-or-I~I\Y line to d corne~; thence continuinl[ Nll'35'1~, 205.5 feet: Qlon!: snid ~'illht-ot'-I~"Y line to the Corner of Beginning; thenco continuing Nll'35'W, 318.05 foot nlona the snid ri"ht-ot~ wny line to n corner; t.h"ncc N7B'25'E, 25.0 1'oot alonl! said right-of-I'")' line to u corner; tho n c 0 con I: i n II i" g N 7 B . 25 ' ~, 3. 0 r cut n 1 0 n J: S Q i oJ r i IJ h t _ 0 f _I~ a y 1 i n Q to 11 corner: thence Nll'3S'I~, 131.2 foot. don!: the !Inid ri¡:ht-of-\lQY lino to a Corner identical with tho southenst corner of that: tract of land of record in s~id Office in nook 98 of Phot~static Records on pn.¡:/I 559¡ thence S56'Z' 'W, 197.27 feei; alonl: t:he south line DC' suid tract. to a corner: thence S71'56'W, 43.76 feot 1\10ns the ~outh lire of said trnctto ,Q cornor; thence S10'14'E, 371.01 reet to Q corner: thence N7B'25'E, 206.60 foot to tho Corner of Decinninc; eQch corner being marlced by a 2" al\lvnnizcd steel pip':! 28" 101'1(1 (DLH typo) with brass cap inscribed "P^UL N. SGI/ERDI!L RLSIU1 BrD PINEY WYOMING" 'and appropriato details; the base bearing for this survoy is the line between c,rncr Nos. 1 and 2 of Tract No. 90 with 1\ rocord of North: all in 4Ccordnnce \lith tho map prcpnred nnd filed in the snid Office j U;~;:~~¡¡~~~j~[~