HomeMy WebLinkAbout916053 ·:;;.'.:~1.:1;,¡:::~-,-,s.~.:.!>,;-:..~...!..;~~~~ :~':c·.~',.:;:":~~~....{r".,,,· ,...,~:.......;.':,: "."'::..,..:.;.; :j~:':¡'j-~;.:." . "·c'1';.".i::1l,o::;.""ttl~"!'t:.'·':r, ~"",:,.'..tr";"'.'_. ':, ~~ 'c~:":;:,:·"':i .I¡.,........... THIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY: Randy Kirchmann l Y; l ß9 Ct, '1- When recorded mail to: LSI - North Recording Division 5029 Dudley Blvd ( '6 J V IÀ J -l j McClellan, CA 95652 . ð -I If 1 (800) 964-3524 LOAN NUMBER: 2 I 754523 RECEIVED 2/16/2006 at 2:55 PM RECEIVING # 916053 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 518 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBER: (SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE) MODIFICATION AGREEMENT TO HOME EQUITY LINE OF CREDIT AGREEMENT AND DISCLOSURE STATEMENT This Modification Agreement (the "Modification") is made as of 11/8/2005, between Maria Victoria Alonso- Ehrenhoefler and Volker Ehrenhoefler (the "Borrower(s)") and Co~ide Home Lo~ ("Count¡ywide Home Loans, Inc."), and amends and supplements that certain Home Equity Line of Credit Agreement and Disclosure Statement, and that certain Mortgage which states the property is vested in Maria Victoria Alonso- Ehrenhoefler and Volker Ehrenhoefler, dated 12/10/2002 and recorded 12/17/2002, in Book Number~ Page Number ;!.42-.-as Document No. 886326 , in the Official Records of the County of Lincoln, State of Wyoming (the "Security Instrument"), and covering the real property with a commonly known address of: 590 WALNUT DRIVE THAYNE, WY 83127 (the "Property"), and more specifically described as follows: ¡ V SEE "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN. \ In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements of the parties hereto, together with other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Amendment to Credit Limit: My credit limit under the Home Equity Line of Credit Agreement and Disclosure Statement is modified to $42,500.00. 2. Amendment to Margin: The "Margin" lIsed to detennine the ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RA TE is modified to 1.875 percentage points. ~pare~i;£ ~ lìÎ\ ~ R . ()\D.r\YJ CHL - Si . Valley 450 American S1. SV3-226 Shni Valley, CA 93065 Initials ~ ~~Jill~[tJ! """'¡¡¡~""';"'" .','1', . "¡:,.".<" :~:¡fm::;;.mif¡W::: '·:':;: ~":"~I-'·¡·'·I~i:,7¡;:¡::n·¡ . . , .... :,', ·'·I~",'.·. ' ... . '" ,.·~i",·'",_".·,-, ,,,. i!·".,r... , . ',I,;o,','.'!'''--,,'O)';'' 091.6053 onr:519 VI... . LOAN NUMBER: 21754523 3. Representation of Borrower(s): Borrower(s) represent(s) to Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. that: a) Except for the Security Instrument and any prior liens identified in the Security Instrument, there are no other liens, encumbrances or claims against the Property other than (i) real property taxes that are paid current and not due or owing, (ii) easements, (iii) homeowners association covenants, conditions and restrictions, and (iv) local government or municipal assessments and development bonds; b) There has been no increase, amendment or modification of any liens prior to the Security Instrument other than those agreed to by Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. in writing; c) I am/We are the only owner(s) of the property: there are no other family members or non- family members who own any interest in the Property. Additionally, Borrower(s) represent that there are no changes in title or vesting since the origination of this loan on 12/10/2002. In the event there are changes, Borrower(s) has/have notified Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. of such changes prior to the completion ofthis modification; d) There are no buildings, fences, overhangs, wall or other structures from other land coming onto or encroaching on the Property. There no buildings, fences, overhangs, walls or other structures from the Property which are going onto or encroaching onto any other properties or onto any easements running over or under the Property; e) ¡/We have paid for all cost, expenses and other sums owed for any and all construction, improvements, rehabilitation, remodeling, or other work done to, on, at, or in the Property including for labor, material, and supplies (collectively, the "Construction"). Currently, there is no Construction occurring. J/We have not requested any further Construction. l/We will not have any Construction done or allow any to be done prior to closing this Modification; t) J/We understand that homestead property is in many cases protected from the claims of creditors and exempt from sale at foreclosure and that by signing this contract, I/we voluntarily give up my/our right to the protection of the property with respect to claims based upon this contract; g) I/We certify that the representations set forth in this Modification agreement are true and correct as of the date opposite my/our signature(s) and that Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. has been notified of any necessary changes. Any intentional or negligent misrepresentation(s) may result in my/our loan being in default, civil liability and/or criminal penalties. 4. Limited Effect: The parties agree that this Modification shall be construed narrowly and limited to the items expressly modified herein. Except as expressly provided for by this Modification, all terms, requirements and obligations of the Home Equity Line of Credit Agreement and Disclosure Statement and the Security Instrument, and all rights of Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. there under, remain in full force and effect, unaltered by this Modification, Capitalized terms in this Modification have the same meaning as in the Home Equity Line of Credit Agreement and Disclosure Statement. 5. Effective Date/Limitation on Effect: This Modification when completed, signed and notarized will be effective no later than the first business day of the next month, if the signed documents are received by Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. no later than the 20th calendar day. Otherwise, this modification will be effective no later than the 10th business day of the month thereafter. This Modification is null and void unless completed, signed, notarized and returned to Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. within fourteen (14) days from the above- specified date. fffI§ Bt1êtJMf!NT IS FILED FOR , REcœb fi¥ PìtJÉLITV NATIONAL TITLt: n~§. êô. As AN ACCOMODATION ONLY. rf IIA§N'Ö1'fitŒN EXAMINED AS TO ITS EXÈCUtION OR AS TO ITS EFFECT tJPÖN llffi TITLE. Initials ~ - 2- MODAGRBTH 2269 06/29/2004 ··;·...;·~I·...·J·I'I>. ',' -·'>'1" .. ',-"':!'':-:~,~, ')' . , '.i:'.>,O: ":I;I;o;.~t,;:'~".;j;,,,., _, . )_·'.i:<~;E::,~,·;:<J·'·,:·,~,¡.: .', ~,,~,:,' .< '.'.~.';'\ '¡.;.....,;,: . .:; :,. .'-".' ..,',,~ ;:¡ '.!I~;.I'. o¡,or" 091.6053 C00520 ~ LOAN NUMBER: 21754523 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, this Modification has been duly executed by the parties hereto the day and year first ~ above mitten. \ BORROWER(S) ~\a~~ ~~ ~\2øç Maria Victori Alonso-Ehrenhoetler Date Volker Ehrenhoetler Date Witness Witness ~t('I/~ gnature' of Witness CO-OWNER(S) The undersigned hereby consents to the execution of this Modification, which serves to increase the' lien amount on the Subject Property. Date Date Witness Witness Signature of Witness Signature of Witness Notary Acknowledgement for Borrower(s)/Owner(s) State of (.ð l~ÎOldø County of dtlm ~ On ù{.afl1 bk Id-!)-Oð ~ Date , before me, t-JctVlC~ Ca orr Name of Notary Public personally appeared _Ma (I' t\ \/,' c... +6 r 'ò, A 101'1 So ~ ~ h r-ln h o<FI-c r- Name(s) of Borrower(s)/Owner(s) is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity, and that by hislher/their signature on the instrument the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL Signature My Commission Expires 0710712008 3900 E. 104th Avenue Thornton, CO 80233 - 3 - MODAGRBTH 2269 06/29/2004 ~'T'f:n7'· I;~\ '! I ,I, , ,!.,;", ~¡!llil~W,~;i::: ~:~:: ~ {~i§!~¡¡~!;~m '.. .,L~,..ct.-","',."''''.r:.&'' . ,,", ", .,",'.'''.":..-.:....'.... ..',',:._...._-.·.-"",·.,.'.".,..·.......',~,"',..',...·.":'L .... ....,....',......',. , 091.6053 LOAN NUMBER #,7/70%"'3 CQ0521 ::"",:.:jù¡mm.j~l: LENDER COUNTRYWIDE HOME LOANS, INC. By: {1{J~r-- Chris Bertolet, 1st Vice President Notary Acknowledgment for Lender State of California County of Ventura On .;X'-/{}-Olo . before me ~vlt'r II !Aa/$'? , personally appeared Chris Bertolet, 1st Vice President of Countrywide Home Loans, Inc., A New York Corporation, personally known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she executed the same in hislher authorized capacity, and that by hislher signature on the instrument the person, or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. WITNESS MY HAND AND 0 FIC~EAL Signature ~ Signature of Notary ofPu c JAVIER A. CHAVEZ Commission # 1562987 Notary Public - California ~ Ventura County - My Cornm. Expires Mar 22. 2009 ·''', !.M.·..·..,·,",','''~·.·;,I.·.·,.,>,,'"'-.,.£i"· .....O-.~"-'.r.~~~. ::..,: ,..., " 091.6053 LOAN# 21754523 . . -,','.I,I.f.'.t.t.'.I..I.',I' : '-':·:UC""~·"~!.!."1i\..c:,,'<'!<"~:""_,l~:':'; :,~,. ;.:.....,''.' :'J"";:,~",:i.:i"""·",,·,,,.., ;. .',., '·,','~'.'oT,- '. C00522 and further ~sçribed as; lOT 49 IN STAR VALlE.Y RANCH PLAT 6. UNCLON COUNTY. WYOMING AS DESCRIBED OU THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF KNOWN AS~ 590 WALNUT DRIVE THAYNE. WV 83127 ['i\\\h\~ A pARCEL 10 ,: 351B3041008300 [jili~i¡i1It:}