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J '. , " . 50882 (04) " 4. ....":'0... ''-'. . , . RECORUING REQUESTED BY ~¡: .,.'0', pr;.".·.'.! ~.:.;j~~~' . n"8ofi6 1.,1 t: J. (T _!J WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO Name PSB LENDING CORP. Address 1950 CAMINO VIDA ROBLE City &. CARLSBAD, CA 92008 State RECEIVED 2/23/2006 at 11 :45 AM 124 RECEIVING #916170 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 816 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY Loan No.: loan #: 02-52003 \. \! Title Order No.: f) ;..../ Escrow No.: (f V ('../ .\' /' I \.' f 30 z.. cP 70 :5 -; SPACE ABOVÉ TIUS LINE FOR RECORDER ·S USE 1~122.. Corporation Lt\..ssignment ofl}eet{ of .Trust- fV1Drf5aj~ :J FOR VALU. E RECEIVEDl, the unders~ned hereby grants, assigns and transfers to DSB LEND¡\G CORP. . µ# 1t(,rtjlL~~ ~ feh-Uð.r~ q all beneficial interest under that certain Deed ef Trwa dated J;:m";;a~T 30~ 1998 executed by Dale Thurman, an unmarried rran and Nancy Adelle Hanssen, an unmarried M:)!T1aIl as joint tenants. ¡JA p.µ' , Trustor, to Catcwuy Titlc CoftpanX gy~ 450 I' lI:t /1'<7 ~Tnu;tee, and recorded as Instrument No. 'i 02.'\ t pJ4 on 2. -m - "\ Ö in book '1o 7 . . , page 533 , of Official ~ecords in the County Recorder's office of S;:¡n D~CgC~ Lll1tvl.., J.H County, State of E!alifol"nia WYOl'h/hj'µ', describing land therein as: P.'\RCEL #-4-J6- z6z 04 Qg. µ.. THIS ASSIGNMENT IS BEING RE-RECORDED SEE ATTACHED LEGAL DESCRIPTION TO CORRECT THE COUNTY AND STATE OF RECORDING 1& J ~, M/' TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Ðecd of Trust. Morljltj r... tA.Lu STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF San Diego On 2-12-98 James Marlett personally appeared Terri L. Lyons } ss. , before me, (Notary Public), personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactor y evidence) to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/ar e subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in his/ her/ their authorized capacity(ies). and that by his/her/their signature(s) on the instrument the person(s). or the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) acted. executed the instrument. (Seal) 'J~ ~.Jo............J"'IIr............ -""'--...................J'Irt.....~................. ( T" ,.'¡" JAMES MARLETT ~ o ~. Camm. #1062848 1'\ CJ e. : NOTARY PUBLIC, CAlIFORNIAOlI1 ~ ~ SAN DIEGO COUNTY ) ____ .: "or ____ !~~ ~p:.;'u~e ~.~9~.l (thl. area r... official notarial .eal) \ , .:\ - Ltu"Doc (TM) by D,1phi III/ormoJ;;;" Scl,",,,. Corp. WocI16.0296 /~\ 1.., . n :lOT '~ð 8608 \J :', :.r:, ili'.-~ .... SSLTD-AF ~~~ LAND TT' '-ì .. -' Ü~i1~617(j' .. ,~ ,'.'-", '".,~ .'.". - I.....~-:··: ¡ ~~..., ',_ '; ~J;:-~.....IO'.,. '.......10... u.4 1,__ r...1 H. $clio'" ....--...., I~ "...........""' lløiW.""..... HI' ~,\, s.N.4oel ......,iM...... ,,.. . .",,,.. VW..,t. HD, .......,. W-"'I' nil ~ Vt\o-"w l)1li1 4!11111,~ÐI" P02 f"\f"\8ofi7 · J ,. ¡. . J. '. 1... . _ , , 0848450 tð'Ô'· r~::.v'·;·)\v'/ ~~~)I.J ( . DlICRIP'rION POR WILLIAM L. ICADDOO ud 'A.IU~ . ~ CÂDÐOO 'fIACT 1..1.1; 53:5 .; l' . ..~ 1 To-wit:-- .' :41;åA¡~-1i-·-,'lf"4~~~:tJ.;::;,t. ::'.~"~Š~-!;:Yi);'.",..,,¡~ -,.~ .~...~-.- That: part eff the EHN¡¡~ ~d that pat:-t 'of ·d'it!l"N~áF.~:Of Sect.ion 22 "nd chat Pqrt ot the ~ u, Section 23, 't'~I\N, R11.9W, Lincoln County, W~min!, bQing part of that tra~t ot record in ~h~ Office of ~he Clerk of Linooln County in Sook 24:20£ Photo lilt at- 1c R~~u~d. ~onpAge 105, deøoribcd QQ follows I ..U¡mrING 'at the inttl:nnu.:t.l.oll of the vest line of said tract of recorCl. 1~; BOOk ;¿42 öm.1 \.:.he ccntcl-1ine of tm e)C.ietil'lg aOCCOQ ro,,"d, .NUUr-:U.2'E, 3~7.'6 fael:. !LUIU the 8outhwC!let c;ornc~' (.IC said traè~ ana. ~1~"'·4~".ö'''', 246.5.37 .ct:H:SL (.LUIII ~11t:: ,uCI.L'thcailSt corner ot~sa1d Section 42, fauna as c1escI·.1Þ~c.1 111 l.he Certitied Land Corriår Recordation Certir1cace r11ec:1 1n said OL! lr.:~; thence cou~sin~ said centerline .s follows: thenoe N4so·11.S'E, 15.68 feet to the beginning ot a circular curve t4 the right; thence nórthea~terJy, 98.25 feet, along the arc of said curve through; a c~ntr~' angle of 39°.52.4', bðvinq a r~dius of 11.1.18 feet, to the eT1ð nt øaid curve; thence N4so·03.8IE, 1".52 fe.t to the beginning nf a circu- lar c'UJ;'~' ·t:o-~~;l"'-tf·_._,-", . ",..;.....:... .. . .... . " .~...., '., ._.-_ó_...,. '. ¡: :1. thence nJrt.htsi;f.øterly, e~L9' foe~, along ths arc: of øAid. eurvQ throug~ ~ ~~ntral angle o£ .7°-2U.1', having a r~diuM u! 1 Uti ,e~ teet I to the tmd of said curve; thence N~7°"43.7IE. 143.24 teet to i!I polu~; thence ~joo-22.2'E, 88.18 teet to the ~g1nning of u ~hc.:\J.1"'l" curve t~ the right; thence ~ortheasterlv, 162.49 feet, along the arc of said C':nrve throu¡ha central angle of 63°-52.7', haviny Q radius of 14~.t5 teet, to the end of said curve; thence S;so-4S.1'E, A7.SS feet to ~he beginnIng of a circular ou~e t~ the left: tht:uce~o'r'theastcrly, 130.02 .f..t:, 31 nng the arc of said cUJ:'V~ tþ¡"ough a central angle of 73°.3'.4', having a ~'If¡c1iu8 ot lOl,~6 feet, to the end of 8aid curve I thence NPlo-O:¿.SIE,19!.97 feet to the beginning of a c:irc:u, -·~·"tar çut'Ve-tO·:t:-he left;- -" thence nbrtheaaterly, 85.34 teet, alung the arc. of eaid Qurve throu~" a central angle of 21°·10.7', having 4 rudl~a of 230.66 feet, to the end of said curve; Lh"'1U~~ NþO"··08,J'W, 23.3' feet. to the beginning ur a circ:ulDr c:urv~ t.o the right; , "Mod¡4dM1on In any w,y \)( lhe foreaolns dewfptlon iermlnateillablllty of th. $UrVtfYðr" :L~Æii ¡ .... c 'D' 301 ...., 8&08 \.J 5SLTD-AF ..,..,.., LA1fD 'JTY 'Y ~.o:~lr.6~t70 < . . -" ,....-..-- -_. .,-.._.""._..,,>~- . n......,... ....... \w...... t..,¡...",~ ............ I'" ~ '" ....... ~""'I.a'" 1IIt MM" 1" It.... . .....""IIA. U6I ~..aooa KIt.n. L 'Ø- '. ,'-to ~ 11111 JKI¡..... W*'" IMIII A.ln.M..... IJIIt ..00818 ¡ nucaxPTxOlilfOR IfnL%AJC L. ·qiÐDOO aoe! U'.UA a. CADDOO TaCT B-1.1 fNiI "1'WO (Ç©U5))f 084~4S0 536 . - . . ., .-. .., .. , :-. . __, . ... _ ,.. .:. :,~ : ' :' r, :', . . -.. r ' thence notrtheaster'lY,· 117. ;/1 teit:; a1o;ng',t.l~tS &;rC o~..id. curve thJtougb a cent:.,¡;'¡¡l angle of ~IS· -06.0', havi.ug 4& 1·àdlu8 of 120t2~ feet, to the end ot said ourve; th~nce NS&o·S7.7'E, 21.67 feet to the intersection or said r.enter11ne with the east line ot said tract: .In Book 242; MO lp.~v", Aa~d centerline; "' ... ,.--... -.. <;;p......'·!~',..,.-'~..·.~.~.'...~t-:~~'::. ";.$":."': ':j. J¡-_' ~~j~;~.'.. ,-.... ._,:..--..;¡;'::",~~' . . thenoe NOOO¡-l1.$IB!. 4.99 '".t, a16ng sa'id 'esjltl1ne, to the øouthea8t ~oint of that ~Tßct ot record in s~ld Office in Book 335 of PhO~OQtacio ~.cord. on pAgP. 12; tbØlH.:1!I N89°~50.0'W, 45.06 teet, along the south Un... of aaid tr~u\.. in ~¢k 335, to Q. poine on the westerly r·ight.-of~~a.y line of GUt ¡ Itxisting acce88 road, thence continuing N89° - 50.0 I W, 951.12 feet to the øouthw..1: pointot s.1d tract 1u Book 335; thence SOO~-11.2'W H3&.12 teet, along Lh~ west line of said tract in ~ok 242 I to a point on the nUL 1.11t:.L 1}' ,L'lght -of -way line of an: existing access road¡ to. hence. con.tP-I.\uin9' SOoo-11.2IW, 42.42 feet to the INTBU.cfIOM OP SIOXHHI,G¡ . INCOMPASSIN~ an Area of 13.04 acres, more or less} SUBJ2CT to ..sement. ~f Right and record; each "intcl1acctionll and "point II mark",ö by a !;/8" x 24M steel ];"einforc;Ln. ~r¢c!w':Lth.. a 2" .al1.tmiPJH!~",_,~~~...tl.lsç~lbed II SU~VE.Y... OR.. SCHgIUSEiIi, LJ'D. DIC rINEY, WYO. PLS 5368": ,~._.. ,'.c',·,:",·.' .. ..', r:.ha base ~~r.l.lL~ fOl·thia ðurv-ey is tho north linlit of the NW~ ot Section ~3, T~6N, Rl1'W being a8~D 48.512. I~. ~-=.-mbc¿ 19.94 ciiddoel1.~ ~... -.-. ...,,--.-...........,--.....; " ..-.,.,.,.-..'1: .~-' ,.,.--"'.,,_._..~.~._.:;...., "'~"."""....i.-"","";"';',:,,~ "Modlßtation in anyway of Ihl foreso1n8 ~rlpllon tcrmln.", IJ.bIllty oI1hCI'''rY4vot' . ~filii~ili;lllil .;.; ~, "(;i· , ,. P03 "