HomeMy WebLinkAbout915999 :!:!~;¡~ tf::!:::g::::::ikm~ '_ -'-1i·"¡-'''~·;'~·;'I'c..,..I.';''''·.F',··~.l.'~~~::''-''_:~·~'''. , .' 1,',',_," ".~I'L';'_'."""."..,,' " ~,:.:,.~',~tw...,.¡¡:", :,'.d.;ft;:~'''''J.'~~''''.¡!'"!j,:'',~, .Y.,,',. .. ..' ,...,'.'_<¿~;.:..~...~,',"':., ',' ~,:,~',. '_ ':, ,',.,..'....~..~~;.',¡ RECEIVED 2/14/2006 at 4:01 PM ,RECEIVING # 915999 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 346 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER WY _____ __ _ _. _ _ _,_ _ ~,_ t 1'"10 ')46 ; it '. ~ \. .. \) aurrclADI DBED KNOWN ALL MSN BY TilSSB PQSBNtS. n.r RICK L\BUNG ANI) 'fONI tilllJNG. Has... ad Wire of'!he County vf ~ SCale ofWyOlllinl ill ~ QC Ten.04 00I100'.1>oDarr ($10.00>1114 oOIer aoo4l11d vaWl. CIIIJaIÏdCtâlilln 10 dum in hapd.paIct W riceipt whctcof is baØy~· W .~~ hAW~. re1eøed, CO~Yeyecl_f'omet ~ II1II !ly dIeu: jH'WItI do tnr Ibdr bein. u.ecutDII ....ldminiancorø. nmls., reIcue .... tamer t"i1CWm1ÞllO MAn J:.U1.ING.vro ~ITJJ KUIJNG. ..... _Wst. :-'''; ¡ "bote ~ is ~. WYOlllÎD5 dJçir Jleln. ·aucxcaon aDd ....1... lDrever. all sum rica-. title. bueruc. property, pclØClllon. c:Jaim 1114 dcmaød " we JIrJI¡ oaJht to lIIYc 01 bcmIfter.cqWrc In or ~o aUIhe rollowlng døc:ribcci ~. fOo'Wlt: A ponton of.tba pJopcIty. .. Ict~ to In 1ha Dee4 recøIded m Doo1c 1,61PR QIi JIaIe SS4, with OIc04iceoCIhtClestofJ"iaçolJlCoullty. WJœdnI, widÛluba$WWNWW QfScdiØncl, T32N 1U18W or the 6Q1 Þ.M.. LIDcoJn CouDtY. WyONilll, die .... ID4 boaIIds being morl partic:u1ady de$cribcd II fol1øws: JBGINNINQ at. tuÌIII in die SOUCII Uøc orOLO Lat 2 of QIð. Socdœ 6,aid I'oia& of'Bcghming blÎlII 354.'75 f. 5 "'"11'31" .e. .,loq taIcI Soutb Wlc.ltom the PM1 N. SbaW 'ilLS 164, 1982 IDRtiou for the S~ Comer ohaid 1.4 2; Ihw.e S øgt u.'3a~ B. CØIItimIiD& alaa¡ ..u 8audt Unl, 335.00 Þ let . Polllllbat ø 1944.50 ,. traIa the UøyclB. BIIkicr J'BI1.S ci9', 2003 IocidicIG for the S~ Cona of GLO l.ot 1 01 SaId SI!Cdøn 15¡ IhcÐcc S 0'41"22· W, ~v 10 ÞI6 Søud11Jae. 260.31 felt; Ibc:nI:.c N 89·1.Z'31· W, pmIJc1 with _ SøIIdI.., 335.00 þct; Ibeace If 0'<47'12- B. ~ co Slid SouIh liBe. 1(,0.31 teet. to tho Point of Be&ÍDDiØI. 'L >:.. MARGE BAllS.Notary Public County of State of Lincoln Wyoming My Commission expires May 25, 2006 Hereby relculJl. aQd waivln¡ all rizhu 1IJIdc:r ID4 by v\fme of the hanIesI'eId a:IIJ1Idoø laws of the SllUot~. ... of -J' <-b N ;;e:'. :-/ ~' Ilitk Bulin¡ ~ ~ ToniBulm, DIlled tblI ..3 SlaIe of WyominJ ) )as. County of'LúIcoIn ) The rorecoiq:..5~ br:foto lIe by Jtkk I!adiD¡ II1II Tom Earllq this ..3 dQ of 2006. WIIDIIa my JwJd aaii official . My CllllltJlialloa Eçlre.s: ~wu (3~ l Y\c.........J..5, ."tOO\.. \ \ Notvy Public t¡;¡",.¡ 2096 l.l.8 LØ£ OJ 3ì1li iS~noS þ£:~t 9002-t£-N~r