HomeMy WebLinkAbout916128 ~ ~·n"~.of5 '....Ut.:IJ. 1'1 TRUSTEE DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, ihat Noah HjJJstead Family Trust, George Noah HjJJstead and Jean T. HHJstead underthe Trust Agreementrlated April 16,1984, by GeorgeT. HHlstead and LaVon Lancaster, SuccessorTrustees, Grantor, of 337 Lancastsr Lans, CD Road 147, Afton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, for and in considsration ofT sn Dollars ($10.00) and othsr good and valuabls considsration, in hand paid, fScsipt whsfSof is hSfSbyacknowlsdgsd, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS io JANE TAYLOR and STEVE TAYLOR, wifsand husband, Grantsss, astsnantsbythssntirstiss, whoss addrsss is 525 E. Main, Coksvills, Wyoming 83114, ths following dsscribsd rsal sstats, situatsd in Lincoln County and Stats of Wyoming, hersby rslsasing and waiving all rights undsr and by virtue of ihs homestead sxemption Jaws of ths Stats, io-wit: ihs property as mors fully described on Exhibit "'A" attachsd hersto and by ihis T€fsrsncs made a part hsrsof. TOGETHER WITH all improvsments, appurtenances, hersdtlaments and all othsr things thsreuntobslonging or in anywiss appertaining. -¡ 1 j J SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all eassrrænts, rights-of-way, fSservations and restrictions now of fScord or otherwiss affscting said Jands. WITNESS my hand this 7 {"{day of February, 2006. Ie;; Noah Hmstead FamHyTrust, George Noah HHJstead and Jean T. HjJJstead lJnder the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984 .Æ~T:¡JcU~/ George . HHJstead Successor Trustee ¿dfTW ~/14 M LaVon Lancaster Successor Trustee STATE OF WYOMING ) )55. COUNTY OF LJNCOLN ) The above and forefjoing instrument was acknowled.ged before me by George T. HHJstead and LaVon Lancaster, Successor Trustees of the Noah HHJstead Family Trust, George Noah HHJstead and JeanT. HHlstead underthe Trust Agreement dated,April16, 1984, 1hiS7Þí day Df Fsbruary, 2005. WITNESS my hand and official seal. RECEIVED 2/2212006 .at 1 L20 AM RECEIVING:# 916128 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 715 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY i~illj~~~~IIi ( mmI¡f:~~mmI~ ~~.;~~.~~ r"\ IF.·,,·."·""".;" t,,,: t:."· \"','7 DESCIUPTION FOR NOAH l-lILLSTEAJ) FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 Al'JUL 1984 TRACT II To-wit: - - That p.art or the SW~NE~ and that part of the NW~SE~ aT Section 10, T31N Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the Office orthe Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 213 of Photostatic Records on page 79 and in Book 124 of Photostatic Records onpage 659, described as follows: llEGINNING at a point on the south line of said S\\TJÄNE~, S89°-48'~30"E, 274.46 feet iÌ"om the southwest cameral' said SWI/.¡NE1k . , thence NOoo-OT-06"W, 1013,16 feet, to a point; thence S89°-44'-45"W, 265.19 feet, to a spike on the west line of said SW~NE'/,; thenceNOO°.,14'-24"E, 60.00 feet, along said west line to a spike; thence N89°-44'-45"E,165,13 feet, to a point at a fence corner; thence coursing a perimeter fence line as follows: N01 °-03 '-33"E, 132.51 feet, to a point at a fence corner; S89°-58'-24"E, 1055.41 feet, to a point at a fence corner; SOl°-l6'-41"W, 1308.90 feet, to a point on the south line of said SW~NE~ thence continuing SOl °-16'-41 "W, 16.50 feet, to a point; thence N89°-4S;-30"W, 1018.39 feet, along a line parallel to said south line, to a point; thence NOoo-OT-OG"W, 16.50 feet, to the l'OINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMP ASSINGan area of 32.09 acres, more or less; the BASE BEAlUNG for this survey is the west line of the NEI¡4 of Section 10, T31N R119W, being NOOO-24'-24"E; each "corner" found as described in the Corner Record fileù or to be fileù in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County; each "point" marked by a 5/8" x 14" steel reinforcing rod with a 1" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x 14" steel reinforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURYEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON VVY PLS :5368", with appropriate details; all in accorùance with the IJlat PrclJarcd to be filed in the Office of tile Clerk of Lincoln Prole$sionalland Surveyor:; . PnlJlNSchmuel County titled, "NOAl-I HILLSTEAD ~ILY TRUST, DATED 16 APIUL 1984 PLAT WyoRogisllnlionNo.164 OF TRACTS. WITHIN THE/S\\T..JJ.¡NE~ NW~SE~ SECTION 10 T31N R1l9'vV Ulah Aeglslrallon No. 1670 ..;1 , ,/ // / Id"honegisIlAlionNo3g~ LINí'OLN C(JUNTY WY<' MINß"/ dated 12 December 2005 as revised. ¡'¡evadaReglslmllon l~o.6BOo . 0. // /j' , .~ ..~./..'./ .'.... ... ' /'/ //2// 'l ./ / j'~"'''··''··70>·''~ Scoll A. Schmuel / I {/'¿;'// Þ . ,/ .1$1-":;..,,"':\'1. l'l.;~ Wyo. Regisllalion No. 3889 / /~' / '/ ~,:~ "...,\\~.! ,;:::..... .../ Idaho Rogisllalion No. 8026/ ¿/ // ¿. ..f'~' ". . "..1,t:rŸ '~".; ./~, . , . Ulah RegiSIJaliO. n No. 3721'.1 .' '" //> ~. . ';"/;.7,,/( A<~&/ ?7./1"'" ..I'. ". .. ',.. ,,¡!'. ;."..' 'Z,~" '.\' . // V)/7 ,¡Y/",¥ .,..~ ~"""-".-j./" rI' /,I/~ ..' I,,·,·.. l~"~~".>:ï:I ''''';;,,',. '1,';\ MARLOW.E A. SCHERBEl ../ ,:-' /.-... . 3 b 4 ~ ~Ç" /' \J.1 ~.~\{;. i I;:~rt 1p1"~ð?..~~J1 (,,~.~. \~ ~tJ··~ Wyo. ReglslrahonNo,536 :¡;;':5,Ðecel1l e12095 '- '0''_ ¡~(r .. ,':::' 1\;:\'<~¡. ,\ . / J; ¡ r;;l Y-,::' 1£1" 1:(\ }, Surveyor SCheruel, LTD. ,./// .1. ~. ;:'¡" "".f' 1-.:_..... ..:.' '1 ~ Alton, W)/oming :,..<' .... Big Piney, Wyoll1!ng 'Î . '\.~ 1.\ ~', .I.. ".,..,. . ",".}.'.' ,., \,.,/ f \TR\JI-II9-IO\Nu.ah Ihllslcm¡ Jackson, Wyoming, 1 . ~ . . i/ ;':~I~~~~~~~~~~,ldahO "Modification in aIlY~~:'".~fL1B~,li~¡f.£1ióÝ·'d~.§&iPtion 1erminates liability of the surveyor"