HomeMy WebLinkAbout916118 "I ::" ~,:i~I:O:¡::J'n:~:'; ';r';':";," ''';'-,','; ".' _ ',¡ :::.:';":¡;';', <,,.;.-;.;,-', ":.·Jh!I~.:.:t: ·.' ',' ,.: ~ :;~:,:-..:;.:ÿ.:..~::: .::;': ~ "'- :;. :.;,:.;. . :' '_ _';~,::. . ;: .::;1;1;.; .'.;1:; .' ;;:; ;....'.:..¡..",..... " .,.. l'!7ï '.); f. " .AJl"D:RJlECORDING n;J;ASJ;.JŒI1IRN :r0: OLSON .&lIOGGAN..P.c. .II W CENn:R .P o BOX 525 LOGAN DT U313-Ø525 RECEIVED .2122/2006 .a1 9:33 AM RECEIVING# 916118 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 677 JEANNE WAGNER l.INCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY BEND:rAX NOTICES TO: VENICEBDTLUIS ß1:FAIRWAY.D1UV.E .PJŒS1'ON.lDA.HO .J3163 WARRANTY DEED VENICE BUTTARS, 45 sole Trustee ohhe BUTTARS fAMIlY LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 11, 1991, Grantor of Preston, County of frank I in, State of Jdaho, hereby CONVEY5 .and WARRANT5to VENICE BUTTARS, Dr her 5uccessor, .as Trustee of TRUST B CREATED UNDER ¡HE BUTTARS fAMILY LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 11, 1991, Grantee of 862 F.airwayDrive, Preston, Idaho 83263, forthesum ofTen Dollars ($1 0.00), and other good and valuableconsjderation, the following described tract of Jand in Lincoln County, State of Wyoming: . A one-eighth (1/8th) undivjded interest in and to the following described real property: ü Beginning.at a point on the North boundary line of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22, T ownshjp 36 North, Range 119 West of the 6 1h P.M., Wyoming, 1hat js North 89*50' West 825.98 feet from the Northeast comer of said 5ectjon 22, .and running thence North 89*50' West 660.00 feet more or less 10 the East boundary Jine of a tract of Jand heretofore conveyed to Don B. Earle; thenc-e South 2735.5 feet more or less to the center Jine of the 5tewart Creek Pipe line; thence following along the center line of said pipe line, North 86*05' East 661.55 feettoa point 269031 feet more or less directly 50uth ohhe point of beginning; thence North269031 feet more Dr less to the point of beginning, together with the right of ingress .and egress to .and from the above described property over, across and along a tract of land two (2) rods in width conT1£!ctingtheEastboundary line of the US 89 Highway with the West boundary line of a county TOad on the East end of said right-of-way, the North boundary line of said right-of-way being the C€nter line of the Stewart Creek Pjpe .Line, and the 50uth boundary Jjne of said right-of-way being parallel to the center line of said Stew4rt Creek . Pipe line, the :center line of the 5tewart Creek Pipe line and North boundary Jjne of .said right-of-way being more p4riicularly dscribed .as follows: Beginning 41 the intersection of the center line ofthe Stewart Creek Pipe line with the East boundary Jine of the US 89 highway, .and running thence 50uth 78*34.5' East 97.20 feet; thence South 61 *21.5'East462A8feet;thence South 64*31.5' East2B2.12 feet; thence South 60*36.5' E.ast 455A6 feet; thence North 86*05' East 1525.05 feet more or less to the inter5ection of the center line of said pipe line with the West boundary line. '7 (? ,-,,' DATED this.l!L day of february, 2006. ¿. ¡HE BUTTARS FAMIlY .LIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 11, 1991 B~ iC~1V¿)~ %-LdbÞ/ Venice B:uttars~ Trustee n~~~~¡lli~I~¡; ¡"r:J~ '~I I'~»'~lt."I. ~;..~~-a*:;::~:¡ ". ·-C.~I~ru'=':t~I:t:!:~::: '~\:¡.~'. :-Tc.·, ',': .i':";"~, '~":,!!","' .:' .:_ ,-, ", . . ',,',' '~"...~.""'.~.' . ,"'J "', .;"~'!-J..:...;:;..~..., . ._:~: ;': .;.,1. .:., -, _,._', .¡,;.¡",.... , .<...~.~-'...... WARRANTY DEED Page 2 ·091.6.:118 COrS78 STAll Of UTAH ) County of fI)~~ ; 55. On the -11- day of f-ebruary,2006, personally .appeared before me, VENICE BUTTARS, the signer of the within instrument, who duly acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity.as sole Trustee ofthe BUTTARS FAMILY lIVING TRUST DATED OCTOBER 11, 1991. ---I Ie"'· NOTARYPUBLIG I I æ'· CAGRAGUN ~ . 592 N MALL DR I I M~~~:'~~~ I . ¡;.¡j. . !. _of"",,, I NotaryPUbli~ Jbf/estIbuttus qcd.4.wpd