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C. lŒlNlJÄRT & .sON, INC, 1m Idaho £orporazion.. tl1 GIlANIOR.
¡Dr good ~nd 1Ialuabl" ¡;ð1r3id~atir;n1, tM r~~pt of which ù h.raby J1J::knowl~K¢, d~ h~sby .convly D71d warrant unto .
REINHART HOME BUILDERS) LLC, /l 'fJT)'oming Ll1ll.ited Liability Comp/lny, as GlUNTEE,
who.slJ ~r&rs is p. O. Box SOSJD, ItløÞ.() Falls, ID IJ:UOS, amI Grœat"s's sJlCC8SSorsßTIå D3si~, sùl of th. foIluwtng 4Bscribed ram prap~rly, to·
Lot 165 and the Westerly 96.77 fed of Lot 164 described more particulMI)' at:
Beginning at the Northwest £orner of Lot 165, Nordic Ranches, .DivisJOl1 No. 11, LincJ)ll1 County,
Wyoming, and running thence S89~4'37"$196.77 feet; thence SOO"3J'23"W443.34feet to the South
1il~e of Lot 164; thence N89"24'14"W19.64 fe,et túong the South line o[Lot 164,· thence N89·24'l1"W
277.13 feet along the SOllth lines of Lot 164 Ilnd 16S to the Southwut corner of Lot 16S; thencs
NOO·SS'~3"B 443.30féet to /llong the West lins of1AJt 165 to the point ofbegt1lnlng.
.sUBJECT TO the CDvenanfs, condJtions and ratrlctions J:ontained in that £ertain lWad and UtUity
.Easement recorded as InstrU111Ð1t No. 915686 (Book 11, Pages 216, 261 & 168) Lincoln County
Recorder's Office.
TOGETHER 'WITH and subject to thoJ certain Grant of Access ruortkd in .Book 472 at Page 703, /lS
Instrununt No. 815928,Lincoln County Recorikr's Office.
ALSO .sUBJECT TO a 30 foot wide Private RiJadway easement /llId utilities easement alo1lg the street
frontage as shown on the offici/ll plitt thereof, records of the Lincoln County Wyoming Recorder's Office..
TOGETHER W111I œlY mid all irnprovermmf$, water {l7d dite}, righI.!, etUmH$nÙ, tCUf7/'lÞltJ, htJrGdiliUMrJts LD1fl appurléntmCeS t~.reunto belonging
or in q.rryWisð appertaining, and any reWl'.fion, nmainder, 7'ffnU, issU£.t, tlIId prrJjìú lhøraof.
in c.on1truing thit Del'l arzd whtJrtJ the ~onteU.fO requires, the .singu14r inc1ude$ Jhe plural, .tIlld th~ mlUculiM,lhe jemirrinß and 71ÞJler.
RECEIVED 2/23/2006 at 1 :56 PM
RECEIVING # 916195
BOOK: 612 PAGE: 877
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within JlUtrom,"" ¡mJ =k>wWludgsd to m. lhaI sø1J £o7porarlon lIMCUte¡llh.
This do~~ MAhg'~torded
by Rocky Mountain Title Insurance
Agency of Lir¡~,lî~runty as a
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