HomeMy WebLinkAbout916211 !: (\ n n4 9 ... U\.!L,.' When Recorded Return To:· RECEIVED 2/2412006 at 12:52 PM RECEIVING:# 916211 BOOK: t)13 PAGE: 49 JEANNE WAGNER LINCOLN COUNTY ClERK, KEMMERER, WY Recordinf Requested By: VERDUGO TRUSTEE SERVICE CORPORATJON JOHN A FERGUSON B261 GOLONDRINADR LA MESA, CA 91941,. ~. Ißllllßmß~IllßI illll ßßIJIIIIllßI ßßIIUII ßllHII Certificate of Discharae CITIMORTGAGE, INC.:#:DDD1.95D818 "ÆRGUSDN" LenderlD:5540/1683E2S386 l.incoln, WYDmin9 MERS:#: 1DD0492DDD1524356B VRU:#: 1-BBB.fi79-5377 KNOW ALL MEN BYTHESE PRESENTS1hat MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC whose Bddress is 5280 CORP ORAlE DRIVE, MC.22-528-1D2D, FREDERICK, MD 21703 hoJderofBÅ“J1ain Mortf age, whose parties, dates Bnd recording information Bre below, does hereby BcknowJedge 1hat it has received full payment Bnd satisfaction of1he same, Bnd in .consideætion 1hereto, .does hereby cancel Bnd dischaTf e .said Mortgage. Originai Mortf agor: JOHN A FERGUSON AND IDA LI NDA FERGUSON, -HUSBAND AND WIÆ Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. DBted: 09126/2002 Recorded: 10/0412D02 in BookIReel/Liber: 500 PagelFoJio: 776 BS Instrument No,: £84551 in 1he Records of the County Recorder of Lincoin County, State of Wyoming Property Address: 102 REDWOOD CIRClE, T-HA YNE, WY £3127 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,1he.undersigned, by1he officer duiy .authorized, has duly-execuíed1heforegoing instrument. MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATiON SYSTEMS,INC On F-ebruarv 6th. 2006 1~ By: MERHL GIBSON, Vice-President ~/ \\\\1111//1/1, \\\ R~G 1'1 ""'Ò~~~·,· ~.. ~~ ¡-';'I/" S'~<¿:..., O~·O~'" "',;.~ ~ CJ.: C; ~:" 'Ó~ :: 41 . ". . _ --.¡: SEAL '.~:: =J.U: . . :",= - ...: :-<= ~ - '. 19ð.r .: '" =: - ~" Q oog . '::Y ::- \ c.!)'·..~'AW...~~·~'_:ø$ . , ';,(J...., ".' .ro~-" " <TO '.. ..... \ ~ ... //111 I'; ''J~ "", "'''''11'"''''\' ~ STAlE OF Maryland COUNTY Of'Frederick \V On Febr.uary 61h, 2006, before me, .Jane Eyler, B Noiary Public in Bnd for Frederick Coun1y, in 1he Sta1e of Maryland, .personally Bppeared MERHL GIBSON, Vice-President who Bcknowledged himself/herself 10 be 1he .aforesaid officer of 1he Move named corpoætion, and fuat he/she, being Buthorized so 10 do, -executed 1he foregoing instrument for 1he purposes 1herein contained, by signinf 1he name of1he corpora1ion by himself/herself.as 1he offICer designated 1herein.ln wtlness whereof I hereunto .set my hand Bnd officiai seal, WITNESS my hand Bnd official seal, h- JANE tYlER NotaryExpires: 11/0112009 ~1.G"'BlKCITM'"{J112012OO6 D6JJ4:OO AM' CITM01 CTTMOOOooooOOOOOO001991393' WY1JNCO' 0001950818 WYST~MORT_'REL -ASCTTM' f~ill~¡~m~~~~;