HomeMy WebLinkAbout916133 \.,7~28 '(, QUITCLAIM DEED KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that BRENT T. PETERSON AND TONY A PETERSON, husband and wife, Grantors, of, Lincoln County, Wyoming, for Bnd in consideration of T ßn DolIBrs ($10.00) and other good Bnd valuBbJ.e consideration, in hand paid, rßceipt whereof is hereby Bcknowledged, CONVEYS AND QUITCLAIMS 10 the Noah HHlstead FamilyTTust, George Noah HHlstead and JeanT. HHlstead under the 'TTUSt Agreement dated April 16, 1984, George T. HI/stead Bnd LaVon .lancaster, SuccessorJrustees, GrBntee, whose Bddrßss is 337 LancasterLane, Co Road 147,Aiton, Lincoln County, Wyoming 83110, the following described real ßstate, situated in Lincoln County and State of Wyoming, hereby Tßleasing and waiving all rights under Bnd by virtue of1he homestead ßxemption Jaws of1he State, to-wit: Par.cel A The property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" Bttached hereto Bnd by 1his reference made £1 part hereof. Parcel B Jhe property BS more fully described on Exhibit "B" Bttached hereto Bndby this Tßference made £1 part hereof. TOGETHER WITH £111 improvements, Bppurtenances, hereditaments Bnd aI/ other things thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. ') I . ! Jr U SUBJECT, HOWEVER, 10 £111 easements, rights-of-way, TßservBtions Bnd Tßstrictions now of record or otherwise affecting said Jands. WITNESS my hand1hisJ1.Jnday of February, 2006. (J~l~~~- , BRENTT. PETERSON ~j) CI..~~ JONY A ETERSON STATE OF WYOMING ) )ss. COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) Jhe above Bnd foregoing instrument was acknowledged ~re me by BRENT T. PETERSON AND TONYA PETERSON, husband and wife, this ( y of February, 2006. WITNESS my hand Bnd official seal. M. GALLOWAY - NOTARY PUBUC County of ~ State of .Lincoln . W omi My CommissIon Expires RECEIVED 2I22I2D06 .at 1128 AM RECEIVING# 916133 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 728 JEANNE WAGNER _~NCO.L~~~UNTY CLERK, KEMMERER. WY " c- :Y'·1~1;"~~a;:!:I;;:'_~~!~·:¡:~;':';.'¡;': :'¡~.'.L:.~~~:...'_"::. '._ ·';'.!:t:"£O:.t;,:I:': .' ,·...-...!--~-....'4·..··.·.; ·~~_..:..:~~:C·:.:;.__,-,: :-;.__."-.:'....:.:.-_~;..;;..:.;'c:"-.:_:_'.:..:.,.i.::....: ....-.:.:'_.....:...:~:..~.;. .. f.€b .22. 200£ 1 :28:PM LANCASTER LAW Off I CfS :p.c. 091.6133 Prulru,3ii)<llid LOllf SUIVðyui1l I:i~~fl N...sclll,frl''ðl 'NY'J. nOLfj~lllIlion.No. leio1 U:,.h J: IItt:JI~Ir:1IIo" Nu. 111;7.0 h/i'lhQ n~,tit\T~IIof, No. 3£j;lO I~~:VII~:':' M~!)iSfr:nlion tJo.~OO:' SCUll. J\. ~cll~,ber WYI;;· A'Iõ!JI¡lfi1I1C1I1 NO.30:W I~ qhg n=Sri&.l'4)\~n ,Jo. iI~G VI!)J' ~teyi::.t1':U¡Dtl ,No. :17211 t M1\T11.0WE, A-SCJ4E.ruJl¡L <¡'IV'). Htlr.,~IQlicHt No. E3û~ ßtIlVC>,,-U' S::he'b1:I. 1. W. A u.~I. Wycn·"n~, fVíJ Fillcy, Wyo.U1rlll J;;tCI'~UI'. -Wyc-miny t;:\V1.' f-lrJISp1ÌIIg;:, Jd.¡h~ ....IOdIUJ1tllel'. hJ:lh" No. 81 E £ :po 2 DESCRH'TION ]!"OR .NOAH llJLLSTEAD l;'A.1YllLY :r.n.UST, DATED .16 Al)lUL ~9B4 rno ... V 7,(: 9 TRACT A To-wit: - _. 111at p.él.rt of tlH:J .sWY4NEy.. and that pllrl oi'1he NW~SEy.. of S·ectiOll 10, T31N RJ 19\\1, .Lincoln COllJ1ly, Wyoming, being part of Úlose tr.aclS of l'ecord in the Of1ic~ of the Clerk 0 f Lincoln County ill Book 213 of Photostatic,Records on jJd.j!c 79 aud in Book 124 of j'hotosLaÜc .R.econis 011 page 659, described lIS follows: DEG.lNNLNG at.a the soutl1wcst COllior of .said BWY<iNEy.,; 1hcnccNOOO-24'-24"~396,OO.feet, .a10D.ß Ole west line of said S\VYcNEv.., to 1.he.souÜlwest :spike 01' thaI tract oI HJconl in Enid Office in. Book :530 of Pl:¡,olostatic RecouJs Oll page 197; thence SB9°-J:5: -3 6"E, 214~O leer, ~Ollß the bOUth line of saiù tract, to the soulheasl poÜ¡ t lhen::oJ; thence NOoo-24 '-24".E, 198.00 feet, along thc .east line of said inlet, to l.he .D.orthc<1St point t11c1'eof; .thence N89°-J5'-36"W, :214.:50 feet, .along 1hel1.0r1l1 line of sllid 1J:acJ:, to the 110xtbwcst ~pike oi'.s¡li.û tract, 011 the westJj.ne of.s.aid SWY.NE~; 1hemceNOO"-,24'-24"E, 417,09 J'eel, alan,g.s.aid west line, 10.aßpike; thence N8 9''-44)-45 "E, 265,19 Iee/;, 10 .él po in l; thence SOU"-07'-06''£, 1013.161ect, to Ãl point o111hc: south line ol'.saidSWY..NEY-.; 1hence COlÜÜuùng SOO"-DT-06''.E, 1 6.:50 Ieet, 1o.él1)oiol:; 1hen'ce.N89"-4B'-30"W,274.Gl feet, along a line parallel with said south WIt::, 1:0 apoinl: on thc weSllÎ.nc o[scid NW /A5EV.,; then.ce NOO"-24'-24"E, 16.:50 teet, .a1011B 1>aid west line 10 the CO~~EH CHi" lJEGlNNlNG; ENCOlVlP ASSING.au.area 0[:5.40 aC.res, lilOl'l:: ox loss; the BASE BEAlUNG lOT 1:llli; .sUfVßY is 1J1C west linc of lhe,NE~ 01' Br::ction 10, T31N R119W, being NO 0"'-24 '-24':E.; eac11 "cOrl1Cr" found .as described .in the Conlcr Recol'U liled· Ot- to be SUeù in the Offi.cc \)1' thc Clerk of Lincoln County; cad) "point" madœù by .a 518" x 24" sœc1 J'eiuforcing l'OU Wiúl a 2" .a1um.il1lUll C¡tjJ inscÙbed, "SURVEYORSC.HER13BL LTD Al;'TON WY YL$ 5368", WiÚ1 appropriate details; . eacll "spikc" lllarke.J by a J/8" x 12" 1ite;el spike referenced by.a 5/8" x 24" steed reinforcing 1'Od wiili2" iÙlUllU11Ul1 cap inscribed, "SURVEYORSCHERBELL1D AFTON \NY l)l..S 536B", will1.appropl'Íalt:: c.1etail.s; ;::::*;;::;::~:m:: Yt·llU 1- J J 9- "Modification il111ny way of the foi:~~~~~~: descrrption 1£rminales liabilily of the ß;:;::::::~;:~~ :;;!:j:;:'~.:'~f:f!:$i!: '.'··.·1:.·~.'.·,:·-· .·.:h_--.:.:......... ',',',...........,¡......'.. ....--- , .~'-.....--~..~- ,.:'....:.....~:~.:....:~.&:....:.::..:.:......~-_<.,. '.":"'j:,.,;" . ....'...:.;-:.;.;¡. f.eb.22. 200£ )'¡:) ¡;..¡.ÎOflj,1 .uunJ S_\'IV~ 1ì PJ\ul loJ, SClH;rl),,1 W)'u. rh!¡)iatno.licm "'c. uu U\uh 1:'D",i",t1Ilion N,:). lit?" Irlr\ho RU"U.II-,llcn hto. ~g¡-o Nr;\lCIv.."\ f\f:U'aluliktn N-=:!. B.ÐOS ~r)'~ A $che,l/ol '''''yr:.. l:U:ubl',¡IUon No. 3e!9 1('i.11\" r.te¡¡istralicn -No, "50:'11 Ulah 1~'ellhjll'QI'v'" No. 37.2 111 M_,r~l.OWI! A...s.cJ.ŒJIClki. "'''YÇ1. ""Oi"'''''bn Nl.:.. 3aG~ $l.lIvçyor Scr~l.Þei. .L1".J), Af¡url, WYI/)''''''II ßlf P;n~y, Wyom"~ J:'r-uen. W)"ortli'1,U .1.u""1 Not 6prjnU1, IrJiJhO f."mlpcli,;;'r, Idl1t~ 1 :2Bf'M l~NCASìER lAW DffICES µ.C. No. 825£ p. 3 091.6133 DESCIUI'TION Ii'On. NOAH lllLLST.Er\.D l<'A1\llLY :rRUET, 16 A}'JUL 1984 TRACT A I' AGE 'TVvO C00730 .all in accordance ",jlh 1b.e pInt preparf:d 10 be .filed jn the omce: of tho Clerk of Lincoln COWlty Üt1ed, "NOAH HJLLS~ FAIvilLY TRUST, DA1.~ 16 APIUL 19.84 .PLAT Or: TRA,St"S WJTHIN Tf . ß Y..NEY.. NWY..SEY.. SECTION ,10 T31N lU19W ~~' C 7~··': UNTYZi' " JX1I)4,V·'>rled}2DeCember2005, ~ revLScu. ::d ./ / 1/ / '/'....... ··"ß / -#' / _. V- . \:.:..t-" ~ , "'~..,_ ..f" //"'/.1A 1:?t-~ " .."..' ....J'> -''''', / . ¿''l J vv f/ ... .,/ ,,~ .Wf·· '>-'.'.'-"" - -7 ,'¡'1t'l. po )5J .. ·..·/,¡:.Ar;''':,..·-:,'.·::;j:j>.£i¡. .;'.'. 'L.: \. . D.ecembc( 2005 V"" I i:.S·~,.·:(o,p''¡¡';;::".",,_~c-'.;Ì'';.'l....;. '~, . , ~. <r .,',:\/ "'r_'" ..~¡..,!. ':R ,.:r~:\ ~ 011;\1> ',. ~ ...'1'~ ¡;'l'\f ,·,IiI.......:.!1 ~~. \\ .~ J ~.1oJ ~f .;¡~i! ....:.'.. .. "¡;s.. ~~ ~l 1 ".'. jL.". ~tþ I "'-'; ~ ~ ;If"'" .r ~". ;., I¡ t ,.:;..,. ~ ~ ~ '\. 'i..¡)\) \ # " ì. \,p"",,\\ j"Ï~·} "'. ...oJ;.' II .,' ....... I .. ./19:'0' ....... . ' .~ z !.l. ..~. ~. ," .~O',:.:!:'t) j~l'; t"~~;; ~..~~~J<rl'/ \TIÚj .III'-JO\Noøh HiIlSI~"" "rv¡odiflcalion in BOY way of 1ti€ for€!;Joing dascríplìon 1€rminat1!i5 liability of the .surveyor" ., '.. :"' 'f'j!m'¡!i~¡!i!j','¡~I~!:~:~" :~.: ;~:,:.~;':;:"::!~";!:~:~~~:":;'::"":¡;L':..:~:;:...:..:.:;;.:;::tr:t; '';:i¡:;(~~!,;!'L, .' _, ·;r",·,;:;"';':;~~;''.iI:t;t¡~.~...~....-" , Feb.22.2006 1:28PM r"'/JIOlJltoF\i:tIl.i1lld SU V~YOf!3 I~:'I I N. 5chntlml w'/(). "~ifh"ti""tt No. '6.. UI"Ï1 fI."i~I."licm N'J, IG7Q lu..,lh,l H~Lli:st4·tlliQr\ tJ~. ::J~ r1~v¡;¡cI9 I'\C( i,l.pUtJn r"ø. &005 Ñ\.·ltA. $\;I\OI\,;ul 'Wyt'). nOl~!)tr"liol' No. ;}8A9 1(1.,1101 neUi,'t:aIi.Qf¡ No. 8026 lJl5h ftOU 1\'~llIo ' ~t), 37=2 '/' I ,.' MAJ1LUwR ^. 5C...er.rSl!l ._'" wy;.), AC¡:Jlll.fo.lh,)" P!lO. 536 ..' $1J(V'U)'Of 8çh~I.."I. LTO. Aft.)! I. Wyq,,':'\( E!;U IJ n.:y. Wyol}'!"'" .J"ð.;!,U1, \Nyou',fn" I.nv~ IIQI $p,iriU', h.Jah!,) M,'.1"lr\elic:r.ld...1I0 . ~::.:£.:.~!!U:::.iî~I;n:::':~~ì!:H,; ··':·;;¡__,~·:':;:!'..''¡~Jtl~,,;;,;,~,;;:,¡; :;,:';' . .... :~.~,:;~;~f~':~':;!':'=':" .' LANCASTER LAW OFFICES P.C. No.8256 p. 4 DE,sCIUl'TI0N FOR. . '09161..33 NOAH JULLSTEAD FA.MIL Y TRUST, DATED 16 Al)lUL 1984 'l'RA.CT U 000731 To-wit: - - That part oJ' theSWY.,NEv.. anù that part of U1e NW~SE~ of Section 10, T31 N Rl19W, Lincoln COllnty, 'vVyomillg, being part of those tracts of record. in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County in Book 213 of Photostatic Records Ot1 page 79 and in Book 1.24 or Photostatic Rccords 011 page 6S9, describc:d as fQllows: llEGINNING at a poi1i.t on the So lith line of said SWY.NJ:,~, S89u-48'-30"E, 274.4ó feet from the southwest corner of said S\tVY4NEY..; thence NOUC>-07'-06"W, 1013.16 feet, to a point; thcnce S89°-44'-45"W, 2ú5.19 feet, to a spike on the west line of said SWY-.NI::Y,,; theuce NOoo-24' -24"E, 60.00 feet, along said west line to a spike; thence N89°-44'-4S"E, 265.13 feet, to a poin.t at a [encc corncl-; thence coursing a pc::dmcle;r feJÌcè lino as follows: NUl 0-03'-33"E, 232.51 foet, to H point at a fcnce comer; $89<>-58'-24"£, 1055.41 fect, to a point ~1t a fence COL"L1Cr; SOl °-16'-41 "W, 1308.90 feet, to ~ point on the south line of s~LÌd SWv..NE~ thence: conLÏmlÎng SOlo-l6'-41"W, 16.50 feet, to ~poin.t; thcnce N89"-48·; -30"W, 1 028.39 feel, ,1l011g a line parallc:lto snid south lino, to a point; thence: NOOc)-07'-06"W, 16.50 feet, to thc l'OlNT OF BEGINNJNG; ENCOM:PASSING i.Ul area 1..''£32,09· aCl·c5, morc or less; the BASE BEARING for this sW'vey is the wost linc oJ: the NE'/4 of Section 10, T31 N Rl.19W, bcing NOoo-24'-24"E; each "corner" found as described in the C01'11cr Record filed ·or to be filcd ill the Onïce of the Clerk of Uncoln County; cach "poiut" lIHu-kcd by a 5/8" x 24" steol t·cinfon:ing 1'04 wiLh a 2" aluminu.rn cup inscribed, "SURVEYOR SCHERBEL L1'D AFT ON WY PI.-S 5368", with appropriatc details; Ci.lch "spike" l11urkcJ. by a 3/8" x 12" steel spike referenced by (l 5/8" x 24" sted. rc:inforcing rod with 2" aluminum cap inscribed, "SURYEYOH. SCHERBßL LTD AFTON vVY PLS 5368", with <lppropriato details; all ill accordance; with the. plat prepared to be J:ï.lod in the Office of the Clerk of Lincoln County titled, "NOAH HILLSTEAD JX\MILY TRUST, DATED 16 APRIL 1984 PLAT OF TRACTS.. WITHIN Tl-l~"""~pNEv.. NWy"SE~ SECTION 10 T31N Rl19W LJN"CØJ-N"Ç;ðl~~T:¿¿~' wy, 1TÞ!.Ø;;:dated 12 December 2005, as revised. ;/;"'ß"~~" /'.~ /--7 ~-:::.- ,~........ .. ~~' / ~// £;1" .P".:\.,~ ::fti;<.,"".. /~' ,,". ..' _..f(::.,.. ~...,........... -...." f~t ,:,~...."" "íI / . .:q.,.~... ~. I,., /" p" ~?P".-'...r~ .~:. . , ._ . 1( ~l;;";' 'I.. " .", P',//Y ~-://"J ~ ;I , . - 'f" ,!,,!l',, i ...¿. ~ ~ì'. . ·¡;:'5j~el11bc " 20-<ß.; ~ I'...¡f "'~,J >¡¡~i\-J.~\\ --/ '. ( "'" ~ -¡ rr.:\~ ) .,/"r ;:. i,". \ r ":Jo.,~ ;:;'$ . ,; ;..1 'V ~,) j __.__, _, _. _,' '\ .¿ 14;1 .-.~.,. -....,. í :' "0',","'_':'.'/,'; '\\Ylt' ..;;:;:;:: f j \Tlt\JI·1 19-1(/\¡:;: ":<:,;:::;:::::"."" "Modification in any ~.ay òAWÈlf,·@',_::Y·de.7-&iptionterminatesliabilítYOf the ¡;tr~;'(" .'Ie'....... ø....:¡.... '1..,,,,,,,,. ...l......... ;