HomeMy WebLinkAbout916001 I .] -~8 .l5o~ UJ';JŠ .... ......, . .... F" .~.. ·~I·.· ~ oS ' -8 t: . .~~N ;j.¡.1 ~.'" tf. :~(~·G VJ C1 On""60 -..' \....'~ \."; -', .' ".I RECEIVED 2/14/2006 at 4:03 PM RECEIVING # 916001 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 360 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY "-.- -..--- - -, - -, -, -- - - - - - - -.- - After recording return to: Market Street Mortgage Corporation 2650 McCormick Drive. Suite #200 Clearwater, Fl 33759 This Instrument Prepared By: Pam B rig h t Market Street Mortgage Corporation 2650 McCormick Drive, Suite #200 Clearwater, Fl ~3759 Tax Parcel Number (if required): Loan Number: 6054522 MANUFACTURED HOME AFFIDAVIT OF AFFIXATION Homeowner, being duly sworn, on his or her oath, states as follows: I. Homeowner owns the manufactured home ("Home") described as follows: II I Manufacturer's Name Length I Width 2. The Home was built in compliance with the federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act. 3, If the Homeowner is the first retail buyer of the Home, Homeowner is in receipt of(i} the manufacturer's warranty for the Home, (ii) the Consumer Manual for the Home, (iii) the Insulation Disclosure for the Home, and (iv) the fonnaldehyde health notice for the Home. 4. The Home is or will be located at the following "Property Address": 115 South Count v Road 190Grover Street or Route City lincoln County wv 83122 Zip Code State ATTENTION COUNTY CLERK: This instrument covers goods that are or are to become fixtures on the Land described herein and is 10 be filed for record in the records where conveyances of real estate are recorded. MIS ManufHome Mof Affix 4/05 (ke) 3849001 w,( ~S. Page lof4 C:Jl~~!~~! 111111111111 òO ::~:::~r~~~f~::~~ '.¡I:·;1:t:~~:-;·:·, ¡¡~.!:: ...1 ~Ü· 0... "_1.; _, _,..:.: \ 1.1 -'~ ..&a f~()"61 . ; ,. . '.. ~1 \./ 5. The legal description of the Property Address (ULand") is: See Attached Legal Description. 6. The Homeowner is the owner of the Land. 7. The Home 0 is 0 shall be anchored to the Land by attachment to a pennanent foundation, constructed in accordance with applicable state and local building codes and manufacturer's specifications in a manner sufficient to validate any applicable manufacturer's warranty, and pennanently cOMected to appropriate residential utilities (e.g., water, gas, electricity, sewer) ("Pennanently Affixed"). The Homeowner intends that the Home be an immoveable fixture and a pennanent improvement to the Land. 8. The Home shall be assessed and taxed as an improvement to the Land. 9. Homeowner agrees that as of today, or if the Home is not yet located at the Property Address, upon the delivery of the Home to the Property Address: (a) All pennits required by governmental authorities have been obtained; (b) The foundation system for the Home was designed by an engineer to meet the soil conditions of the Land. All foundations are constructed in accordance with applicable state and local building codes, and manufacturer's specifications in a manner sufficient to validate any applicable manufacturer's warranty. (c) The wheels, axles, towbar or hitch were removed when the Home was placed on the Property Address; and (d) The Home is (i) Pennanently Affixed to a foundation, (H) has the characteristics of site-built housing, and (Hi) is part ofthe Land. 10. If the Homeowner is the owner of the Land, any conveyance or financing of the Home and the Land shall be a single transaction under applicable state law. 11. Other than those disclosed in this Affidavit, the Homeowner is not aware of (i) any other claim, lien or encumbrance affecting the Home, (ii) any facts or infonnation known to the Homeowner that could reasonably affect the validity of the title of the Home or the existence or non-existence of security interests in it. 12. A Homeowner shall initial only one of the following, as it applies to title to the Home: o The Home is not covered by a certificate of title. The original manufacturer's certificate of origin, duly endorsed to the Homeowner, is attached to this Affidavit, or previously was recorded in the real property records of the jurisdiction where the Home is to be located. o The Home is not covered by a certificate of title. After diligent search and inquiry, the Homeowner is unable to produce the original manufacturer's certificate of origin. o The 0 manufacturer's certificate of origin 0 certificate of title to the Home 0 shall be 0 has been eliminated as required by applicable law. o The Home shall be covered by a certificate of title. ATrENTION COUNTY CLERK: This instrument covers goods that are or are to become fixtures on the Land described herein and is to be tiled for record in the records where conveyances of real estate are recorded. MIS Manuf Home AfT of Affix 4/05 (ke) 3849002 Wf £:. e" Page 2 of 4 " .T' u ,-. (',. 0... I!,';:::"! ~'" tQ¡ '-I. .... c~ n '.' 6 2 \. . . 13. The Homeowner designates the following person to record this Affidavit in the real property records of the jurisdiction where the Home is to be located and upon its recording it shall be returned by the recording officer to same: Market Street Mortgage Corporation 2650 McConnick Drive, Clearwater, Florida, 33759. 14. This Affidavit is executed by Homeowner(s) pursuant to applicable state law. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Homeowner(s) has executed this Affidavit in my presence and in the presence of the undersigned witnesses on this l ~h day of "F~'orv-o.~ ,~. ~ ~ ~~ (80'0 Wyatt John Earling :~ ~~ (' C%~~~ ~"ð (Saal) Witness (Seal) Printed Name Witness (Seal) E 1 i z a b e t.h C 0 r a 1 Ear 1 i n Q Printed Name Printed Name STATE OF Wyoming COUNTY OF Lincoln ) ) ss.: ) On the 7th day of February in the year 2006 before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Wyatt John Earl1nQ and Elizabeth Coral Ear 1 i n g . personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ( "they are· ) to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to the (type ofidentitiealion, if required) within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person on behalf of which the individuates) acted, executed the instrument. A1ØvUo~ M A~ Ñotary Signature . . "-7- Gloria K. Byers Notary Printed Name Notary Public; State of Wyoming Qualified in the County of Lincoln My commission expires: 9-15-07 Official Seal: GLORIA K. BYERS· NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ State of Uncoln W Wyoming My Commission expires Sept. 15.2007 A TfENTION COUNTY CLERK: This instrument covers goods that are or arc to become fixtures on the Land described herein and is to be tiled for record in the records where conveyances of real estate are recorded. MIS ManufHome Affaf Affix 4/05 (ke) 3849003 Page 3 of4 k::::§:::::::::;~::~t~ k;f:':::~:~:~:;:;::;:;;: ~:~m~~t~IgL___ ._, ;:::;:;¡¡¡~~;¡m;~*~ .. . ,..,' ~ . n-1l \'.1 ::"1 ~ 'L, '-.';. 'U ..ü '"'('11'\"6' 3 . . '" . . -.' \.: v /' Lender's Statement of Intent: The undersigned ("Lender") intends that the Home be an immoveable fixture and a pennanent improvement to the Land. Market Street Mortgage Corporation (Lender) Pcun p¿¿~ Authorized Signatun: STATE OF .Ll)(,\~'fV\.L~ \k,t~ ) ) ss.: ) COUNTY OF On the -13- day of in the yea~d'J1..o before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence ( ) to be the individual(s) whose name(s) is(are) subscribed to (type ofidentitication, ¡frequired) the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their capacity(ies), and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the instrument, the individual(s), or the person on behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. n ~^ f\ ~.f>/ù V vÝÌ GJ1 ~ ~i~ature "\ C ,\t\.¡ ì Sn .) "fYìð-ý-h'rl Notary Printed Name Notary Public; State of \ µU C\M W\." , , Qualified in the County of . (k\Y\+~ My commission expires: . 0 31 Olo J OC( Official Seal: CHRISTA J. MARTIN COUNTY OF UINTA MYCOMUISSIONEXPIRES NOTARY PU8UC STATE OF WYOMING fJ3/ofoMFJ A TJENTION COUNTY CLERK: ThIs Instrument covers goods that arc or are to become fixtures on the Land described herein and is to be tiled for record in the records where conveyances of real estate are recorded. MIS Manuf Home Aft' of Affix 4/05 (kc) 3849004 Page 4 of4 n ,-~. ,,"'", 01 1!...iì::"I-.:..,Ib,1U . ()t"I n . 'j 6 4 vti ¡', '- \... 'J A portion of the property, as referred to in the Deed recorded in Book 167PR on page 554, with the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming, within the SW~~ of Section 6, T32N Rl18W of the 6th P.M., Lincoln County, Wyoming, the metes and bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a Point in the South line of GLO Lot 2 of said Section 6, said Point of Beginning being 354.75 feet S 89°12'38" E, along said South line, from the Paul N. Sherbel RLS 164, 1982 location for the Southwest Corner of said Lot 2¡ thence S 89°12'38" E, continuing along said South line, 335.00 feet to a Point that is 1944.50 feet from the Lloyd B. Baker PE/LS 698, 2003 location for the Southeast Corner of GLO Lot 1 of Said Section 6¡ thence S 0°47'22" W, perpendicular to said South line, 260.32 feet¡ thence N 89°12'38" W, parallel with said South line, 335.00 feet¡ thence N 0°47'22" E, perpendicular to said South line, 260.32 feet, to the Point of Beginning. ~i;;:¡:i;m:;::::::*: I:'~~~~@