HomeMy WebLinkAbout916060 "'="--"':'>~-"" .;.,"-;,:.;;.~ .. · '(t:.~.;.:.:,:. , ':;"::'.' ..-:-1.', '~'''''';-''< '.J.L"'¡~"''''.'~·:·;·~ " ....;'-:.:' ·'·.!;·,',I ',',I,:,',.·,', , ."~'.' < " '':'.',~.:~',' ; '. 51300 ., r^nr:::63 \"J t} \; ;) When Recorded, Mail to: ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION 4055 SOUTH 700 EAST, SUITE 200 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84107 Artn:: SHIPPING DEPT./DOC. CONTROL Order No.: 2061020046 RECEIVED 2/17/2006 at 9:54 AM RECEIVING # 916060 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 563 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ASSIGNMENT OF DEED OF TRUST FOR VALUE RECEIVED, ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION, it's successors and assigns" hereby assigns and transfers to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. its successors and assigns, Post Office Box 2026, Flint, Michigan 48501-2026, all its rights, title and interest in and the a certain Security Instrument executed by RANDALL K HEINER AND NICKI J HEINER, H~Sb nd and Wife And bearing date of FEBRU~Y 3, 2006, and reco~ded. on the ~ day of ~ A.D. ~(p _ in the office of the Recorder ofLmcoln County, Wyommg. cœ\... ~.. "VO-~ \Dl.\ SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE APART THEREOF TAX ID NUMBER: 33193530001500 ? j Dated: FEBRUARY 14,2006. ~.r--- AOMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION B ~l.o,Q,~¥. Its CAROLYN HERBERT, VICE PRESIDENT STATE OF UTAH } } ss COUNTY OF SALT LAKE } On 14TH day of FEBRUARY 2006, personally appeared before me CAROLYN HERBERT who being by me duly sworn, did say that She is the VICE PRESIDENT, of ACADEMY MORTGAGE CORPORATION, and that the foregoing instrument was signed in behalf of said corporation by authority of a resolution of its Board of Directors, and said Vice President acknowledged to me that said co 0 t on ex cute t same. My Commission Expires: JULY 23. 2007 Residing at: SALT LAKE CITY, UT £ \ OOOVoW \)D'2.(X)fJ~ lq~ If MIN: 10006086~~~ __ usaassn cA.-\ .r MERS Phone: 1-888-679-6377 il¡~~~i~~~m~~¡l!i'~ p;: :~:;~f¡im~m~;i~I;;: : <·· ~':·:ili~ii.,: 0916060 EXHIBIT "A" ccr564 " Description: N;ckl Héiner and Randall Heiner A portion of the Jarin 'Draney property, as referred tÇJ in the Deåd recorded in aook 5B4PR. on Page 3, with the Office of the Clerk of LinCQln County. , WyomIng, within thè NE1J4SW114 of Section 35, T33N, R119W. of the 6" P.M., ¡ the mates and ·bounds being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING .at the Southeast comer of the Hepworth property, as referred to in : the Deed ré~rdecl in Boo'k 311PR, on Page 364, with said Office, said Point of . Beginning, being 220.94 feet Soo28'5B"W, along the West 'ine of the SE1/4"of . saJd Sèc!igr1 35, from the Paul N. Scherbel RLS' 164, 1986· location for the Northwest Comer of said SE1/4; , ,.' thence$OD28'58"W. continuing along said Yvest Hne, 193.33 feet; t~~n~ ;!I!~!I')l~a~Io/,pal<lll~ "1iith th"Nol1hUne .of llie ~W¥114 <:1said SectIon :35. i ¡¡¡¡~trrJØ!>!;'·<', ,... ,...'.. >.. . . ., .. '.,", ... . .,. . . thè~ Nb'ZIJ'5a"E, patallel with said West line, 193.33 feet,to a Point in the,. South line of said Hepworth property; ". . . thence SB9°25'OQ"E, along saiç1.South line. P~mdlel with said North line, 225.77 feet, to the Point öf l3egiiming, . -----. +----- ----- ----.:.-_- ----