HomeMy WebLinkAbout916132 .... n tfo~011..",J.'.', t~";'t;,lf"'t ~~ ¡,:~i-;'N':':~it í " QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, 1hat RICK HJLLSTEAD and ROSA YCELA HJLLSTEAD, husband and wife, Grantors, of, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for and in consideration ofT.en Do/Jars ($10.00) and other Dood and valuable consideration, in hand paid, r€ceiptwhereofis hereby acknowledged , CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS 10 the Noah HiJJstead FamilyTr.ust, George Noah HiJJstead and Jean T. HUJstead .under the Trust Agreement dated ApriJ 16, 1984, George T. -Hj stead and LaVon Lancaster, SuccessorJrustees, Grantee, whose address is 337 .Lancaster Lane, Co Road 147, Afton, .Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, the fo/Jowing described real .estate, sítuated in .Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby releasing and waiving all rights under and by virtue of1he homestead exemption laws of1he State,1o-wit: Parcel A The property as more fully described on Exhibit "A"attached hereto and by 1his reference made a part hereof. Parcel B The property as mOr€ fu/Jy described on Exhibit JIB" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. TOGETHER WITH all improvements, appurtenances, hereditaments and all other 1hings thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. SUBJECT, HOWEVER, to all easements, rights-of-way, reservations and restrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said lands. J"+h WITNESS my hand 1his r-:; day of February, 2006. ,,0 ¡J. ,I j~ :,l, A H I RICK H. HJLLSTEAD ~#~.. ~- ri6/~.-. ROSA YC . HILLSTEAD STATE OF WYOMING ) )55. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) .he above and foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by RICK H. HJLLSTEAD and ROSA YCELA HILLSTEAD, this~ay of February, 2006. WITNESS my hand .and Dffici.al 5""1.. ) A'< NOiARYPUBUC 4r¡J.. .. 'LJ~DI . M. GALLOW 0·· State 0' ry . _ II County 01 . . W omin Lincoln . My commissIon Expires RECEIVED 2/22/2006 .at 11.:26 AM RECEIVING# 916132 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 724 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ~)'U I]S5iOllé\ LalIt! SU,,¡e~'Ul5 Puul ¡-.¡. $d 1m bel Wyo. Heu¡~;h(lliulI r·lu. 16d IIh.1/. f.l12!Ji~IIi1lju NI). 1670 ItI?1ilu IIßHi:;IIt1liúlI Nu. 3930 ' uvml;:t Flegislmlion No. BOO!i SGI,lt A Sdlclbol , WYI). F1clli~I '(ltioll '''0. 3609 Idahu neqishalion No; oo:m UIDh F1c~jbh''Ilion ~u. 37211 t M¡\f ILOWE 1\. SCnEfUJEL V1ytJ. rtoyblratiun No. 5360 SlIPJt'tYOI SI;lm,hl!', LTD. Alton. Wyoming BiU PiiltJ'j. W'jOftliny ,Jadsol'l, INyon1ing L;J\,:." 1101 8pdnçJ!::, Idalu) l"'OllljJelior, Id,,¡'o ... 031.(;132 DESCHJI'TION FOR " f" ,.., ,.~ 5 ; ':' 1.(;. . NOAIJ HLLL~TEAD FAl\ULY TRUST, DATED 16 APJUL lYS4 TRACT A To-wit: - - 'filat part oJ' the S \VV"NE V,I and that part of the NW Y4SE Y4 of Section 10, 1'31 N JZ 119 W, Lincoln COUlIty, Wyoming, being part ofthose tracts ofrccon1 in tbe 01Tice ofLhe Clerk uf Lincoln County in Book 213 of Photostatic, R.ecords on page 79 and in Book 124 uf PllOlostaLicRecords all page 65Y, described as folJows: BEGINNING at a the southwest comer ofsaid S\V~/INEJ;"; thcnce NÜ()0-14'-2A"E, 396,00 feet, along the west line of said SWY4NE~;;I, to the souUJwest spike of that tract of record ill said Office in Book 530 0.1:' Photostatic R.ccords on page 197; thence S89°-35'-36"E, 214.50 feet, along thc south line of said tract, to tllc southeast poiut Lllereof; thence NOoo-24'-24"E, 198.00 fect, along the eastlinc of said tract, to the northeast poillt thercof; Lllcncc N89°-35'-3ú"W, 214.50 feel, along tbc llmth linc of saill tract, tu the Ilortllwesl spilœ of said trael, on the west line of said S\~TJ¡'INEY-t; Ulellce NOoo-24'-2'f'E, A 17.09 feet, along said west linc, to a spike; thCllce N89''-44'---4S''E, 265, 19 feet, to a poÜJl; thellCC SOoo-07 '-OCi"E, I 0 13,16 fcet, to a pojnt on the south line of said S W Y-tNEy,:I; thcnce conLilluillg SOoo-07'-06"E, 1 6.50 feet, to a point; thcnce N89°-Lj8'-30"W, 274.61 fcet, alollg a line parallel with sajd south Line, to a mint 0.11. the west line of said NWV"SEV,I; tllCUCC NOOO-24 '-2"¡"E, 16.50 feet, .aJong said west ljne lo the COH,NIW.. 0 F BEGJNN LNG; ENCOl'v1J) ASStNG an area of 5..40 acres, lUore or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is tile west !iuear theNE Y4 of Section L 0, '1'31 N lU 19W, bciug NOoo-24'-14"E; each "corner" fÖuml as describcd in the Corner Record filed or to be fiJed in the Of ïcc n{ the Clerk of Linco.ln COUJlly; e;JcJl "point" ulJrked by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" aluJlJ:inunl cap . inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHElU3EL LTD AFT ON WY PLS 5368", \-Vitl) appropnalc dctai Is; each "spikc" IIwr.lceJ by a J/W' x 12" sleel spjke referenced by a SIt\'; x 2·f' steel rcinforciug rod \vÜj¡ 2" aluminulll cap inscribed, "SUH..VEYOR SCl-IERBEL L1'D A\"rON WY P LS 5368", willI approptiatc details; \TRIJI-119-IO\Nuah llillsl·:ad "Modification ill allY way of lhe ¡:):1~1¡¡~m!¡!¡!::g descriplion lerrninales liabilily of 1I](1-:;¡::~m::1¡!;~:::::r?r" ·..:....!....!..!.~.!...~t.~~.' ~,.;.L..W.:.LL:..;-' PltJ195SiOlliJIlIJIIÚ ~;tII\'CYOIS Pill N. SchmurJ 'N)'IJ. nnui.stmliol) 1-10. 16/1 !Jli:lh nfl~I¡~:llijlir}ll No. 167U Id<1ho IIr;U¡sIHlliOI1 "'0. 3990 ,Io'ladn f\{:Ui~llUlioill'·lo. GU05 Scutt 1\. SGilßI hel 'N,"J. !1(!!JÌ:.;hillion No. 3mW Idaho rteuishnlioll 1-10. 8026 Ulah Hayj~:lmljal.' '·Jo. 37211'1 I,I^'ILüWE A SCIIERGEL 'llyn. Ito .}islwliun No. 5366 SUl"'~Y'l ' .Sd,elbol, II U. !\1I01I. Wyolltil1!1 t3i~.1 rilley, Wyoming Jitd.f-on, Wyollliny L;:h':' 1101 Splin¡fs. Idnho MOfllpclicr, Idallo C;::t;,:,~?l;·;¡::;¡j::,,<,,-; r ['h"':'~"·Ô31. 61.3;¿ (i)ii~lm~oo [¡!"";'.'."';''''] ;~';¡:::~;1 <A~ ¡ ~1 !:: ;~¡ ~ ~ 0n!"7ns "'-' '\: :... C. DESCHJl'TI0N FOH NOA.H 11 l1.J.LSTEAD FAJ\UL Y TJtUSI', IG Al'HIL J9t!4 TRACT A l' A.GE TWO all in accnrdaucc with the plat prepareJ to be fileJ in the OJ1ice of the Clerk of Lincoln COllnty titled, "NOAH IHLLS't}3{\D FAlvULY TRUST, DA.'PED 16 APH.lL 1984 PLA'r OF TJZACFS WITHlN 'l1-JE SWJ/.INE~~, N'vVY.ISE'/., SECTlON 10 T31N I.ZI19W q;N.. C~r~/}¡í~)).UNTY' W/¡'iJ¡M.' Y'..'.</..tC.J1..11. December 2005, as revised. / /0·· /~l' t/ /. // ~~,.~, /~,,,. ;J .' //! I . i t7 ,.} /f~~1'/) .. t"~[~;"" / //). ~ /1/11/ ·CJi-C/c/ / . ./I)Y:~\(r:~..::~...:;-::~);:?t,¡;";>\ j/ . /( ,. _ / /'J,Yj"./~",;I.;J¡\ ,il.\, ,\~":'.,,, 1.,1: \ /16 'Deccmber 200)· /~{~;I,:i;;iifJ'¡;· ',;;¡;;¿r~~¿¡~· ~';· '< '..'" ¡¡:;;tJ¡::~) ~!;.r1~ \....i,:¡\ ~~\ . ::.~! r.).r ~.~~ ;¡ \. \~~""J n ., .,~ l . 1\ Vi:,.\. I ¡L.,P J -./ N l:. ~:''''\:I'l'r ,'i~,,_, ¿r ~ ../l .. ;:,>"< 1i:1J ,~J.~;->'., ." ¡~~fJ _.:I...,H. >.....,:.,' ~3! .,....,.,'".. \TlZlJ 1-119-1 O\Nu,'¡, J '1Iblca'¡ "ll¡lodificalion in any wa\1 of the foregoing description lenninates liability of the surveyo( ., 0316132 DESCIUl"flON FOB. ;0t17n7 _. ".f \". t;. NOAH U1LLSTEADFAMILY TRUST, DATED 16 APIUL lY8L TRA CT U To-wit: - - That part or the SWV:,NEY-, and tbat part of the NWV:ISEY-. o¿ Section IV, T31NRIIYW, Lmcoln County, Wyoming, being part of those tracts of record in the 011ï.cc of the Clerk oJ' Lincoln ~:OU1Jty in Book 213 of Photostatic Records on page 79 and in Book 124 or Photostal1c J.Zccorcls 011 pageGS9, described as follows: llEGlNNING at a poialon the south line of said SW'I,NEY-., S89"-48'-JO"E, 274.A(¡ feel f -om the southwest corner of said SW~NEJk , lllCJlCC NOoo-07'-OG"W, 1 0 13.1 (j feet, to a point; thence S89Q-44 '-45"W, 265.19 feeL, to a spike on the ,vest line of said S'vV Y-INE1/,; lhellceNOOO-2LI'-2A"E, 60.00 feet, along said west line to a spike; thence N89°-44'-45"E, 165.l3 feet, to a point at a fence comer; thence coursing a perimeter fcnce line as follows: NOl Q-O]'-33"E, 232.5J feeL, Lo a point at a fence corner; S89U-58'-24"E, 1055.41 feet, to a point at a fence corner; SOl u-Jó'-41"W, 1308.90 feet, to a point on thc south line ofsaiJ SW'I¡j\ EY-, thence continu ing SO 1 °_1 (j' -41 "W, 16.50 feet, to a point; thence N89°-48'-30"W, 1018.39 feet, along a line para 11 e1to said south line, to a point; thence NOOQ-07'-06"W, 16.50 feet, to the POINT OF BEGINNING; ENCOivUJ ¡\SSlNG an area of 32.09 acres, 1llore or less; the BASE BEARING for this survey is the west line of the NE'II of Sectio.n 10, ·1.':31N Rl19W, being NOOQ-24'-24"E; each "corner" found .as described ÜI the Corner Record [¡led or to be ÜJcd in the OJTlCC of tbe Clerk of Lincoln Count)l; each "point" marlœd by a 5/8" x 24" steel reinforcing rod with a 2" alumi/JUlIl cap inscribed, "SUJZVEYOR SCHERI3EL LTD AFTON 'NY PLS 5368", with appropriate dctails; each "spike" marked by a 3/8" x 11" steel spike referenced by a 5/8" x2A" slec,1 reinforcing rod \vith 1" ;;llLU1ÜnLUu cap inscribed, "SURYEYOR SCHERBEL LTD AFTON . WY PLS 5368", with appropriate details; ~\II\'~:YfJI Schmoel, L TI1. I-\IIOI , Wyollling Biq Pina)', WyolI~1I9 .Jen.:ksoll, Wyoll1ing LH'JU 1101 SplinH5, Idaho f/IIJIIII)f) ier,I(Jaho all in acconlance with the plat prepared to be filed in the 01J:ïcc of the CJerk of Lincoln COllnty titled, "NOAH HILLSTEAD ]1\1\111LY TRUST, DATED 16 APKIL 1984 PLAT OF TRACTS./ WITHIN TI-J~/s)Y?-¡NEy,; NWY-,SEY-. SECTlON 10 TJIN R119W Ll~ç.~,~~;:9Ö~~~TY, v~)jÐ~l~.~g,~':;::~~t.,:"d 12 December 1005, as revised. .../ I ,.f.~/;¡:" ' / ,// ./.~Î'( / .//,/.1./" ~~') :~-? ~~",-;:::7~:i.hl ~ .', , i .,. / / /' // þ;"..~'.. f·, ,.. ,=/1, ~@:"" I., ."" />j,/;/:../ /- . ,//' _/¿';:f{Ç¡"?i~~~,.((::~'~~:'<i,:'::'\ "~fl/ /:.-;:7" v,~\:,L;;~·/' ~j;/'/}'.{:tÞ':..',·' ;::,(., ,t··,., ":'i:;'J \ .' //"f¿/'. l· - ';//' ,/.¿ø-.... ,;-I' w';[£ *""~î{N:! '.;;' " '\ ,:r,~, "'. / ,¿/~ .. ' ,;: ....~. t..·· kJ/ .~.~; \:, l ,.~~,;J '1ã'1:d-"~I·~t,'þ ~~~:.,~. \, fjl ~~ r-5Deccmber 200;> ,'~,\ f:n' ir·:';:~\'~;;:~ "1 / i'/ "~ \, J~T: !) i!,} 1"''''-'''-10""",''''''''''''' "[vloclificalioll ill allY ~~Y Ò,f:JJ.\~t~:ýde?d·iPtiOn terminales liability of ""~~'''' ~:'J:J" . Plole::>siolkll L<1IIt1 Surveyms Pmll 1'1 Schmlml Wyu. nuUislmlit'n No. ItH l/Iall 11eyi:>lmllu'l "'1). 167\.1 Id,:iÍlo Ilc~.1i511è1'ion No. 3Y90 HIJ\'ilda Heyir.lmtiof1 Ho. 6ß05 Scol( A. Sr;llulbel 'Ny\). Iluui!.halion No. 30m..J It.i~lIlt) Iloyisllaliun Nö. 0026 UI.h lIeuisl",lion No. 372111 i MAIILOWE 1\. SCnEnBCL .¿, 'Nyu. lle!JÎ!1l1ê1lio". No. 536tf'