HomeMy WebLinkAbout916142 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In cOPlpUance with tt.CORNIB PI1lPIff1AffØN ßil) 1IUJIC ..cr. 'JyDl'llng Statutes. 1977 Section 36-11-101. et. seq.. and the Rules and Regulations of' the Board of' Prof'esslonal Engineers and Prof'es~l Land Slrveyors) Reverse slc:te of' this f'or", MY be used If' Plore spo.ce 15 needed. Recorcl of orlglnOoI survey Ooncl cltOotlon of source of hlstorlcOoI Inforl'lOotlon (If corner Is lost or obllterOotecl), Description of corner I'Ionul'lentOotlon evlclence founcl Ooncl/or I'Ionul'lent Ooncl Ooccessorles estOobllshecl to perpetuOote the locOotlon of this corner. Sketch of relOotlve locOotlon of I'Ionul'lent. Ooccessorles. Ooncl reference points with course Ooncl cllstOonce to OoclJOocent corner(s) (If cleterl'llnecl In this survey). Methocl Ooncl rOotlonOole for reestOobllshl'lent of lost or obllterOotecl corner. FOUNDI SET STONE .25' X 1.4' X .6' A.G. MARKED "1/4" ON 'JEST FACE T -POST 2.2' EAST T'JO- TRACK 30' 'JEST PREVIOUSL Y FILED IN UINTA COUNTY 9/17/02 Monument location RECEIVED 2/22/2006 at 12:03 PM RECEIVING # 916142 BOOK: PAGE: JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Monument Inscription -¢- STONE Date of Field Work: .iL.17Lœ Office Reference: 11834-35 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner recorcl woos prepOorecl by I'Ie or uncler I'Iy cllrectlon Ooncl supervision. sm .t SIGNATURE 1 I 3 4 I . A · + c D + I · + · H ~ I L M N o P Q · I T U V · · v Z 1 7..1011111114Q'.171.1..ßDDH. A · C D I · · H ~ I L M N o P o · I T U V W · v Z 1141'7"~11ggM1'1"7g..11.UM. D.R. GRIFFIN & ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 Corner Name West Quarter Corner Section.2. T .l9 N, Rill W, 6th P.M. County: Lincoln Wyoming CroIII-Jnde% No.: .c31