HomeMy WebLinkAbout916141 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In cOl'lpllance with tlwCORNJ'R PlRnffJAfION ßiD 11£lJ1C ..cr. "'yDl'llng Statutes, 1977 Section 36-11-101, et. nq.. and the Rules and Regulations of' the Boar'd of' Pr'of'esslonal Engineer's and Pr'of'lrssIonc11 Land SUr'veyor's) Rever'se side of' this f'0r'1'I MY be used If' l'Ior'e space Is needed. Record of orlglno.l sl.lrvey o.nd clto.tlon of sOl.lrce of hlstorlco.l Inforl'lo.tlon (If corner Is lost or oblltero.tecl). Description of corner I'Ionl.ll'lento.tlon evidence fOl.lnd o.nd/or I'Ionl.ll'lent o.nd o.ccessorles esto.bllshed to perpetl.lo.te the loco.tlon of this corner. Sketch of relo.tlve loco.tlon of I'Ionl.ll'lent, o.ccessorles, o.nd reference points with cOl.lrse o.nd dlsto.nce to o.dJo.cent corner(s) (If deterl'llned In this sl.lrvey), Method o.nd ro.tlono.le for reesto.bllshl'lent of lost or oblltero.ted corner. FOUND' SET STONE .5' X .5' X 1.3' A.G, THREE NOTCHES ON EAST FACE ONE NOTCH ON SOUTH FACE SET' T -POST 2'-0' 'WEST PREVIOUSL Y FILED IN UINTA COUNTY 9/17/02 Monument location RECEIVED 2/22/2006 at 12:03 PM RECEIVING # 916141 BOOK: PAGE: JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY I Monument Inscription - -<$- - I Date of Field Work: iL1.7L02 Office Reference: 8834-38 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency. Address This corner record wo.s prepo.red by I'Ie or I.Incler I'Iy direction o.nd sl.lpervlslon, sm d: SICNATURE 11¡.a'7"~"UU"~~v~~.~aUM. A A a a c c D D E E · . · . H H ~ ~ K K L L M M H N o 0 , , Q Q · . S I T T U U Y Y · . · . · . z z 1134..7..1011111114R"171.'..ßaUM. D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 Corner Name Northwest Corner Section M. T .2Q N. Rill W. 6th P.M. County: Lincoln Wyoming Croøø-Index No.: V-13