HomeMy WebLinkAbout916003 -------. KNOW ALLMÊN J3YTRESE, 1'RE5ENT5 Tl1at EŒST NATIONAL ::BANK - 1mST r-nnr)69 . t' . "..,. ,. '.. .. J ~ cDrponi1Ïon, obhe COunty Df 1" ,;T\ (' n 1-n :certify that JI œrtain mortgBge, .DUTrog m1e thl! "]]]J de,BDd i!Xecnted by ALAN lJAURRT:TF. ..and5ta1eDf li1ynnñT\2 ?fiTH ilay nf JlOVEMBER & V AT :F:RTF. J. 11 AllF.RT:TF. , does hereby , A.D..20~. .~uunortgago~, 10 ""FiTst "Nan anal ~m1lc--1Jes-t ~¡¡ mortgagee, :conveying =tain real etate thereiD mentioned u ~curity lor the p.yment Df S 72,000.00 therein BUted, whichmortgllge wureconled ro the nffice nfthe County Clerk.and:Ex-Offii:ioIlegiBw nfDeedanf . LINCOLN r.mmty, 51l1te of Wymning, .on the 9TII day nf :DECF.MR¥.R ~O 04, :in J300k ,.,.4 nf Mortgages, .JIt }1IIg1! 347 , .and :JJUJrtgJiging :the .following Deacribed zeal state in .uid County. to-wit: ,.B..!I .ALL :LANDS DESr.RTRlm ::IN .ABOVE ~ JIDRTGAGE. r I J / ,.:-,; iJ RECEIVED 2/1512006 lit 12:45 PM RECEIVINGi# 916003 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 369 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY _n____ __ ._____.~ _._ '.i.s, witb .a Dote ¡¡ecur-ed thereby. .and the .aforemeutioned.debt, Iully paid, .utisfied. releued,.and rlisch.aqed.and:in Mnair1....ation thereoIthe .uid mortgagee rloes .hereby nlea.se.and quitclaim unto the.said mortgagor the pren1Ìse!l thereby conveyed.JIDJÌ mnrigllged. "IN WITNESSW.HEREOF, the "'T~ lìf~ nn~l ""R~T1lc-=tïrp~1" .hBB.cJIU!ied the.seJ're¡¡enu 10.be Bigned.by .its .JInd :i1B corpoTJIte ~eal "to De rlixed, this ""RnmrÌ1 'h~s; nPT11" 30TH day of J.ANlIARY .20 06 ,A.D.. _, 5igned, 5ealed.JlJ1d Ddiver~ in the pre¡¡ence ol :First: 1iT;¡n nT1~ 1 ::Ba:nk-=i\Test Attest -SuI: ~ fV)~ JJ¡ '-{Yk 1UYvì Qr{ Jly /--4/' CA~ h'Jt~, Its Ì\T:mr" "Pr-es; nPi11" NDte: If it is Dot .de.sired to .describe landJin BplIce 1heri!for,:imert the lollowing: ".All LmdJ lÙ!acrlbed In uid mDtlpge." On :thiii day of ¡ u. .JA:NIJARY . 2..0 06 ,.before mepersowilly .Bppeared THE STATE OFWYOMlNG, . Lincoln 30TH .Ron Thnm~'::: County of -;to me peJ'l!OJ1JIlly Known, w.ho,.being .by me .duly ~wom, .diduy thBt.be.ia1he ::F:ïi-st }1f1n nmll ~~est """RTm1rn hp'!'d nPT11" of .and tiwuhueal.affixed to uid .hutrument is the corpøraluul ohaid corporation,.and thBtBJÚd mmmnent wauigned.and ~ on.be1uùf of.uid corporarlon :by l1~OTity onu ÐOJIrd ofDirectorB.and.uid . (>IS"; ~ . . . .:acknowledged.uid.instrument "to De thelree.BCt.and iIeed Df BJÚd corporation. Given under my i>.and.and DotJIrial -.al . JANIIARY, .A.D20~. My .conunissionexpires on th N otJlry 1'llhlic. ,..A.D. ...20-..a¡. T.HE5TATE OF WYOMING, County of This ID51rument wJlsmed iorT=.d 11t A. D. l~. .and .duly Ti!cor.ded :in .Jlook ¡ u. o'clo~.. on the nay uf on 1'~e County Cleduuul :Ex-0ffici0:Register ol Deeds JJy No J'-ees,S Deputy Clerk.