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WHEREAS Chadwick Land Development, LLC is the sole owner of Elk Ridge
Subdivision, a duly platted subdivision located in Lincoln County, Wyoming, the
perimeter boundaries of which are described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this
reference made a part hereof; and
WHEREAS Chadwick Land Development, LLC (hereafter "Declarant") desires to
place certain covenants and restrictions on said subdivision for the benefit and protection
of the Declarant as well as those purchasing lots in Elk Ridge Subdivision; and
WHEREAS the Declarant intends that this instrument shall define the covenants
and restrictions on Elk Ridge Subdivision and, after recording in the office of the Lincoln
County, Wyoming, Clerk and Ex-Officio Register of Deeds, this instrument shall provide
record notice of said covenants and restrictions to all subsequent purchasers of lots within
the Elk Ridge Subdivision.
the Elk Ridge Subdivision are subject to the following covenants, restrictions and
Declarant hereby declares that all lots in the Elk Ridge Subdivision shall be
owned, sold, conveyed, encumbered, leased, used, occupied and developed
subject to the protective covenants, conditions, restrictions and easements
hereafter set forth. These covenants shall run with the property and bind all
parties having any legal or equitable interest in the property; and shall inure to
the benefit of every owner of any part of the property.
The following terms and phrases used in these Covenants shall be defined as
A. Association. Association shall mean the Elk Ridge Subdivision
Homeowners Association, its successors and assigns.
B. Board. Board shall mean the Board of Directors of the Elk Ridge
Subdivision Homeowners Association.
C. Building Restrictions. No buildings or structures shall be permitted
within 100 feet of lot fence lines.
D. Covenants. Covenants shall mean these protective Covenants,
RECEIVED 2/23/2006 at 12:11 PM
RECEIVING # 916179
BOOK: 612 PAGE: 836
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Conditions, and Restrictions for Elk Ridge Subdivision.
E. Declarant. Declarant shall mean Chadwick Land Development,LLC.
F. Developer. Developer shall mean Chadwick Land Development, LLC or
successors or assigns to whom Chadwick Land Development, LLC
transfers or conveys lots in the property for the specific purpose of resale.
G. Front Portion. Front Portion shall mean that portion of a lot in Elk Ridge
Subdivision between the front of a house and the adjoining road.
H. Lot. Lot shall mean a discreet, numbered, subdivided parcel of property
as depicted on the Master Plan or Final Plat of the Elk Ridge Subdivision,
as recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Lincoln County,
Wyoming. Lots 1 and 2 being sold as Phase 1. Other phases will include
approximately 8 lots to be on Master Copy to be filed with Lincoln
County Clerk in 2006.
I. Member. Member shall mean any person or other legal entity who
belongs to the Association.
J. Owner. Owner shall mean the recorded owner or contract purchaser of
an interest in a lot, and does not include those having an interest in any lot
as security for the performance of an obligation.
K. Proµerty. Property shall mean the real property described in the Master
Copy or Final Plat of the Elk Ridge Subdivision as recorded in the office
of the County Clerk of Lincoln County, Wyoming.
A. Membership. Every owner of an interest in a lot shall be a member of
the Association. Membership in the Association shall be appurtenant to
each lot, and shall not be subject to severance from the ownership of such
B. Member Annual Meetings. The members of Elk Ridge Subdivision
Homeowners Association shall meet annually on March 31 at 7:00 p.m.
(or at 7:00 p.m. on Apr. 1 if March 31 falls on a Sunday) at the place of
residence of the then serving president of the Association. The purpose of
said annual meeting shall be to elect directors to fill vacancies as then
exist on the board of directors.
C. Member Quorum and Voting Requirements. Regardless of the number
of members of the Elk Ridge Subdivision Homeowners Association,
voting at member meetings shall be done by lot, with each lot entitled to
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one vote regardless of the number of individuals who may own an interest
in the lot. There shall be no quorum requirements for the membership
meetings and the affirmative vote of more than half of the lots represented
at the meeting shall be the act of the Elk Ridge Subdivision Homeowners
Association. Lots approved on Master Plan, though not being on Final
Plat shall be entitled to 1 (one) vote per lot.
D. Directors. The Board of Directors of the association shall be elected by
the members as above provided. The Board of Directors shall consist of
five individuals. With the exception of the initial directors, all directors
shall be members of the Elk Ridge Subdivision Homeowners Association.
Except for the initial directors, individuals who are not members shall not
be eligible for election to the Board of Directors.
E. Directors Annual Meetings. The Board of Directors of Elk Ridge
Subdivision Homeowners Association shall meet annually on the same
day at the same location as the members, the Board of Directors meeting
to immediately follow the member meeting.
F. Director Quorum and Voting Requirements. Three or more directors
shall constitute a quorum for purposes of Board of Directors meetings and
a vote of the majority of a quorum shall be the act of the Board of
G. Officers. Officers of the Board of Directors shall also be the officers of
the association. Officers shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the
Board's annual meeting and shall serve a tenn of one year, until the
Board's next annual meeting. Interim vacancies shall be filled the Board.
Officers shall be as follows:
1. President. The president shall preside at member and director
meetings and shall have the powers and duties customarily attendant
to those of the chief executive officer of a corporation.
2. Secretary. The secretary shall take, keep and maintain minutes of the
meetings of members and directors; shall give notice of special
meetings of the directors; and generally shall keep and maintain all
books and records of the Association and the directors except
financial books and records.
3. Treasurer. The treasurer shall notifY members of the amount of and
due date of annual assessments; collect and deposit said assessments;
account for all funds received and disbursed; disburse funds as
ordered by the Board; and generally mflnflEe the financial affairs of
the Association.
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R Initial Board of Directors. The initial Board of Directors shall consist of
Kerry Chadwick and Suzy Chadwick of whom are property owners.
Kerry and Suzy Chadwick shall serve until March 31, 2007, and their
successors shall be elected at the March 31, 2007 meeting of the
I. Directors' Terms. Except as provided to the contrary in Paragraph H
above all directors shall serve two terms.
J. Regular Meetings of Directors. In addition to the annual directors
meetings, as above provided, the directors shall also meet as often as
necessary to carry on the business of the Board in a timely manner. The
Board of Directors may adopt a regular meeting schedule by resolution.
Otherwise, meetings shall be called by the President, who shall provide at
least seven (7) days notice of the time and place of all meetings.
Meetings also may be called in the same manner by two or more
K. Board Duties.
1. The Board of Directors shall formulate such bylaws for operation
and procedural resolutions for operation as are necessary or
desirable to carry out the general intentions and instructions
provided by these covenants.
2. The Board of Directors shall monitor and enforce compliance by
owners with these covenants. Regarding monitoring and
enforcing compliance, the Declarant draws the attention of all
owners, members and prospective members to the fact that no
assessment will be made against property or members by the
association for any purpose other than repair and maintenance of
Elk Ridge Road. Therefore the Board of Directors will have no
budget for conducting the business of monitoring and enforcing
these covenants. Enforcement actions shall be taken as follows:
a. When the Board of Directors becomes aware of an actual
or potential violation or breach of these covenants the
Board of Directors shall notify in writing the owner(s) of
the lot on which the actual or potential violations are
b. If the owner(s) disagrees with the Board of Directors'
conclusion that an actual or potential violation or breach
of the covenants has or will occur the owner may request
a meeting with the Board of Directors to discuss and
resolve the matter. When 11 meeting is requested it shall
be scheduled by the President of the Board of Directors
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at the earliest convenient time for the Board and the
c. If the owner does not request a meeting, or if a meeting
is held but the owner does not thereafter cure any
violation or cease a course of conduct that is or may
result in a violation then the Board of Directors, or any
of its members, or any other member of the Elk Ridge
Subdivision Homeowners Association, may enforce
these covenants, conditions, and restrictions by court
action, employing any and all available legal and
equitable remedies.
d. Attorney fees and costs incurred in enforcing these
covenants, conditions, and restrictions shall initially be
born by the party or parties who bring the enforcement
action. However, if any relief sought in an enforcement
action is granted to the party or parties who initiated the
action then judgment for all costs and attorney fees
incurred in the action shall be entered against the party
who failed to abide by these covenants, conditions, and
restrictions. Further, said judgment shall be a lien on the
lot or lots where the noncompliance occurred, regardless
of record ownership of said lot or lots. If it becomes
necessary to enforce the lien, enforcement shall be done
in the same manner as enforcement of a judgment lien
and the amount of the attorney's fees and costs incurred
for enforcement shall be added to the amount of the lien.
3. As shown on the Final Plat of Elk Ridge Subdivision, Elk Ridge
is a private roadway with a perpetual non-exclusive right-of-way
granted to each lot owner. Because Elk Ridge Road is private the
Association shall have the duty of maintaining and repairing it.
To provide funds for maintenance and repair the Board shall
proceed as follows:
a. Maintenance Fund Procedure
-By November 1 of each year the Board shall determine
the amount of money that will be required in the
following year for maintenance and repair of Elk Ridge
-By December 1 of each year the Board shall notify each
lot owner of their pro-rata share of said amount. Lot
owners of uninhabited (meaning no residence on lot) lots
will not be required to pay snow removal.
-By March 1 of the following year each lot owner shall
pay his/her pro-rata share to the treasurer of the
-By March 15 of the following year the treasurer shall
report all payments and delinquencies to the Board.
Lot owners are expected to pay their annual pro-rata
shares of maintenance and repair costs voluntarily,
without notice beyond the notice required herein. Shares
not paid by March 15 of the year following the notice, as
above provided, shall be lien against the lot for which
payment has not been made. Said lien may be perfected
by filing an appropriate Notice of Lien against the lot in
question. In the event the Board incurs any costs or fees
for the notice of lien and! or for any action to enforce the
lien. the amount of such costs and fees shall be added to
and included in the lien against the property. Said lien
may be foreclosed and satisfied by appropriate judicial
b. Provisions Automatically Void
This section III. K.3. Of these covenants shall become
void and shall be of no further force and effect upon
acceptance of ownership of Elk Ridge Road by Lincoln
A. Approval of Plans. Plans and Specifications for all construction,
improvements and alterations shall be in conformity with the terms and
conditions hereof and a copy of same shall be submitted to the Board of
Directors for approval prior to commencement of construction. The
Board of Directors shall have a reasonable amount of time to act on such
plans and specifications. Building authorization granted by the Board
shall be conclusive evidence that the authorized construction,
improvement or alteration complies with these covenants, conditions and
restrictions. All construction must be completed within eighteen months
of commencement.
B. Land Use and Building Type. Only new construction or alteration of
existing construction shall be permitted. The property shall be used for
residential purposes only. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or
permitted to remain on the property other than one single family dwelling,
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a private garage which may be separate from the dwelling, additional out
buildings not to exceed 1,500 square feet in area. No modular or
manufactured housing is permitted.
1. No galvanized metal roofs shall be allowed.
2. All homes must have a minimum of fourteen-hundred (1400)
square feet ofliving space on the ground floor, exclusive of
garages and porches.
C. Nuisances. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried upon any
property, nor shall anything be done or placed thereon which may be or
become a nuisance, or cause unreasonable embarrassment, disturbance, or
annoyance to other owners in the enjoyment of their property. Without
limiting any of the foregoing, no exterior speakers, horns, whistles, bells
or other sound devices shall be placed or used upon any property, except
for those devices designed and installed to protect the security of the
properties and improvements located thereon.
D. Prohibited Activities. No business, commercial, or manufacturing
enterprise, or any enterprise of any kind or nature that will generate any
additional customer traffic in Elk Ridge Subdivision, whether or not
conducted for profit, shall be operated, maintained or conducted on or in
property in the Elk Ridge Subdivision. Further, no dwelling or any part
thereof may be used as a boarding or rooming house, provided, however,
that the main dwelling on any lot within the Elk: Ridge Subdivision may
be leased by the owner for use as a singe family dwelling.
E. Prohibited Structures. No trailer home, mobile home, camper, garage,
outbuilding, or any other structure of a temporary or mobile nature, shall
be used in the area as a place of residence or habitation, either temporarily
or permanently, except as the same may be customarily employed by
contractors for and during the construction of improvements thereon.
The term "trailer home" or "mobile home" as used herein shall mean any
building or structure with wheels and/or axles; and any vehicle used or
constructed so as to permit its being used for transport upon the public
streets or highways and constructed in a manner as to permit occupancy
thereof as a dwelling or a sleeping place for one or more persons; and
shall also mean any such building, structure or vehicle, whether or not
wheels and/or axles have been removed, after such building, structure or
vehicle has been placed either temporarily or permanently upon a
F. Signs and Lights. Except with the written consent of the Board of
Directors as to dimensions or purpose, no signs or exterior lights of any
character shall be placed or maintained on any lot except:
1. A sign identifying the owner or occupant thereof, no dimension
of which exceeds three (3) feet. Said signs shall not be
illuminated unless affix~d to the exterior of the main dwelling.
2. Any light used to illuminate parking areas, grounds, or used for
any other purpose shall be arranged as to reflect the light away
from any adjacent or nearby properties and away from the vision
of passing motorists.
3. Christmas lights and ornaments will be pennitted during the
holiday season.
G. Excavation and Mining Prohibited. No excavation for stone, sand,
gravel, or earth shall be made upon any property except for such
excavation as may be reasonably necessary for the construction,
reconstruction or alteration of any improvement.
H. Livestock. Livestock will be limited to horses and/or cattle. No more
than five (5) horses and ten (10) cattle per lot, other types of livestock and
.amounts may be approved by the Board.
1. Vehicular Restrictions. No vehicles, trailers, motor homes, horse trailers,
or any other means of conveyance, wheeled or otherwise and of
whatsoever kind or nature, including but not limited to water craft,
whether for the carriage or transport of persons, animals or materials, and
whether motor-powered or otherwise, shall be parked on Elk Ridge Road
at any time. No vehicle of a size larger than a now standard American
manufacture motor car or pick-up truck, and no vehicle the primary use or
design of which is for the transportation of passengers for hire, and no
vehicles intended to be used primarily for sport, commerce or industry,
such as trucks, campers, house trailers, buses, boats and boat trailers,
snowmobiles and snowmobile trailers, tractors and other fann implements
shall be parked or maintained on any part of the Front portions,
driveways, or other ways of access in the area of any lot for a continuous
period of more than forty-eight (48) hours, unless such vehicle or
equipment is placed in a garage.
J. Utility Services. All electric power and telephone service lines and all
Other utility services shall be underground or located inside the
boundaries of buildings. Fuel storage tanks must be buried, and butane,
propane and other liquefied petroleum gas shall not be used for fuel
unless the storage facilities therefore are adequately screened or otherwise
concealed to the satisfaction of the Board. Declarant reserves all rights to
utilities, no property owner shall allow persons beyond their property to
connect to their utilities with the exception of Declarant.
K. Waste Disposal and Trash. The use of exterior garbage containers shall
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be restricted to the disposition of household waste and garbage. No
garbage, trash, brush piles, rubbish, junk, inoperative vehicles, including
trailers as defined in the contexts of these covenants, and no other
unsightly items of property or waste shall be collected, placed or
permitted to accumulate on any property. Owners and occupants shall do
everything necessary or desirable to keep their lots neat and in good order.
If an owner or occupant permits any such rubbish, debris, or trash to
remain upon its lot then the Board, or such person or persons as the Board
may from time to time designate, may enter upon the property and may
remove the same therefrom or otherwise cause compliance herewith and
such owner or occupant shall forthwith upon such entry be liable to the
Board for the full cost of enforcing compliance herewith and such cost
shall be a lien against the property. Any entry for said purpose shall not
be deemed to be a trespass upon the property. Andthe decision of the
Board shall be conclusive as to whether or not this covenant has been
violated; provided, however, that notice of any violation thereof shall
have been given the owner and/or occupant in writing not less than ten
(10) days prior to any such entry.
L. Utility Easement. Easements for installation and maintenance of utilities
Are reserved and are shown on the Final Plat of Elk Ridge Subdivision.
No structure shall be placed or permitted to remain within the limits of the
easement which may endanger or interfere with the installation and
maintenance of utilities.
M. Landscaping. Declarant understands that to an extent landscaping is a
matter ofindividuaI preference. Conversely, poorly landscaped lots are
detrimental to the interests of other owners in the subdivision. It is
Declarants intent to require landscaping but to avoid being overly
N. Limited Liability. Neither the Declarant, the Board, any member of the
Board, any Board representative, nor any officer, shareholder, agent or
employee of Declarant, shall be liable to any owner or other person for
any action or for failure to act with respect to any matter if the action
taken or failure to act was in good faith. The Board shall release, hold
hannless, defend and indemnify every present and former officer and
director of the Board and every present and former Board representative
against all liabilities incurred as a result of holding such office, to the full
extent permitted by law.
A. Non- Waiver. No delay on the part of the Declarant or any other person
in the exercising of any right, power, or remedy constrained herein shall
be construed as a waiver thereof or acquiescence therein.
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B. Modification. These restrictions may be modified or amended by a
majority of members of the Elk Ridge Subdivision Homeowners
Association, voting by lot as provided in Section ill.C. above.
C. Severable. These restrictions shall be severable and if any be held
unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction, all remaining
restrictions and covenants herein set forth shall remain in full force and
D. Assignment of Declarant's Interest. Any and all of the right, title,
lnterest and estate given to or reserved by the Declarant herein or on the
Plat of the Elk Ridge Subdivision may be transferred or assigned to any
person, finn or corporation by appropriate instrument in writing dilly
executed by the Declarant and recorded in the office of the County Clerk
of Lincoln County, Wyoming, and wherever the Declarant is hereby
referred to such reference shall be deemed to include its successors and
Chadwick ¥
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Suzy Chadwick
: ss.
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before
me this~fld. day of flL, ~ .
Witness my hand and official seal.
My commission expires -l~~q
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