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HomeMy WebLinkAbout916144 State of Wyoming Corner Record (In cOl'lpllance with theCORØR PlBPlffJAfIOIi AND 111ß1(; ACf. W'YOI'lIng Statutes. 1977 Section 36-11-101. et. seq.. o.nd the Rules o.nd Regulo.tlons of the Board of Professional Engineers o.nd Professional Land Surveyors) Reverse side of this forl'l l'Io.y be used If l'Iore space Is needed. Recorcl of' orlglnQI survey Qncl cltQtlon of' source of' hlstorlcQI Inf'orMQtlon (If' corner Is lost or obllterQtecl). Description of' corner MonuMentQtlon evlclence f'ouncl Qncl/or MonUMent Qncl Qccessorles estQbllshecl to perpetuQte the locQtlon of' this corner. Sketch of' relQtlve locQtlon of' MonuMent. Qccessorles, Qncl ref'erence points with course Qncl cllstQnce to QclJQcent corner(s) (If' cleterMlnecl In this survey), Methocl Qncl rQtlonQle f'or reestQbllshMent of' lost or obllterQtecl corner. roUNDI STANDARD GLO B.C. 8. I,P" 0.4' A.G. 1'w'0- TRACK 10.0' 'JEST T -POST 1.5' 'JEST PREVIDUSL Y FILED IN UINTA COUNTY 9/17/02 Monument location RECEIVED 2/22/2006 at 12:03 PM RECEIVING # 916144 BOOK: PAGE: JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY -~..------------ Monument Inscription 4- Date of Field Work: .iL1.7LQ2 Office Reference: 8834-38 Cross Index Plat Firm/Agency, Address This corner recorcl WQS prepQrecl by Me or uncler MY cllrectlon Qncl supervision. SIAL .J: SIGNATURE 1 Z 3 . I . · · + c D + E , + · H · · L M N o · Q · I T U Y · · T Z 1 7"~"~Q"RR»RR.ßDUH. · · C D E , · H · · L M N o · Q · I T U y · · T Z I , 4 . . 7 . . 10 11 12 13 14 ,. ,. 17 " 'I . 11 21 Z3 14 . D.R. GRIFFIN &: ASSOCIATES. INC. 1414 ELK STREET. SUITE 202 ROCK SPRINGS. WYOMING 82901 Telephone Number: 362-5028 Corner Name Northeast Corner Section j, T 19 N, Rill W, 6th P.M. County: Lincoln Wyoming CroII-1ndu No.: k1a