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HomeMy WebLinkAbout916126 '" ìlr .00709 TRUSTEE QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Noah HHlstead FamHy Tr.ust, George Noah HUlstead and Jean T. HUlstead .under the "rustAgreement nated AprjJ 16, 1984, by George T. HUlstead and LaVon Lancaster, SuccessorTr.ustees, Grantor, of 337 Lancaster Lane, Co Road 147, Aiton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, for Lind in consideration ofJ€n DoJlars ($10.00) Lind other good Lind vLiluable consideration, in hand paid, T€c€ipt whemof is hemby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTSLin undivided one-half (%) interest to RICK H. HJLLSTEAD and ROSA YCELA HJLLSTEAD, as tenants by the €ntireties , Grantees, of 5996 Bitter Creek Rd 140, Afton, Wyoming 8311 0, the following described real €state, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, her€by mleasing and waiving all rights under Lind by virtue of the homestead €xemption laws of the Stat€, ÍD-wit: The property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto Lind by this T€femnc€ made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenanc€s, hereditaments Lind Lill other things thereunto belonging or in Linywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to Lill Basements, rights-of-way, mservations Lind T€strictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. WITNESS my hand this 7 fit day ofF€bruary, 2006. j Noah HHlstead FamjJyTr.ust, George Noah HHlstead and Jean T. HiJJstead .under the Tr.ust Agreement dated AprH 16, 1984 , .;,.:t. ~ T ,j.Æ~ George . HHlstead Successor Tr.ustee öbr)~/ ~~~~ LaVon Lancaster Successor Tr.ustee STATE OF WYOMING ) )S5. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ìœ .above .and foregoing instrument .acknowledged before me by George T~ HUlstead and LaVon Lancaster, S.uccessorTr.ustees of the Noah HjJJstead FamHyTr.ust, George ~ah HUlstead and Jean T. HUlstead .underthe Tr.ustAgreementdated AprjJ 16,1984, 1his 717fd.ay of Febru.ary, 2006. WITNESS my hand .and official seal. '-____ I / M. GAU.1)WAY - NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ State of Uncoln 'V Wyoming My Commission Expires oC' t RECEIVED 212212DD6.at11:16 AM RECEIVING# 916126 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 7D9 ÆANNE WAGNER l.INCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER WY :!:::~¡;¡illim~J~~:----- ------ - - - - ~'::~·%'¡1:~·.'_ ' ,. Professional Land Surveyors Paul N. Scherbel Wyo. Regislralion No. 164 Ulah Registration No. 1670 Idaho Registration No. 3990 Nevada Registration No. 6805 Scoll A. Scherbel Wyo. Registration No. 3889 Ideho Registration No: 8026 Utah Registration No. 372111 MARlOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Registration No. 5369 Surveyor Scherbel. LID. Allon. Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson. Wyoming lava tiol Springs. Idaho Monlpelier, Idaho f~: :;:;rø:¡ì: ;:~'~;;i;\ j ·"I'i¡'ir¡~~1.6.1.Z6 ¡~!~m~~~mR ~ITcr."'1 !ii¡: í '_j '~"~" -,,.,.. \¡ ~;;;~:~:;~';!fj~U\") DESClUPTION FOR 00710 NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST QUITCLAIM TO RlCKH. HILLSTEAD To-wit:- - That part of the SW~NE~ of Section 10, T31N R1l9W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 213 of Photostatic Records on page 79, described as follows: All of the SW~NE~EXCEPT the following two (2) tracts: All of said SW~NE~ lying and being situated westerly of the following described line: BEGINNING at a point on the south line of said SWY~~ S 89°-48'3 O"E, 274.46 feet from the southwest comer of said SW~NE~; thence NOoo-OT-06"W, 1 013.16 feet, along an existing fence line to a pOlllt; thence NOoo-20'-54"E, 60.00 feet to a point at a fence comer; thence NO 1 °-03 '- 33"E, 232.51 feet, along said fence line, to a point at a fence comer; thence .continuing NOl °-03 '-33"E, 18.97 feet to a position on the north line of said SW~NE~; AND Tract B as described on the attached description titled, "DESCRIPTION FOR NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 1984 TRACT B" dated 15 December 2005; tlle BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NE~ of Section 10, T31N Rl19W, being NOoo-24'-14"E; each ".comer~' found as described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinfor.cing rod with a 2" aluminum Clip inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; all in .accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 1984 PLAT OF TRACTS WITHIN THE 'W£NE~ NW~SE~ SECTION 10 T31N R119W ~L ~ L opm~Y~~/.. ... ,.%~t..ed.UDeœmber2005,asreVj¡;ed. .~~,...". .. ø.·, . ..... Qi .~·b .',. !J ."). .', !'.'...;,. \ er~. ,¡: ...,; ~t f:: i'~'I" '1..1(;.6 '~~J-t,., . ,~~~ ~,o·- ~!<.' f}' ~ -Jos1 ~"'\ "'l" '\ December 2 . 4.~' / r(;' ",~.J,;]8 <:~\:.,. ";? \ It;} ( -.;" ~", (j .1)""" ~ .1 .. /fi;:¡ fL~. f~) t;~ ~ . r.r¡~' - ..;¡. . \If"'v, .J <';.;' \ J /' I ':flJ» / ., !)lIi@ 1(--' Jg?/ ,/ . i1 ....J.ZJ.z~ /' ·"'''''.~Ì'·CH m··! c., .ft~:"r' tll :...""~ "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor" r~ 03161Z6 nn7"'11 . U~} .J. DESCRIPTION FOR NOAH HlLLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16APRIL 1984 TRACTB To-wit: -- That part of the SWY~J,4.and that part of the NW%SEJ,4 of Section 10, T31N R119W, LincoJn County, WyomÏnE, beinEPart of those tracts of record in the Office of1he Clerk of LincoJn County in Book 213 of Photostatic Records on page 79 .and in Book 124 of l'boto.static Records o.n page 659, follows: point on the south line of said 5WJ,4NE~, 889°-48'-30''£,274.46 feet from the southwest comer of said SWY~ 14; .. thenceNOOo-07'-06"W, 1 013.16 feet, to.a point; thence 889°-44'-45"W,265.19 feet, to .a spike on the west line of said SW~NEJ,4; 1henceNOOo-24'-24'~, 60.00 feet, .alonE said west line to.a spike; 1hence N89°-44 '-45'~, 265.13 feet, to a point at.a fence comer; thence coursîng .a perimeter fence line .as follows: NO 1 °-03' - 33'~, 232.51 feet, to .a point .at .a fence comer; 589°-58'-24"E, 1 055.41 feet, to.a point at .a fence comer; SOl 0-16'-4l"W, 1308.90 feet, to.a point on the south line of said SWJ,4NE~ thence continuing 801 °-16'-41 "W, 16.50 feet, to.a point; thenceN89°-48 '-30"W, 1 02839 feet, .along.a line to .said south line, to a point; thenceNOoo-07'-06"W, 16.50 feet, to thePOlNT OF .BEGINNING; ENCOMPASSING .an.area of32.09 .acres, more or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NEJ,4 of 8ection.10, T31N Rl19W, being NOO°-24'-24"E; eacb J1.comer" fonnd .as .described in the Comer Record filed or to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; eacb '" mar1œd by .a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with .a 2" muminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERER LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with .appropriate .details; eacb "spike" marked by .a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a . 5/8" x 24" stee] reinforcîng IOd with 2" aluminum cap mscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHEREEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appIOpriate .details; ProIessiona! bnd Surveyors .all in .acconia.nce with the plat prep.ared to be filed .in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "NOAH HILLSTEAD F . Y TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 19841'LAT OF TRACTS WITHJN THE ~% NW%SEJ,4 SECTION 10 T3lN R119W / UN Y, . ",' dated 12 December 2005, as revised. PAUl N. Scherbel Wyo. Registralion No. 164 Ulah Regislralion No. 1670 Idaho flegislralion No. 3990 Nevada Registralion No. 6805 Sco" A. Scherbe! Wyo. Registralion No. 3889 Idaho Registration No. B026 Utah flegislration No. 372111 ~/ÞO' \$~ '·SC (. 536B ~G) '1 ... ø þ, -r:J ~ ~tJc, !!l ~ <, .~ { / ¡ >' \\1'-1 (J, \.~.. "/ / \TR\31-1l9-1 ~~~:~~::\~:M::!:lsle;¡ú "Modification in any ~ay ~è\ì"~:::¡¡m¡¡*:!¡¡:¡¡ili1'íj~~6iPtion terminates liability of 1h£::;~;':;'·!¡:':::;{;:þr" "~ u:~~~I)L:::t:';:I~. ...' ........ "t,,--_··.. .,.. ,.. '!,·.Þ.-,.'.,..,1r.... :' Surveyor Stherbel,iID. Alton, Wyoming Big Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava tiol Springs, Idaho Montpelier, Idaho