HomeMy WebLinkAbout916171 -' 50882 requ~sted -hy:<' < PSB Lending Corp. 1925 Palörtlar Oaks Way, Suite 105 Carls1>ad, CA 92008 -186 bêí~r<- 00819 L When recorded mail to: PSB Lending Corp. ' 1925 Palomar Oaks Way, Suite 105 Carlsbad, CA 92008 8,,,1 I ~cr 21~ 1998 10:26 AM S :; I / c¡ ;? -QFfICIAl REeÅ“DS . -SâN Dl[1:ì8 ClHffY REEORDER'8 OFFICE 11/1I'n~I"mllllllll~i~II' oom ~~1H. aw.~ RffMÆR " 1998-0598772", SPACE AtSUVL nn~......·.-__.--,--_', 'SUSE ~ ¿lrlCfJ7 D 37 4\\~ I CORPORATION ASSIGNMENT OF DEED O~ TRU8~ (VlcrAj6 FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned corporation hereby grants, assigned and transfers to .of I ~ i V ~j ) GOLETA NATIONAL BANKI!I ¡Jh /ltortJá.i.t:_ p.¿ fcl:>r~H~-' all beneficial interest under that certain Dee~st, dated JANLT.^..nY 30~ 1998 , executed by DALE TIIURMAN, AN UNMARRIED MAN AND NANCY ADELLE HANSSEN, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN AS JOINT TENANTS ~ ~ ~ to .G-AA'YAYTITLI: CÐMPANY ;ié ~~, and recorded as Instrument No.-¥t9~ ¡?'Jìu2....¡t;¡. 'i'l'ttI'SD on 2111/1q'6~ in book i ,page #60f õfficial ~ecords i~ ~he ,f e;.: '1!!1'~ .1' j.33 úÞ/ County Recorder's office of:µ; A.N DIEGcféounty, 4,deScnbl11g land ther~in as: THIS ASSIGNMENT IS BEING RE RECORDED TO CORRECT THE COUNTY SEE ATTACHED AND STA'fE OF RECORDING ;¥. LJ~/i1 ¡. wYorn;~ TOGETHER with the note or notes therein described or referred to, the money due and to become due thereon with interest, and all rights accrued or to accrue under said Deed of Trust. 'YLor4¿A.~ (J..L4 App No. Corporation: PSB Lending Corp. By: ~~C)~ Title: Vice President Assignment Date: February 23.1998 ST A 1E OF California , COUNTY OF San Diego }ss: On Februarv 23. 1998 Before me, Dana E. Gutierrez personally appeared Janet 1. Twombly. Vice-President [ X ] personally known to me -OR- [ ] proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(s) whose name(s) islare subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed the same in hislher/their authorized capacity(ies), and that be his/her/their signature(s) on the instnunent the person(s), or the entity upon behalf of which ther person(s) acted, executed the instrument NOTARY SEAL STAMP r"" ·························f WITNESS my hand and official seal. ... f>tJf!.f..t.. DANA E. GUTIERREZ ~ - !L, .~ Comm. # 1166409 tin I/) ~ ...,§: ~ ~ . NOTARY PUBLIC, CALIFORNIA ~ ~' ~" , San Diego County ... )f'~ : ~;; ~.~ ~ ..~y .C.o~~, ~.!~:s wD.e~.!~1\2~~1. w t .. RECEIVED 2/23/2006 at 11 :46 AM RECEIVING # 916171 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 819 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER, WY ".- ,f' '-1,1..'. ," ·¡J~1.61~71· ' . '. '. P02 ¡, '. ,J ; ~ ! ~. J;. " ..···rp..,",- ,.....I.MI u..4 ti",- ...,.1 H. ScIN'" ...............' IU ,,~...., ......10.1 ~Ì t.·Ne. JIIf . ~ A.s.J.o.C.l ..,.,..ø...... ,.. "'fUW.VW..,t. no. ~.~, w....... Ult1 ~.~UtIIII .~~... .)111 n ~OTf'"(" 8&09 SSLTD-AF ~~~ LAND ~ ; . . (i....S· )0 . / " '... 0848'-150 ©(Q)CÇi/;~J/ DI.CIIPTION lOR 1ftLL:tAMIi~1dJæÐOOUcl .......·1 a. CADJ)OO ' ftAC'1' 1-1.1; 535 To-wit:-- Th.~ part df the ¡KN¡~ and that part of th~ N~qF.~ of Section 22 ~nd that P~ rt or the ~ u' S.ction 23, 't"HiN, R'1,9W, Lincoln County, W ming, boing part of that tr_ct of record in th~ Office of he Clerk of Lincoln County in Sook 242 of Photo.Jt:ltt- ic Rel,:l.Jl.dl!l (on page 105, dectc::ribcd ~a follows: B:lU1NNDiGé\t the int.I!:J:·wtsl.:tioll of the west line of eaidt.ro.at of recorc:t in: Sook 242 iiml t;.l1e centerline of CUi ~)C.ioting accC:ÒQ ro~d, NUÚr-:U.2'E, 327.'6 faet:. !"VItI the southwest COn1t:¡· ut:. saidtraè~ anc:t ~l~u-4~'.ij'W, 24t5~.:H .ct::!ttL !.1VIII l-ln::: llCJ,L'theast corner ot !sald. Section ~2, found as da8cI·.iÞ~1.1 1u the Certitied I Land Corrier Reoordation Cert1rica~e tiled in 8aid O!!l~~; thenoe cou~øinÇl said centerline as follows: thenoe N45°-11.5'E, 75.68 feet to the beginning ot a circular curve tQ the right; t.hence ndrt:heasterJy, 98.25.feet, along the arc of said ourve through; a cp.ntnl' angle. or· 39- -52 .4', bàV inq a n,dius of 1-11.18 feet, to the E"nð nt Raid oUrve; thence N~5°·03.8IB, 1".52 f..t. to the beginn~ng (')f a circu- lar' ëC·\;'¡:I;'.'·.';;P¡·f;~.'¡.,,t,t:..J,.~,,,,_. ,.... .". .'?, "; . ¡"'_;"",.,~'''' ..,.,.,"'.'.,.'... thence nJrt:.b~éult;erly, 8!L 96 foet, along the arc of ~AideurvCJ throug~ ~ c~ntrdl angle of .7·-~U.l', h3vlng a radiuM ur 10tLU~ teet, to the tlud of said curve; thence Ni1°-43.7IE, 143.24 reet to a ~o.iUl-; thence N30o-22.2IE, 88.18 teet to the beginning of ö ~!L~ular curve t¢ the right; .. thenðe ~orthea8terlY, 162.49 feet, along the arc of said curve through a central angle of 6Jo-52.7', having I;t t·.diu&! of 14~.15 feet, to the end of said curve¡ thence S,so-45.1'E, A'7.¡;a feet to the bec;innlng of a circular ourve t~ the left: ,tlU~nce'~orthe.a.terlY, 130.02 fe.t, a1(')ng the arc of said CUI'V~ t:þ¡·ough D centr~l angle of 730 -1'- .4', having a x·t6dius or 101.76 feet, t.o tho <md. of 8aid curve thence N~a 0 -o;¿.!) IE, 19!!. 97 feet to ehe beginning of a circu.. .~.:,:~- ~.--:~}r;:·,:~;\Lt;~~·· ."..- .: <,:: :...,-.,-:)<___.".:.':..,::. .:.__ï,;::~; thence nþrtheaaterly, 85.34 têêt, along the'arc ofeaidôurvQ' throug4 a cen~ral angle or 21*-10.7', having a rQd¡~o of, 230,86 ~eet, to the end of saið curve; Lh,..n~t"! Nbo"·,08.3IW, 23.3' feet". t:.o the beg1nninQ ur a circular curvp. to the rigbt i ' I "Modi4d11lon In Iny WiÎ'I' OJr the foresolns dc~rfptlon IIrmlnatalbblllty of the IUl'Yepyar' r. "~'·i·i·l"ð· ·i!.j I:::::::::~:~:~~::::~ ' ~~~~1J:;:;,.. . " ..._i,":· . . . ,,0. æri~~~:;~r-'~~T~~;f;t;:~;:~, .,..........~.... 'v.,,,.. .... '" ~...... ~"""M s...i. "....... '¡.1.í........ JIlt ¡: "",-,"0\ k..... I:. .~...... ..., 'MI ii ~~ SC.-IL. LTo. ; .;¡.,~ ........... .1111 ': ¡,p...W~ J)I t ,i· AI"..: "'......UI10 " ..-.-~-. ":"',. f1 301 ~ø 8508 j:;~::~:;:;:;:¡~1í!í:r; i':,;~,:·:·:·:':·:·::.5.5LTD-AF -;-;-; LAlfD TDo... .:;:~, ~I~':'~.~':f.'~': r ~ 1'03 .. t . ". - 0t)t:8?1 ... ,~, \,.. ,...., U91'171 ¡ 'OuCa%JlTxcmi,OR Mn!.%~ 1.. ·dÄJ)DOO TaCT B-1.1 . I'M. TWO ao4 uaUltA It.. CADDOO ~©LÕl)jl 0848450 536 .-.,....-., 'thènoe'Ì'Ì:6frtkèÚtilterly, 117. ·/1 feet, ~+ong qu~ Arc of øaie! curve thJtougb a cent..L·~.Ü Angle of :)fjo. - 06 . 0 t, hav!ug _ 1·..diu., of 120.2~ feet, to the end ot said curve; . r,hfIJnce N56° -57 0 7 I E, 21. 67 ~.et to the intersectiono! said ~p.nterline ~ith the east line ot said trac~ 10 Book Z42; MJJ lP.'aviII ~a~dc:enterline; . ., . thenoe NO~~-11oS'!, 4.99f~.t, along said east line, to the "C)Uthøa8t ~oint of that t.Tßct of record in :lGi.ld Office in Book 335 of Pho~oøta~ic Record. on p~gp. 12; thfJm.:~ N89°:-S0.0'W, 45.06 feet, along the lIouth UnA of said trK<;l., in ~ok 335, to Q point on the wQ8terly r·ight.-of~"...!.V l;Lne of liU'J.: $xisting access road, thenc,::e conqinu1ng N89° - 50.0 '1'1, 951.12 feet to the øout:'h",..~ point ot B,id tract iu BQOk J3S¡ thence SOoo,·11.2'W¡ ij3~.·'2 teet, along I.hewe.t line of .aid tract in E¥J0k 242, to a poine on the nlJ~Llu:a.ll ",'lght-o£-way lino of an: existing access road; t:.hencecont¡inuinçr SOOo-11.2'W, 42.42 feet to the IMTBU.C-rXON OF BICJJ:NNI'G; . ¡NOOMPASSIN~ an ~rea of 13.04 acres, more or less} SU8J2CT to ..øøm9nt. of Right and record; c,ch" intel1aec:t ion II and "point II mark~d by a 5/8" x 24 I' steel '1;.~~1,,,~çivn*1~~~;+~,~};.~.-.~}!_"J~+~.~;E..um . (,! tp inscribed "SORV.1;YOR SCHERBt11,¡, Ln>. DIG I'iNEY, 10'0, PL,S s11l1··T~"··"_· -"'.- thy base beKrlny !c:"r thiø ðurvey is .tho northlin9 of the NW~ Or Sect10n ~3, T36N, Rl1'W being 08,D 48.512. all in acc<prdance with the plat p~'~pared to be filed in the Office of tile Clerk ot Lincoln Couul.r titled "PLAT TO ACCOMP1\NY PARCEL DIV~SION APPLICATiON FOR WILLIAM L. CADDOO AND DAnDARA ~". CADDOO 'WITHIN THE E~ SEC'l'lO~ ~2 NW~ 9!CTION 23 T36N R119W LINCOLN CO~Y, WYOMING", dated 2 september 1994. 4'~' ......, ~I~~?_;~~~!:/~ 1/;: >~I.. 0" II):!.' ", '1~.... .P f;-:¡. '\ "'" &1,. '". >" ~\i ,., "" "ModlOtation In any way ot thl foreao'n¡ detc:rlptlon termln.ta IWMllty of the surwVor"