HomeMy WebLinkAbout916154 " . - ··..··'!"...·.·."'·.·,·".·,·.·....',·.·'~,··i·.,"'~,~·,_·.~...~,.,....r.I.~......,"""'..-, '---',7"';:'-:_..::'; '; ,,' <:J...~..:.,.'. , "...........~......t......L' ,_, ··,··.·...W.,-·.."....;-.·0I......".·...,·.··.'.·.:.7.:.·'_._..<.'.·,..'.""- ·-"-,·...-.-,'.....,.'.··1'".1...,,...-.-- .,.... 000761 WARRANTY DEED JERRY LEE llOBERTS, ELDONA ROBERTS CAD., .PATIlICIA R.OBERTS WADSWORm AND MITZI LYNNR.OBERTS PEARSON, .. Tenaats In CnnnnoJ, graDton ofLiDco1n County, StalcofWyomiDg, furcnnllm......nnn ofTc:naDd OOIl00's ($10,00) aDd other good aDd valuable CODSideœtion in JJm1, m:eipt wheœof.is JJcœby a:kDowJedged CONVEY AND WARRANT TO l SCOT!' D. BERGLUND AND S'l'EPBANIE L. BERGLUND, Husband ad WIfe as TeDIIDts byibe Entiredes gmøees, wbosesddreais Po Box 1598 AFton Wy 83110 1he following described rcal estate, .IÎbJ8tie in liD:oIn County Dd State of WyoDIÌIIJ. hereby :xeIeasing and waiving aD rights under mJ by virtue of tbe hnm~ad excmption1awa of the state to wit: Beginning at JI. poÍDt 5 rods West of the ~1th"JI~ Comer of Lot" of B10ck 22 in the Town of Afton, LiDco1n County, Wyoming,.uxl1UDDÍll¡ theuce North 10 rods; tbcnce West 5 rods; tbcncc South 10 rods; tbcncc East 5 rods to the poiot of begiJmjDg, SUBJECT, however, to aD rcscrvations, restrictioDs, protœtive a>VCDIDts, cxceptioDa, c.~ mJ rishtI-of-way of m:onI. .in sight, or in IIIC. . !f WITNESS our .haDds tbis~ day of Febmaty, 2006, 1::'. >u¡~¡(rÄJz. fifæ- k~edf I J~ l.cc Roberts .d-+.-:-·) ~ I~ Eldoua Roberts Call ~ - /4L - ~ ré£A;v~/')tf . ø -~ o/~Ç).!zk!. ~~ 1~~~þdU/>1 --r ~atticia Roberts Wadsworth . MiIzi Lyma Rõ Pearson ~ Jµ ~. -J.-.-~.JIt~...if ~ ~~.;I(~WtÝ~ State of Utah County of ~ ) )51. ) The foregoing Jnsttumcnt wu JICkDowledged before.me by Jerry Lee Robe.rts, Edema Roberts Call JUId Mitzi LyJIIl Babetta Pcmon by their .Auomcy-in-Fact Patricia Roberts WAdsworth JUId PaIricia Roberts Wadsworth this ~ day of Februuy, 2006. Witness my lwId JUId ofliclal acal. ~ lð,2m1 " .- CAALAAVERETT· Notary Public State of Utah My CcInmIsaIon ~ Oct 18, 2CX» 13m H MIIn StrIeI, ÙIgM, LTr 84341 . My Cnmmi....inn Expiœs: Q:;t RECEIVED 2/22/2006 at 4:03 PM RECEIVING # 916154 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 761 JEANNE WAGNER LlNC~~~ ~~~N~ _~LERK. KEMMERER. wY [:]It~i¡l: