HomeMy WebLinkAbout916194 W ARRANTYDEED r', ,.., 8 f"1 ...... LOt: ,0 CLARENCE L. REINHART ß.l1dDOR01BY 1. REINHART, husbIDId ß.l1d wife ,gnmtors of A lpme, Co.unty o.fLincoln, State o.fWyominE,.hereby CONVEY .and WARRANT to. C. REINHART & SON, me. Anldaho Corporation Grmrtees ofBo.x 50540, ldaho. Falls, ill 83405 For the 5llII1 ofTen dollars ß.l1d other goo.d.and v.a.1nable com;iilermion The following description trnct o.flandinLincoln County, State ofWyoIIIing,hereby relea~nE ß.l1d waiving ,allrights 1II1.der .and by virtue o.f the homestead exemption laws of the State, to-wit: LOT 165 AND THE WESIER.L Y 96.77 FEET OF LOT 164 described mo.rep.articu1.ar1y as: Beginninz1l1the Northwest comerofLot 165, Nordic Ranr.he"',Divisio.nNo.. 11,LÏncoln Co.unty, Wyoming, .andnlTIT1mz thence S89°24'3TE296.77 feet; thence SOoo35'23""W 44334 :feet to. the So.uth1ine o.fLo.t 164; thenceN89°24'14'W 19.64 feet ßlong the South lines ofLo.t .and 164; thenceN89°24'll"VV 277.13 feetßlongthSo.uth1ines of Lot 164.and 165 to. the So.uthwest ComerofLo.t 165: thence NOoo35'23"E-44330 feet ßlongthe West1ineofLo.t 165 to the point ofbezTrminz_ SUBJECTTO the Co.venants, conditions IDId restrictions co.ntained .in that certain Ro.ad IDId Utility Fa"'fflTIent recorded as lnst:rumen1 No. 9 15 Í:lß'(, ð~ Ið /I , Linco.ln Co.unty Recorder's Office. P"tjU .;1.'*(".2/;1, ;1"8' Togetherwith but subject to that certain Grant of Access recorded in book 472111 P.age 703, as lnst:rumen1 No. 875928, Lincoln County, Wyoming, Records Office. -; L/ FDR.IHER. SUBJECT to. .and reserving unto the GrantoTI:, their heirs, Bl1.Cl:essors.and a"'~zn",.a thirty fo.o.t (30') wide Private Ro.adway eH"'fflTIent IDId utilities easement ßlong the street frontage as .shown on the official plat thereo.f as recorded .inLinco.Jn Co.unty Recorders office. Subjectto reservations.and restrictions contained.in the United States Patent .and to. easement" .and rights-of-way o.f record or in use. Together with .all.impmvement''' ß.l1d Bppurtenanr.es 1:be:reon. WITNESS, the hand of.said grmtor, this -.~~ STATE OF W i () ')'t " ~ County o.f L', "(..0 I '" q day of F'b~. 7- Lft¿· ~~~ UrJ Do.rothy l . Onthe q day of ~b AD. 2006 person.aIly appeared befo.reme Clarence L. Reinhart, .and Dorothy I. Rein hHTt, known o.r 1 ilentiiied to. me to. be the persons who.se name" .are subscribed tothewithininstrn:ment,ß.l1d.acknowleil~d 10 me that they exer.nted the.same. Q\~ ~~/V1& N o.tary -Public Comml ",,,,ion expjres: I 0 I 'l.lo Î Re~illnz.in Th", (11 {. This document is being recorded by Rocky Mountain Tit!e Insurance Agency of Lincoln County as a Courtesy Only..;';;;::;;:::'" ~:..;;~;., c'_ '.~: ~...:~-_~ - ~ - -,.:¥--~~."..,~-- -.' - ...' ..... -' ~DW'AMERRIT-NOTARYPUBUC , ¡ Coœty of ~ State of ; S UncoJn ~'..., WVDmlng C l~y'~~o~misslon~... ID ~/óì ~~ RECEIVED 2l23/2006 .at 1 ;56 PM RECEIVING# 916194 BOOK: 612 PAGE: 87& ;.:,;;:¡;¡;¡;;~:", JEANNE WAGNER .'~' ;I..¡...,'~, ,', .ð;~GLN COUNTY CLERK, KEMMERER,