HomeMy WebLinkAbout916004 . -'--.-. ------ :~j¡mi¡¡~¡m!n{ -- .-,.- -_._~-~----_... !!¡jH¡!f!;~W!m:I!W¡ ~ -- . .--- -- --- KNOW AIJ...MEN .BYT.HESE:rRE5ENT5. 'Ih.t Ji'IRST "NATTONK(. JlANK 1lEST r f"I n t' 7 0 \..i Ut!..i .JI CorporAtion, Dithe County Di 1".;Tlr-nlTl ..and5tateDi :certify t.hBt .11 :cer1l1Ü1 mOTtgBge.. .buring mte the .16th dRY o£ mBde,BDd exeCDted.hy :F.aU~ J.am~S :Fe1:erson lŸ. Margo :Fe1:erson ~mortgag~. 10 "FiTST "NaM on~] "Bm1lc--1õ1ès-t WyonriTl i Ji'ebrUárv , .does .hereby A.D. .20~. . .~ ~s mortgagee, .cImveying =tain zal etate thereiD "'H.nt;"1Jed.JIB ~ty 1ar the jUlyJnent nf S .10 ,.196. 00 therein .!luted, which mortgage was nCDrded m the afIice IÚ th: County Cler1:.mu1:Ex-OHii:ioIlegiater DiDeeds IÚ 1,;"l'n1-" County, ßtate ol WyDIDing, .on the .14th day nI March ~O 05. :in -Book 380 nf Mortgagea,.JIt }1IIge 66J. ..and ~ the Iollowing Deacrlbed xeal state m.uid County, 1o-w.it: -AJ.J. -lands rl.esrribed :Úl Move sâid ::mor1:gage. ,.JIB / ? - J ,f)¡ J RECEIV.ED 2/1512006 lit 12:46 PM RECEIVING #- 916004 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 37D JEANNE WAGNER LJ~COLN COUNTY CLERK. KEMMERER, wY . . ÍB. witb.JI Dote .5eCDTed 1her~y..and thè .aIor4Otn"nt;nn"03.debt.:fully paid. utisfied, zeleued,.and rlischarged.and:in TOnn.i'¡pration ther~of the.said mortgagee J10es hereby release.anù quitclaim nntú the.said mactgagor the pr~ ~y. =n\'èy..d.mu1 madgaged. . . . IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the "'T~ 1\T..-r-inyt~l ""R~lc--'TJp~1" "ltrm1rn '"Pres; nPT11" .bJI.s c.ansed thee 1'x£SeJ1u:to.be lIignedDY iu -'lDd its corpOTJlte ~eal "10 De .Bffixed, this Bigned, sealed.JlJ1d D.elivered m -the prüence Di 271:h day D£ .JB:nUary .20 06 .Â.]).. _. "Eirs1: 1iT~n nT1~J. ::Ba:nk-=i\Test Attest SelIl: D~N\O~ ~~~6 C.ashier Jly R- ~. -ú ~y. Its ~r.aD.ch l:Tesidem: Nate: If it is Dot rleaired to.deacr.ibe landsm IIplIce ther&r, Ü1.sert the 1olIowing: 4'All hunù .deacrlbed .in .uid :mortpge. ., On this 771::11 ::Ron Thnm..", } D. THE:sTATE OF WYOMING, Lincoln County of day nf :r aTl11 ;:¡ry , 20~, .Defor~ me PJOrBODJIlly -Appeared to:me perJlonally .know.n, who,.being .hyme.duly IIWDTD. ilid J y:thatDeis the :Firs1: 1Jari nT1~ 1 :ßaDk-1ie.s1: l\Tm1rll :Fx-e.~; i1PT1"'t nf .and :that the Beal.Jdfixed to1laÎd iiutnmumt.i.s the J:OTpÐrJlte.!IeJI1 Di 1IIIÌd.corpOTJltion..anà thBhaiil instrument W.JIB.ïgned~ sealed on.be.h.a1I IÚ1IaÎd =rporation bYJU1thority ofitsJlaar.dIÚDjr~rB.and1lB.Îd. c;::¡sl1;-f>T . .acknowledged ~ .inm:nment:to -be the bee.JlCt.and Deed nf .said .cor.POTJItÏon. Given mu1er:my .b.anrl ~ DOtari.aI.ileal 27th .J.anuary . .A..D20~. My :commi.a1nn expire¡ DD th C01lnty.o£ 'IhÎJ! ÌDiitrument WJIiI.rued ion=d Jlt A. D. J 9_,.1In.d .duly r~cOTrled m -Book I D. ND1l1ry 1'.uhlic. , Å. D. ..20--ºJ 'IRE .5TATE OF WYOMING, n 'clo"k 1\'1.. Dn :the -day .of on 1'Bge County Cletk.mu1 :Ex-Dllicio.Register nf Th!eds :By No Fees,S Deputy Clerk !I..