HomeMy WebLinkAbout916127 r;:;~:::;: ~*~:~:: I~::~ i" . .~ '. ,'.'. ,li TRUSTEE DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY JHESE PRESENTS, 1hat Noah HHlstead FlImily Trust, George Noah HHlstead and Jean T. HHlstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984, by GeorgeT. HHlstead lInd LaVon Lancaster, SuccessorTTustees, Gnmtor, of 337 Lancaster Lane, Co Road 147, Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good .and valuable consider.ation, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to CARL HEBER HJLLSTEAD, B single person, GrBntee, whose Bddress is PO Box 36, F.airview, Wyoming 83119, 1hefollowing described real estate, situated in Lincoln Cqunty and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving.all rights lJnder .and by virtue of the homestead -exemption Jaws of the State, to-wit: Ihe property as more fully described on Exhibit "An Bttached hereto Bnd by this reference made B part hereof. TOGETHER WITH BII improvements, Bppurtenances, hereditaments Bnd all other 1hings thereunto belonging Dr in Bnywise appertaining. ""], ¡;. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations Bnd restrictions now of record Dr otherwise .affecting said Jands. WJTNESS my hand this 7 -t't day of February, 2006. Noah HHlstead FlImilyTrlJst, George Noah HHlstead and Jean T. HHlstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984 , ~~ T Ij~~J George . HHlstead Successor Trustee c{uf/UI ¡;ff¿U.-Cd~ LaVon Lancaster Successor Trustee STATE OF WYOMING ) )55. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) ¡he above and fore90in9 instrument was acknowJedged before me by George T. HHlstead lInd LaVon Lancaster, Successor Trustees of the Noah HHlstead FlImily Trust, George f') oah HHlsteadand JeanT. HHlstead undertheTrustAgreementdatedAprjl16, 1984, this,f"t"fjay of February, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. M.GÆUQWAY-NDTARYPUBUC County of State of Lincoln W min My Commission Expires 0 RECEIVED 2L22I2D06 .at 11 :1 8 AM RECEIVING# 916127 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 712 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Prorgssioual Land SuP/eyars P¡'llIl N. Schclbel Wyo. HegistmlÎoll No. 164 Ulah Reyir.lmlion No. 1670 Idaho Re!Jislralion No. 3990 NovmJPI Regislralion No. 6805 Scali A. ScherlJel WYI}, RegisLralioll No. 3089 Idaho ReQishalioll No. 802(j Utah f1egislraliDI1 No. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEL Wyo. Ftogislralion No. 5368 SlIIveYOI ScheIbel, lTD. Allon. Wyoming Bi~1 Piney, Wyoming Jackson, Wyoming Lava Hal Springs. Idaho Monlpelier. Idaho .... o 1.61.27 rnnt4¡J13 .., ,) ~} (J. DESCIUPTION FOR NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 AIJIUL 1~S4 TRACT A To-wit: -- That part of the SW~NEJ/.¡ and that part of the NW~SE~ of Section 10, T31N R11)1W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part ofthose tracts ofrecord in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 113 of Photostatic. Records on page 79 and in Book 124 of Photostatic lZecords on page 659, described as follows: BEGINNING at a the southwest comer of said SW~NE~' , thence NOoo-14'-14"E, 396.00 feet, along the west line of said SW~NEY4, to the southwest spike of that tract of record in said Office in Book 530 of Photostatic IZecords on page 197; thence S89°-35'-36"E, 114.50 feet, along the south line of said tract, to the southeast point thereof; thence NOoo-24 '-24"E, 198.00 feet, along the east line of said tract, to the norUleast point thereof; thence N89°-35'-3G"W, 114.50 feet, along the north line of said tract, to the northwest spike of said tract, on the west line of said SW~NE~; thence NOoo-24 '-24"E, 417.09 feet, along said west line, to a spike; Ulcnce N89''-44 '-45"E, 165.19 feet, to a point; thence SOoo-07'-OG"E, 1013.16 feet, to a point on the soulh line of said SW~NP/4; 1hence continuing SOoo-07'-06"E, 16.50 feet, to a point; thence N89°-48'-30"W, 174.61 feet, along a line parallel with said souUllinc, to a point on the west line of said NW~SEJ/4; thence NOoo-14'-24"E, 16.50 feet, along said west line 10 tile CORNER OF BEGINNING; ENCOMP ASSING an area of 5AO acres, more or less; the BASE BEAlUNG for this survey is tile west line of the NE~ of Section 10, 1'31 N Rl19W, being NOoo-14'-14"E; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record filed or to be filed in the Office of 1he Clerk of LÙlcoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 14" steel reinforcing rod with £11" aluminum cap inscribed "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate ,. . . details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 11" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 14" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 53G8", with appropriate details; \TR\3I-II9-IO\Nuah lIillslcad "Modilica. tion in any way of the f:.::¡:::~¡¡¡¡¡¡ì¡¡:m1g description terminates liability of ,t,jÆ.,MQ!.t!ú:; . .. .'......,.. r' (' r 7.(' 4 -. ~): -L all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, HNOAI-lI-llLLS1f{ill FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 1984 PLAr OF]ZAyTS WI~nlIN TI-lf! ß,'~NE~ NW~SE~ SECTION ,10 T31N Rl19W ~!;N~.. C~NlC¿C9UN1 Yh~/ ,~,qG /,,~I, d<,te,~d/2 December 2005, as reVlsed. ·"A~A 1/ (I / " / v _<,.,,~.,.. y / (/ ,,!:;/ ..("~-. ,,.' A;i .:':) -~~'I:~h~.¡~. /)8 //1 /J J ~vt.L- . . / ,f· (0-.. ..'!. . I;;",./·"..., / Vi/vI/' 1'/'" ./,. ..,._1\'.' ",,"'''h~.~. ...; ,.,,",", 1/. '. ., ./ .i/'~',i;~';»<:.:!I~Ü\ ,f~, ~~>"Ù:;"; '\ )8 Decem.bcr 2005' t ..,:;.. ,.',,',;;.1"· f.'""~",;'è.~:,,r\ ,;..~.: .'.~,. If/'r~· /~J;:Þ~;¡ ~.ß-~·~~~~~'¡I f~tt<). '~~fi \ ., ..1" .f "'Il ~.~ , ..,' .. f ¿A, ~f':":.. ;~"} ! ''¡f~ ~! ~ 1 ~f t' ~ ¡ t,ß i~ ;; ~ !~.. >.....r ..~ "'"'i, !I ;, . ..¡; b I~ \ \'"'...~{\ \. /,/ \ 'W' I/b \ ,',j 1.,. \P,'lf¡.? \1,,,;_) ¿,/ l . , 'J I b.)â ,. , ·"'·'/Z'U6' ,.., .,/' "Þ}"iJ ..ri!""...; !. ,,<.:.' (,:;1 ." - -,:-.]...~~.. Prolessionalland SUlveyors Paul N. Scherbal Wyo. Regislration No. 164 Utah AeQislralion No. 1670 Idaho R~gislralion No. 3990 Nevada Regishation r~o. 6805 Scott A. Scher bel Wyo. Ragislralion No. 3689 lliaho Ragislralion No. 6026 Ulah Regislralion IJo. 372111 MARLOWE A. SCHERBEl Wyo. Ragislralion No. 5368 5UiveYOI ScheIbel, LTD. Ailor!. Wyoming Big Pille}'. Wyoming Jackson, Wyonling lava Hol Springs, Idaho Munlpelier. lliaho DESCIUl'TION FOR NOAH l-1ILLSTEAD FA1\UL Y TRUST, 16 AI'lUL 1984 TRACT A. l'AGE TWO \TR\J 1-119-1 OINu"h J/iIlSlc"d "Modification in any way of the foregoing description terminates liability of the surveyor"