HomeMy WebLinkAbout916130 .n::: ill ~ ..a::: « ill C") = ~ N ·~rv~ ~O""":üJill ~f") ooZY _ ,... ill rn _ t'O«>C)uy CO_c:{:;.o::: OQ).D..::>ill o -J ~.... ill!) N-- Z ~C) zt NZt\lc:{Z .c>;.:~:::> -- 0 .will o. r~ >Ü~ U -ill 0 Z .w.n:: 0 -J t) lD 0 .w ü ~ Z -J \\ ~:~tffi!~*::!*? j·':'!"t~ "',· '.',! O~;?18 TRUSTEE DEED KNOW AU MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, íhat Noah HHJstead FamiJy Trust, George Noah HHJstead and Jean T. HiJJstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 1£,1984, by GeorgeT. HHJstead and LaVon Lancaster, Successor Trustees , Grantor, of 337 .Lancaster Lane, Co Road 147, Aiton, Lincoln County, Wyoming B3110, for and in consideration ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, in hand paid, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS an undivided one-half (~) interestíoLAVON H.LANCASTER REVOCABLETRUSTdatedDecember 16, 199B; and an undivided one-half (~) interestío GEORGET. HILLSTEAD and HAZEL C. HILLSTEAD, husband and wife as tenants by íhe entireties; as íenants in common, Grantees, of 337 Lancaster Lane County Road #147, Afton, WY 83110, íhe following Described real estate, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing .and waiving all rights under and by virtue ofíhe homestead exemption laws ofíhe State, 1o-wit: ~ ìhe property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by íhis reference made a part hereof TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all oíher íhings thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, ío all easements, rights-of-way, reservations .and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. WITNESS my hand íhis ~ day of February, 2006. Noah HHJstead F4miJy Trust, George Noah HiJJstead 4nd Jean T. HiJJstead under the Trust Agreement dated ApriJ 1£, 1984 ~~¡j~ George T. HiJlstead Successor Trustee ~J~/ õt./l/LððrALAI. LaVon Lancaster Successor Trustee STATE OF WYOMJNG ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) The above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by George T. HHJstead 4ndLaVon Lancaster, SuccessorTrustees of the Noah HHJstead F4milyTrust, George Noah HHJstead 4nd Jean T. HiJlstead under the Trust Agreement dated April 16, 1984, íhis .$day of February, 2006. WITNESS my hand and official seal. / / PrufDssional LandSuJ""Ð)'O'S Pê!ul N. Schørbol Wyo. fl9UislJ..liol1 No. 16" Idaho I\egistralion tJo. 3990 Ulah Heui51rõlilion No. 1670 Nevada Hegisllalion No. 6805 SCOII A. Schmbel INyo_ Registration '.JLI. 3889 Idaho Registration No. 8026 Utah AtlgislralÎutl No. 372111 M¡lrIL'....e A. Scheibel Wyo. neoistration Uo. 5360 Surveyor ScI)Ø bol,.Ll'D. Allon, Wyomin~ ÐiO Pifle}', Wyoming Ja(;kson, Wyoming lava -Iot Splings, Idðho MOfllptlliaf, Id¡:¡ho " O~161~iO DESCRIPTION FOR , "r'74f 9 t.1 :, . J.. NOAH HILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APIUL lY84 TRACT B- REVISED To-vvit: -- That part of the E\I~SWv.. of Section 11, T31N Rl19W, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being part of that tract of record in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 316 of Photostatic Records on page 552, described as follows: BEGINNiNG at the southeast corner of said EYzSWJk . , thence S1ลก9°-43 '-04"W, 60.01 feet, along the south line of said EYzSWv.., to a point; thence NO 1 °-01 '-07"E, 834.84 feet, along a line parallel with the east line of said EYzSW 1/.1, to a point; thence S~9°-43 '-Û4"W, 595.65 feet, along a line parallel with said south line, to a point on an east line of that tract of record in said Office in Book 316 of Photostatic IZecords on page 557; thence coursing along the cast line of said tract as follows: NO 1 o-02'-56"E, 488.51 feet, to apoinl; S~9°-43 '-J7"W, 66.33 feet, to a point; NOIo-02'-56"E, 1313.35 feet, to the northeast point of said tract, on the north line of said E~SWYI; thence N89°-43'-35"E, 711.56 feet, along said north line, to the northeast corner of said E~SWI,I,I; tilCllCC SOl 0-02'~07"W, 2646.59 feet, along tile east line of said EYzSWv.., to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOMP ASSlNG an area 01'30.41 acres, more or less; tile BASE BEARING for tilis survey is tile north line of Section 11, T3IN Rl19W, being N89°-45'-00"E; SUBJECT to an easement for Dry Creek County Road No. 12-146; .each "corner" found as described in tile Corner Record filed or to be filed in the OfJïce of the Clerk of Lincoln Count)'; each "point" marked· by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with .a 1" alwl1Ínum cap inscribed, ·'SURVEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON WY PLS 5368", or "SURVEYOIZ SCj-lERBEL LTD BIG PINEY WY PLS 5368" witi1 appropriate details; all in accordance with the plat prepared to be filed in the Of1ìce of tile Clerk of Lincoln County tilled, "NOAH I-lILLSTEAD FAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APIUL 1984 AND LAWRENCE l-lILLSTEAD AND PATIUCIA L. I-IlLLSTEAD PLAT OF BOUNDARY A.DJUST.MENT WITHIN.,· rn-~ß1~,',t.S,W.,..'!.....SE.CTION 11 T31N Rl19W LiNCOLN ~9JJh~' W~OMIN~,~yated) ~:~~~P.B~:~:,~," / ~/J¡ f < F)! 0;]t;f!þ;/Z'>:~~ (~~i-ol/¡/¿;c¿,?/fj;/~(.i1fjßi~~r.~:':;;tf,:.~;.:,,<i'J;;;\ /'D' .. b . ~(J05 ./ ,.,iJ .i ',".:". .J..,<:.~,J '..;'.\".",1\ ccenl c¡' v ' 0',. ¡ '" ..~..,!." \ . J.., ~ l r.i: ~?! å~", (~~ \. i{:\1 ~ . 1 1""£ i t" -"'¡ ".; it 1 P "'w' \ ~ '. ~ ('¡, ¡ I \ . ".<1 I~I, .'" !" t. -",.i'l \. ,r' ! '\ , \\ In! ,- l ~\, ""~~~.~: }q-.¡çffi//l o tvl j·f' , , ··t ,.,..\.¡..."J..;.,/,;1. ., , I,· . f ' OC I I cation In any way of hR,f~~~OO¡lli¡R¡qês,~[!p1lon terminates lability 0 . ....:..:.... .