HomeMy WebLinkAbout916099 , --,....-...,.- RECEIVED 2/2112006 Bt 1120 AM RECEIVING =# 916099 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 631 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ,-,-. '_",'_'.'u." C00631 QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW AU.. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, TIlat SpurJockProperties LLC~ 11 Wyoming Close Limited, of PO Box 3448, Alpine, WY 83128, grantor, in consideration ofTen .and NolDollars ($10.00) .and other good.and v.aluable cohsideration, the receipt of which.is ACknowledged, conveys.and quitclaims unto Marcia A. SpurJock, 11 mmried woman liS her sole .and sepanrte property, of 1145 Bluebird Dr, Munster IN 46321; grBD1:ee, .all such right, title, interest, property, possession, claim.and demßnd liS it has or ought to luive, in or 10.all the following Described premises, in the County of Lincoln, S1:Bte of Wyoming, 1o-wit: Lot 50 of the TrBil Ridge Subdivision lI.CCording 10 the official plat thereof on ñle in íhe office of íhe Lincoln County Clerk in Kt:mmerer, Wyoming. Together with .any.and.all improvements. ,/ -)-,;.; Subject 10 .all coverum.t:s, ~ement:s, ~p1Ïons, restrictions, reserv1l1:ions .and rights-of- way of sight or record including 11 Declaration of Covenants, Conditions.and Restrictions £led in connec1Ïon with.said plat. Hereby releß~ing.and waiving.all righ1:s under.and by virtue of the homeste&:l exemption Jaws of the State of Wyoming. IN WlTNf;SS WHEREOF~ grantor has CBUsed 1his quitclaim deed to be executed liS of 1his 5th day of J.anumy, 2005. Spurlock Properties l.LC~ Jl Wyoming Close Limited Liability Company Byµ.-J/2~ David R Spurlock, Manager 1 :::i*¡*i~*::::::: \:~~!:t:r~:~~l~!:¡ ,'1.'.'..'.'.,.-.·..·.- 09'16099 STATEOF~~A -' COUNTY OF~~ ·or632 The foregoing instrument was .acknowledßed before me by David R. Spurlock.as m3n~ ofSpurlockhopertiesLLC~ll Wyoming Close Limited Liability Company~ who .ackn. owledged ~ instrument to be the free llCt llI1d àeed of said T ,13bi1ity Company~ this 5 -f?rtay of ~. ~ 2005. Witness my.hand.and officjal seal. ~~ ;I Notary]>~c ~ KATHY L MARKS Notary Public, State of Indiana County of Lake My Commission Expires 09/16/2006 .-.. " ' ,...... . ;..;,..~~-~.. . ;. ....\ V/O "" . . .....t \~ !it', '.' ~ ....-... " . ,', .... ....' '/ ~ /? -fA:"" }...,,~.~" ;: 0 [ 1)' 'J..1ï:r cr \ ~ .-. IJl'J!t'~.2 ~ \'. :0 - .~. . . ,(\". - . - ..' .: .'Y ....., ........Iy.... '" 0 ~...^~~~....., My commi!':!':lon expires: 7 J / ý ) ./)./) {) ¿ . I /