HomeMy WebLinkAbout916193 ·:~:):¡!¡i~i~i~i;~l :,,',.¡I¡.,,;,,,,,.,,,,,, ::: ,I ;;~ ~f¡¡¡~;¡~~i~ ~ ~ ~ ~:;: . :lll¡, . nnf'8"", 5 '-'" \.. '.. WARRANTY DEED FRANK. W. SEARS AND ALICE F. EDDY-SEARS Gmntors, of Lincoln County, ßI1d State of Wyoming, for .and .in comridP.rntion of TEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION (-$10.00-), .inJJandpaid, receiptwhereof.ishereby aclmowJed£ed, CONVEY AND WARRANT TO: RICHARD AND/OR WENDY KRT .TY Grantee, Whose.address.is PO Box 1 0.2, Frontier~ WY 83121 the following described real estate, sit-mite .in the Town of Opal, Lincoln County .and State of Wyoming, bereby re]eHSÌT1ß .and waNing allrigbts under.and by virtue of the homestead exemption Jaws of the S~ to- wit: î1 All of Lot 9 inBlock 9 of the amended plat to the Town of Opal, Lincoln County, Wyoming, on:file in the Office of the Lincoln County Clerk.. Legal: Opal OTB 09 L 09121 R114 826 TOG±;lHE.J{ WITHallimprovernents1bereon.andall~ appurtenances belonging or in.anywise appertmmn£. SUB1ECT~ HOWE~ to all easP.TTIents, .rights-of.ways, reservB1ions, rest:r:i.ctions .and exisitinE or futme oil.and gas .and/or other mTnerH] leases, now or record or otherwise lIff.ecting .said Jands. WITNESS our l1ands this /3. ~f!:~oæ. WilliamF. Sears ~ ~. . ~?~Å'7. . --) . . y-Sears RECEVED 2123/2006 Bt 1 :31 PM RECElVING# 916193 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 875 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUN1Y ClERK, KEMMERER, WY THE STATE OF WYOMING ) ) ss COUNTY OF LINCOLN ) William F. Sears .and Alice F. Eddy-Sears, .husband .and wire, Bclrnow1edged the llbove ßI1d foregomg inst:rument before me this J qth day of ~"tLrn bu ) ~ 2003. WITNESS my band.and official seal Nomv-Pu IV; 'rÝO, H~ií~Ñ~~; Public· --¡' I County of State of Uncoln Wyoming ~ My Commission ExPlrf.s 4- / ~- 0 5 1 ~~..._~~,.-. -r.'--'-:. '" 4 AlI~ ### My COmm1ssionExpires: -+-/~- Dfj