HomeMy WebLinkAbout916157 'I Lo, ..,. ~ ("OÜ78~~;23' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRIC~~, ~:c òr sr CO"; Æ . \ ¿:. , Co INro liT -4" / \~ .... / iN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF LINCOLN, STATE OF WYOMING ~:>'è"h_ .. Oj~ ~~ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF: ) ) ) ) ) G> G¥i:J ~1;:-, >"/ Probate No. 4343 BASIL KEITH JOHNSON, a/k/a B. KEITH JOHNSON, Deceased .rl ORDER AUTHORIZING SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND APPROVING PRIVATE SALE OF REAL ESTATE 'j NOW on t~day of February, 2006, the above captioned matter comes on for hearing in chambers before the Court, pursuant to prior assignment, on the Second Petition for Authority to Sell Real Estate and Report of Private Sale of Real Estate as filed herein on February 2, 2006 by the ¡ G Personal Representative and the Court, having reviewed the file of record herein, having received evidence, and being duly advised in the premises, finds that each and all ofthe statements in said Second Petition and Report are true and correct, that due and proper notice of said Second Petition and of this hearing thereon has been made to and waived by all parties legally entitled thereto, that the previous Agreement For Sale and Purchase of Real Property between the Estate and Kevin L. Caudill that had been approved by the Court in its Order that was entered on September 26, 2005 is void and of no further force and effect, that the proposed sale price as set forth in the agreement attached to the Second Petition as Exhibit B is the value of said property as detennined by the market forces, that the sale of said real estate will effectuate distribution of this estate, and in the best interests ofthe estate, that no objections to said sale have been filed of record with the Court and no such objections have been submitted to the Court upon this hearing, and that therefore the Personal Representative ought to be authorized and instructed to complete the private sale of said real estate RECEIVED 2/22/2006 at 4:06 PM RECEIVING # 916157 . BOOK: 612 PAGE: 789 JEANNE WAGNER i·;·; ~·:·:!t";'r.1í~¡~j f::::::::~:~~,,::!:¡;:;:; N COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, ~~~~ as reported and prayed for in its said Second Petition and Report. Probate\Johnson\Order Authorizing Sale of Real Estate -_..._--~ .__.- ---. -- -- I;;T:.¡. i!t·!¡W.·: I.:t. .;: I,¡..~,I .I'I ',.,\'.',' fll.' ~II~ ...................... .c-.__._.....__..'........ ........"._._. 03:1.61.57 @, ":;'-;-'i ,.~.,... :'or""'90 ..... i \.: I IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that the Personal Representative ofthe above captioned estate be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Lot Two (2) of Block Two (2) ofthe Brown's First Amended Addition to the Town of LaBarge, fonnerly Tulsa, Lincoln County, Wyoming, AND A tract ofland being a part ofthe North half ofthe South East quarter ofthe South West quarter, Section 6, Township 26 North, Range 112 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Lincoln County, Wyoming, being further described as follows: starting at the brass capped monument stamped "Scherbel", located at the center 1/4 comer of said Section 6, thence S 00·08'55" W, 1320.64 feet to a brassed capped monument stamped "Scherbel", said monument being the center South 1/16 comer of said section, thence N 89°56'36" W, 275.00 feet, thence S 00·08'18" W, 30,00 feet to an aluminum capped monument stamped LS580, monument being the point of beginning, thence S 89·56'36" W, 90.86 feet to an aluminum capped monument stamped LS 580, thence S 00·08'18" W, 100.00 feet, to an aluminum capped monument stamped LS 580, thence S 89° 56'36" E, 90,86 feet to an aluminum capped monument stamped LS 580, thence N 00·08'18" E, 100.00 feet to said point of beginning. Said tract contains .209 acres more or less. . Subject to easements and restrictions of record. Subject to a 5 foot utility easement along the entire southern boundary of above described parcel. TOGETHER with all appurtenances including but not limited to the 1980 Brighten Manor 14X70 mobile home, Serial # GKI0235 located thereon. to David L. Hansen and LyndaR. Hansen, husband and wife, in accordance with all ofthe tenns and conditions of that certain Agreement attached to the Second Petition and Report of Private Sale of Real Estate as filed with the Court on February 2,2006. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED that said Personal Representative is hereby authorized and given authority to sign any and all other documents Probate\Johnson\Order Authorizing Sale of Real Estate 2 · ..--..-......".., ... ...............,....-.. ...'-.......,....,.,-....,.. . 0916157 ~ COC791 necessary to complete the transaction or close on the sale of said real property including but not limited to signing and.executing a settlement statement. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED, ADJUDGED AND DECREED upon the completion of said transaction and the receipt by the Personal Representative ofthe total amount due under the aforesaid agreement, the Personal Representative shall execute and deliver to the Purchaser a Court Officer's Deed, and shall thereupon record said Deed and a certified copy of this Order in the Office of the Dated thih7..h-¿' day of County Clerk of Lincoln County, STATE OF WYOMING 1 COUNTY OF LINCOLN SS. ",K7~net~D, Roberts, Clerk of the . Jl:dlclal DIstrict Court within an d f Thl~d Count d . oresa,d h y an In the State of foresa' d t ereby certify the foregoin to befu/~ . rue, and complete copy~ ' SIGNED '" . ......................... .,<\ \.~ '.j, ii/Ill) , \-\ ,~\I"; ~.. ~)~. .- ¡1, ~-J". "'~1iI"~: ~ '-_It'.... 11 '~.'.:., :...(t.,:. ':'~;: '.. ,[ .1't;I'::..R i,( ,~,>. ''''-, ·:r . ,< -:~~,. ,.". .. 'I' ., Probate\Johnson\Order Authorizing Sale of Real Estate 3 ¡~m~miliill;;